2時間のジブリ夏 🎨 仕事、勉強、リラックスのためのジブリピアノBGM

Published 2024-02-22
2 hours of Ghibli summer 🎨 Ghibli piano BGM for work, study, and relaxation
2 hours of Ghibli summer 🎨 Ghibli piano BGM for work, study, and relaxation
2 hours of Ghibli summer 🎨 Ghibli piano BGM for work, study, and relaxation
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All Comments (21)
  • To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better!😍
  • HEY you, whoever's reading, this is your sign. everything's gonna be okay you did not come this far to give up. I believe in you💪💪
  • 18年の結婚生活に終止符をうつことにしました。心に平和を求めてここにきました。皆さんのコメントを見てたら涙が出てきて、でも泣いてもいいんだと思いました。前に進んでいきます。
  • @edee7536
    いつもお世話になっております 0歳の子供を抱っこしながらこの曲をかけると寝てくれます 大きくなったらたくさんジブリを見せてあげたいな
  • I really love listening to this pieces, they are just so nice to hear as I study. Listening to this while I'm studying helps me have a better mood, and it helps me focus!
  • @user-bt1mr3ky2m
  • 今朝、良いことばかりありそうな日になるようです!!ありがとうございます!
  • おはようございます今日は天気が良いですね暖かくてこの曲に会ってますね花粉症なので外で遊ぶのがツラいですが今日もノリノリで過ごします
  • @DreamyPiano1
  • 听着吉卜力的音乐,仿佛心灵得到了洗涤,让我感受到了一种无与伦比的轻松和愉悦。
  • To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. may peace and calmness fill your life.
  • Musica muy bonita, me ha ayudado a concentrarme en mis trabajos de la universidad. Ya que suelo procrastinar demasiado, con esta musica me he concentrado sin notar el tiempo. :virtualhug:
  • @DreamMelodies123
    I'm an English teacher, and I often play this background music in class while students are writing or preparing for the speaking assessment. They love it as it makes them feel relaxed. Thank you!
  • @Life_beach
  • @bloomandivy
    Does that mean this isn't copyrighted? So is ok for streaming on twitch? Just curious