What Does Allah Really Want From Me? | Dr. Omar Suleiman

Published 2023-03-19
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Is the path to Allah ﷻ mysterious? Is it unreasonable? How do we utilize Ramadan to nurture a closeness to Allah ﷻ? Prepare for Ramadan by entering it with clarity, purpose, and sound vision. This lecture is streamed LIVE in collaboration with Qatar Foundation from Doha.

All Comments (21)
  • To all the people struggling to smile today, hold on. It gets better. Allah promised He is with the patient. What is coming is better than what has gone. Stay strong.
  • We born Muslims take Islam for granted, we don't realize how lucky and grateful we should be. May Allah grant us all Jannah and give us the patience and virtue to fulfil our duty of worship, Ameen.
  • Subhanallah,what a way to come home from Umrah, stop by a country to give lectures and it ended with giving shahada to four people,Alhamdulillah,May Allah protect you for us,love🙌♥️
  • It was indeed surreal! May Allah grant DR Omar Suleiman a long healthy life in His service to the Ummah. Aameen
  • @Atiyah36
    This guy is awesome and comical!!!! He is gentle with dawah and doesn’t focus on Allah’s wrath! May Allah (swt) grant him the best in this life and in the hereafter!!! Ameen!!!
  • @Eicne
    For you to leave off a sin that you crave is far more difficult than doing a bunch of good deeds that make you feel good anyway 33:06
  • @taharris25
    Our Ummah is expanding brings me so much joy Allahuakbar ❤
  • @Islamkb5819abd
    ❤بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ❤ BismillahirRahmanirRaheem Doa@اللَهُمَّ اخْتِمْ لنا بِحُسْنِ الْخَاتِمَة وَلاَ تَخْتِمْ عَلَيْنَا بِسُوءِ الخَاتِمَة
  • Summary of this video in points: Try to do more and get more from Allah. Have very strong Taqwa and deeds that involve your heart, instead of just quantifying the deeds like a routine with no meaning. Find the correct mindset to please Allah as taught by Nabi.saw Don't go too extreme in your own way, rather keep moderation by following the Nabi.saw Do not do what is prohibited. Follow all obligations. Do not take anyone as enemy for he or she might be wali-Allah Perform as much as voluntary deeds with much Taqwa Give meaningful sacrifice for the sake of Allah
  • Brother Ur words have very deep impact upon our hearts and souls. May Allah bless u and grant u jannat ul firdaus with the companionship of our beloved prophet pbuh. Ameen
  • @aliya0103
    Hadith: "Fear/Leave off the prohibitions and you will be the greatest of worshipers. Be pleased with what Allah has allotted for you and you will be the richest of people, content human beings"
  • @ayubmg590
    My Allah bless dear brother sheikh and Dr Omar Suleiman ❤
  • @MOC2000
    ‏اللهم صلي وسلم على رسول الله ‏ Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him
  • @themagnolia8470
    There are times more, sometimes when you need to be PULLED BACK from where you may have strayed from the path...May Allah be most pleased with Omar Suleiman...oh how I needed to hear this ..heart is warmed, thoughts are jarred and light turned on...ALLAHUAKBAR...thanks and all praises be to Allah.
  • @Lina-cf4oy
    I cried watching the four persons saying shahada !!! I'm so happy for them, what a blessing! May Allah accept all their good deeds and keep them firm❤
  • @Mimz005
    اتّق المحارم تكُن أعبدَ النّاس، وارضَ بما قسَم الله لك تكُن أغنى النّاس. the hadith mentioned in the lecture .. JazakAllah Khair Sheikh Omar Suleiman and all team involved for sharing this insightful lecture