How I Set a Fake Speedrun World Record in Penny's Big Breakaway - Sponsored

Published 2024-02-28
I didn't choose to become a professional at Penny's Big Break away, but here we are

Thank you to Evening Star for the sponsor! Check out Penny's Big Breakaway here:

Everything in this video was recorded live on my Twitch Channel. My schedule is Tuesday & Thursday @ 7pm, Saturday & Sunday @ 3pm - all times based in Ireland:

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~Stream Archive Channel:

Edited by Ashtaric (Cloé), you can find her here:
And here:

All Comments (21)
  • @RTGame
    Genuinely loved playing this on stream, thanks again to Evening Star for the sponsor! Check out Penny's Big Breakaway here
  • @victikirby15
    I can’t believe Dan beat this entire game in only 26 minutes and 15 seconds
  • @whitemystery17
    This was really bizarre to watch while literally in the hospital for a collapsed lung
  • @ComXDude
    14:37 I'm a 20 year old, born on Thursday, and I've had a collapsed lung. I'm going to get my Irish citizenship, an English degree, and in 8 years, I'm coming for the record.
  • @cheese4870
    This is one of the realest world records ever. It is very real after all.
  • @DriftKingClips
    Can’t wait for the Dream level analysis on how this speedrun is not real
  • @StickMaster500
    While RT was trying to get the WR on the only category in existence, RT consulted the Yo-Yo Master by saying; ”I wanna be a Yo-Yo man! Make me a Yo-Yo man" but the Yo-Yo Master did not answer. He just kept on yo-ing.
  • @Loop_Kat
    I can't believe RT was the first Irish man in Dublin, 28 years of age, with the title of Drift King, who had previously cosplayed as Daisy to beat this 15 minute speedrun in under 5 hours. What an absolute achievement
  • @persofte
    the comedic timing of RT asking chat if they want to know what he actually was known as back in college, followed by the game displaying a blank screen with just the text "DROP OUT" is amazing
  • @KirbyLinkACW
    Now to wait two years for that other guy to challenge you.
  • @pilarwolf8818
    I feel like I watched a genuine story with character arcs and developments in this video
  • @JoshuaOdionson
    Dougdoug did a "speedrun" of a pajama sam game that was like 12 hours, and it was just his stream. So while playing he'd stop playing to talk to chat or leave the game entirely, but didnt close it, so the timer kept going. He submitted amd it was approved for a while.
  • @Ravenia1614
    Wow I can’t believe I finished this video with one lung! Thank you Penny’s Big Breakaway for sponsoring this man to play with one lung!
  • @Miloggy
    I'm so glad the game developers have generously allowed Dan to live!
  • The funniest part is I guarantee the speedrunning community for this game will unironically use some of the skips he did in this video and give them names like "The Rumble Tumble Skip" and "The Drift King Skip"
  • @MissVal-iant
    Fun fact: This video is actually slowed down 5x, so that you can fully comprehend the sheer genius of the Speed King. This also means that he is always less than 3 minutes away from death at any given point in time.
  • @isickell8714
    It's a miracle this didn't get banned on twitch, especially the part where the devs surgically cut open dan's chest live on stream, and whenever the timer got under two minutes they pulled out some tongs and slowly lowered them over his lung. Wild stuff
  • @alyx5491
    While I will miss him dearly I am glad he got to spend his last days with Penny, the Xbox Kinect and Hatsune Miku. Forever the Drift King in our hearts.
  • I had class halfway through the stream while RT was going for Irish%. Coming back to a TF2 Expiration Date-style death timer was a bit of a trip