What We Know Warframe Lore - Dante Unbound Summary

Published 2024-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • @HinduKhajiit
    Drusus was indeed DE's way to celebrate Stallord, a formless entity who catalogues the lore and history of Warframes.
  • @Dunmerdog
    Dude I love warframe lore so much. It hits unbelievably different to any other IP i know
  • @Giganotus
    I think of the relationship between Tenno and Warframe to be a sort of give and take. Almost like drifting in Pacific Rim. The Warframe's consciousness is generally weaker and fractured, even when a Tenno is there to calm them, but it still has some input, and a Tenno could voluntarily take a backseat role and act as a stabilizer so the Warframe can think clearly enough to act on its own. And sometimes maybe the frame's will surges over the Tenno. Or the Warframe is content with letting the Tenno do the work and merely provide the "muscle memory" needed to operate weapons and all that. It may also depend on the Tenno's personality. Perhaps some Tenno have an easier time with some frames. Maybe some are notoriously uncooperative with a lot of Tenno. So the line between Warframe actions and Tenno actions can be blurry at times. Even to the Tenno, given the player's Tenno expressing confusion at the end of The Second Dream.
  • @DogeZzzz
    Now we need a frame called Vergil, which his entire lore is just him wanting to become more powerful
  • I think there is a possible mistake in the vid. Let me explain. In the video, it is mentioned how Dante snuck into the Entrati labs while the Tenno rebelled against the Orokin, but I do not think this is the case. After all, in dialogue the event was referred to as the Warframe rebellion, not the Tenno rebellion. Instead, I think this is the period of time when the Warframes went insane due to the infestation. This idea of a Warframe rebellion is supported in the dialogue of the Warden in Duviri. "You (Kullervo) witnessed the slaughter as the Orokin eradicated your defective, demented brothers and sisters... and did nothing to aid them, choosing to tremble in your cowardly seclusion." "You saw the new generation of your kind and the Tenno whose deviltry blent with theirs; and you began to whisper corruption into their ears, weave dark thoughts through the coils of their minds." Notice how the Warden says "new generation". That is the answer. Dante was one of these Warframes, a member of the first generation who went insane, with only a few being spared, those being him and Kullervo. It is only after Dante's death and long into the Old War did the Tenno show up.
  • Even though Drusis lacked complete knowledge on the subject, he may have been on the right train of thought. Warframes, i believe, still have a soul and will of their own where the Tenno simply keep the infested madness at bay allowing them to coexist.
  • Someone will be confused on how i commented before the video came out. This is what we know.
  • @HaydrianCindel
    I'm posting this in a post Jade Shadows world. I know I may be proven wrong in future updates, but I still think we will find that with the exception of Umbra, all individuality of frames is the result of how transference works. While in a frame we take on their fragmented personality. If this isnt the case, then it really would depart hugely from what's been established. I think there are frames like Kullervo, the Stalker, and Jade whos personality is so strong that it takes more control than the Tenno. Either once/once in a while, or like the Stalker, always.
  • @kyojindesu8167
    man, i thought i would never see a new video from you ever again :D
  • @JMAssainatorz
    One alternate theory ive had on the warframes supposed sentience is the transference bolt difference between umbra and a "normal warframe" Umbra was allowed to "live" with a special bolt while normal warframes where inhibited by theirs shut down and asleep while not in use.
  • @ezzelgendy9748
    I can't understand how Dante was a friend to Dureses i just don't get it is just frame controlled by tenno? And if yes then why Dureses couldn't talk with this tenno instead of Dante? And another question hope someone answer When all these happened before or after the old war?
  • I swear, for as devastating an enemy as the Sentients were in Warframe's first arc, they never touched the sheer evil danger that the Void possesses. With the Sentients, we always understood that although we stood against them, there was an element of the Sentients' plan that was actually right - humanity are terrible stewards of our environments, and if allowed to expand we will bring ruin to every environment we touch. In Warframe's universe, that's just an unavoidable future given the current state of humanity. Either the Sentients genocided or pacified us, or we would destroy nature for our own personal gain. The Void, though... It's not just an enemy we can shoot or stab. Fighting the Murmer is literally fighting the tides of an ocean - we can dam the flow, but the water will always be there, waiting to tear through the first crack it finds. For every soul it sucks free of its memories, desires, duties, and identities, it leaves an Angel singing its siren song, calling even more into the abyss. And the worst part... The Void is a tier-1 cognitohazard. Mere knowledge of the Void doesn't just put you in danger, it makes the Void more powerful by making the Void bigger, creating ex-nihilo existence where previously there was none. And that existence hates you. I seriously don't know how we're going to beat this enemy, because I don't know if it can ever be legitimately "beaten." The best we can do is sacrifice ourselves like Rell and hold the Void's gaze, locking it into a temporary stasis. But even that won't stop it forever. I legitimately think we might actually be doomed.
  • @HaydrianCindel
    Please please please if you could site your references! Im getting into doing this sort of research, but its so hard, cuz Warframe lore is all so scattered 😭
  • @HaydrianCindel
    See, I don't think it's that the frames are fully independent, I think their personalities just mix with their operators very heavily during second dream type transference. They're all described as having personality, and acting in specific ways that match their personality. If we consider that the Tenno had little to no sense of their original selves, when they're put into these golems with fragments of who they used to be, they likely simply slipped into filling out those fragments. We've all had dreams where we are someone else, and behave very different from how we normally would. I imagine that's all that's happening with the frames. Of course this does partly mean that Drusus is right. The operator is sort of giving life to what's left of the frames original self, meaning each frame is it's own distinct individual. Umbras quest somewhat explained how we interact with frames, showing that at least partly we have always been working with what's left of the frames, not just controlling them. I expect we'll see a lot more of this explored during Arthurs upcoming quest line though.
  • @yacabo111
    Alright I'm officially lost, I had a good streak but I think I no longer understand what's going on