Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor: Every Celebrimbor and Sauron Scene!!!

On this episode of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, this video contains clips of both Sauron and Celebrimbor, the Ring Maker! Also on this episode, these are flashbacks of Celebrimbor's life with his family and Sauron, the Dark Lord.


コメント (21)
  • “Only you can accomplish such art, celebrimbor” that is one terrifying voice
  • @Wolf_Dominic
    The idea of someone giving off a seemingly benevolent appearance, yet is secretly extremely evil, is truly a terrifying thing. Stuff like that is why characters like Palpatine work so well.
  • Even though they changed the lore in the game I find this to be more faithful adaptation that Amazon TV series
  • This Celebrimbor is very good, despite its lore inaccuracy of the character, his appearance is very lore accurate
  • @QWEStudios
    3:22 I love how Sauron’s arrival shows the angel underneath the darkness. The energy blasting Celebrimbor back, the white light, the power of the Maiar in him is so clear and terrifying.
  • By Ilúvatar's dugs, Sauron (Annatar) is deceptively hot, and that's just canon; and that's all that matters.
  • Good idea bright lord work with a man who has glowing orange eyes
  • This whole scene is better then rings of power. This game is way more close to Tolkien lore then the other
  • @tearez13
    I am in awe at the beauty of this game
  • Better than Amazon's shit.We would like to see Celebrimbor just like this,not a grandpa
  • Though shadow of mordor duology is non canon, it stays true to the themes of lord of the rings unlike rings of power. No wonder many fans of the original books still enjoy the shadow of mordor duology
  • according to the lore when sauron came for eregion, celembrimbor died at the battle and sauron put his corpse on a spike like a banner in front of his army, to invoke fear and terror to the armies of the free people of middle earth. game took a different path than the lore and done it really well another example is peter jackson replacing glorfindel with arwen in the movies. or not mentioning tom bombadil. as fans we would like to see a 90 hour movie that goes page by page but story telling in cinema is different. all that aside, rings of power portraying galadriel as an angry teenager wants to kill all the world and arguing stupid topics with mortal men/lower elves is beyond stupidity. there is NO elf/men in middle earth, that willNOT bow their heads with respect in presence of galadriel daughter of finarfin, son of finwe. even two minutes of this game video portrays sauron, galadriel and celebrimbor better than 1 billion dollar production of amazon. saying these will get you cancelled and gets you labeled as a racist. lol. what low life producers and directors are running the show bus. these days. very unlucky and hard times for all cinema fans. but diversity in cast is good, and nothing else matters:)) (Even though tolkien specifically describes every little detail about every charachter (hair color, skin color, eye color, height, clothing etc.) And if they are so brave and liberal, how come they couldnt dare to cast galadriel as a thick latina woman ?
  • This game potrayal of sauron in his annatar form is awesome, i wish to see more of his other form in video game or movies
  • 1:40 anyone else notice that Isildur's ring glows and Sauron admires it, it's just cool because that's the ring that Talion wears in order to continue to keep Mordor at war with itself so the land of the free men have time to prepare for Sharing eventual rise