The fastest way to transform your entire life

Published 2023-12-31
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All Comments (21)
  • @WarTimeline
    1. body language 2. stop checking your phone 3. be early to things 4. stop making excuses 5. develop internal locus of control 6. don't steal the spotlight 7. don't detract 8. be consistent 9. don't wish for success. plan for it 10. grow 11. don't despair 🔥
  • @hiitsmartin
    I love how Joey makes similar videos with different titles while still keeping the viewers interested
  • @FryGuy12
    Nothing changes if you don't. Whether its quitting substances or fixing bad habits, just try to do as good a job as possible for as long as possible, this helps build new habits. It takes time but something as simple as doing something physical each day such as a walk, or a bike ride and work your way up to the gym or running. Take action and make the changes because you are the only person that can. Happy new years everyone and best of luck on your goals and health.
  • @MrNuganteng
    the hard truth is, you guys just need to stop watching this video and start doing what you have to do. You know exactly what to do. You just didn’t do it for whatever excuses you make.
  • @clarkindee
    Another benefit of showing up early -- you can be the one to turn the lights on in the room, maybe even be involved (if they want you to be) with helping the host/meeting lead set up. By doing these things you can be a positive force in what ever group you are joining.
  • @lokeshkashyap
    2023 was challenging however 2024 will be Life changing 🔥 All the best
  • @nfrance999
    Honestly, something about the "no excuse" point really resonated with me. Now, it's not because I'm someone who chronically uses excuses, but rather, my job puts me in close interaction with teenagers quite often, and something I've realized is, teenagers are EXPECTED to have an excuse to everything. Forgot to do something, showed up late, etc? A teenager is expected to offer SOME form of excuse, because otherwise it makes it worse on them. I think that sentiment had bled into the rest of society (or it could be a chicken or egg situation idk) where EVERYWHERE people now have to have an excuse. The idea of just saying "yep, fucked up because I ran late, nothing of note caused it" is somehow seen as less responsible then LYING and saying "oh, uh, my dog ate my homework". Idk, I just think its interesting how offering an obvious lie and excuse became almost subconsciously more acceptable and even expected then just being truthful and owning up to the fact that, nope, no excuse, just fucked up. Side point, I remember years ago still being in high school and deciding not to do my calculus homework. My calculus teacher straight up told me he preferred me not even bothering to put on a front, then everyone who just cheated or made up excuses. So hey, my single anecdotal example supports the idea of just do away with excuses.
  • @LowerLenz
    01:24 #1 Open Your Body Language 03:38 #2 Stop Checking Your Phone 04:03 #3 Be Early to Things 06:02 #4 Stop Making Excuses 07:40 #5 Internal Locus of Control 10:39 #6 Don't Steal the Spotlight 12:13 #7 Don't Detract 15:02 #8 Be Consistent 17:21 #9 Don't Wish for Success. Plan for It. 19:38 #10 Grow 21:08 #11 Don't Despair
  • @tcfauto
    Joey is really helping to transform my life in high school, he is literally bringing out my confidence in every single video I watch, I wish so much I could thank him personally for what he does!
  • @behrozzafar8447
    I'm 19, I just got accepted into University and my classes are starting in 5 days. I cannot thank you enough for this and all of the other videos you uploaded which helped me throughout my journey. I was 17, in Asia living outside my home country as an immigrant, waiting to be approved for a U.S. visa. That's exactly when I discovered your channel and it just blew my mind how many "Better Ideas" I could absorb from it. They helped me at my lowest, at points where I had no hope and was assuming that it's all done for me; and those were all the results of my immigration ordeal and the pressure I was put under. I was still learning English but I always completely understood every single thing you were saying, and I was fascinated by what you were saying to an extent that I was basically forwarding a single video to all of my friends and family members multiple times. Fast forward to 2023, I managed to enter the United States 3 months ago and I got accepted into my university of choice. I believe that I have a uniquely beautiful, and perhaps at some other times, a rough journey ahead but I am pretty confident that I can make it through this struggle as well; and your videos would be the essential catalysts needed to fuel my passion. Thank you Joey.
  • Being inconsistent, distracted, making excuses all the time and wishing instead of planning are the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in terms of self-destruction, to my mind. As always, a great video with a valuable message. Happy New Year!
  • I'm approaching 20 now, and the first year at university has been rough for me. I did okay on the first semester and even got top marks for one of the courses on 2nd semester, but failed one other course. Since the tuition is not cheap at all, I was under constant pressure from myself that I need to do well in every class. And I think that mindset has grounded me, I've been paralyzed and just straight up ran away from the major, despite still re-doing the courses, and that had led to more failed courses. Worse yet, Mum and Dad still not aware of this, I just can't bring myself to tell them that their only son failed multiple times over the same cause. Not when Mum and Dad seems like they really proud of me. So it is safe to say that I screwed up big time. And trying to act like nothing happened at home is just eating me up inside. This felt bad, but I know it won't be as bad as if I ended up not graduating at all. So I'll take a step back and conceptualize a few things. 1st, I have been running away from the main objective and responsibility, but I did that by getting others aspect of my life together. I ran away from the course to join our University's music club and actually doing surprisingly well as a drummer, grinded hard for it too, playing for medium and upcoming biggest gig I've ever participated, to the point now that drumming can be more than just a hobby. I ran away from the course and established a jogging and workout routine. Since I've abandon all deadlines, I started to sleep better than ever, 8-hours, waking up the same time everyday and it actually feels great. 2nd, I need to return to my education with a new mindset, one that don't overly complicate matters, one that won't try to do everything perfectly to get the highest score, one that has the courage to just do it, and keep doing it. One that also allow more hope into it thoughts. One that plans, but play the odds. How do I infuse these new parts of life into the upcoming studies load when I come back? Okay, writing it down does make it kind of easier to tackle. I'll dream big later, but for now, let me get out of this half-dug tomb that I've been digging for myself for 6 months now. Thanks for the encouraging and realistic talk. I'll comeback and update.
  • @ManyFacesOfArt
    Everyone needs to see this video, we all need to connect with each other and be more loving and kind to each other. Our phones are causing us to disconnect from those that are supposed to be close to us. Stress and spotlight-stealing also lead to worse relationships.
  • @Ms_B.
    Love this video. I think the 1 thing that could really make a difference because for me it did, was doing things because you want to. Not because you should. Because it comes from a place of "I chose to do this" which is empowering vs "I should" which feels like it comes attached with guilt or shame. Love your videos!
  • @tomrenegadefilms
    I've been working a job that I'm very unenthusiastic about for around 8 years. I've been building a filmmaking freelance business on the side and this year is the year that I take it full time. Massively excited for it! Looking forward to seeing what your secret start up is too Joey - I've been lurking for a few years and it's been cool watching Better Ideas evolve over time 👌🏼
  • @carterschuck
    I see a lot of people commenting about how this is “the same message you talk about in every video”. And they are probably right, because it’s an important message. Believe in your ability to grow, put yourself out there, be confident, do what makes you happy. Can’t be said enough…
  • @simonelozzi2005
    I’ve been working out for almost three months now and I’m starting to see the results.When I started I was so excited to see how my body would have been in just two weeks.When the second week arrived I saw little no changes but I didn’t give up,so I kept training.I also started to be more open to people and I feel a lot better (and again,it did take a while to be able to talk almost comfortably)I’m also changing my diet in a more healthy one and I’m convinced that I’ll be able to achieve more results in the future. So guys remember:DON’T give up when you don’t see changes or have difficulties and keep doing what you’re doing,I swear you will see the results Stay strong 💪🔥
  • Perfect timing. Happy 2024 everyone - I'm gunning for a year of positive change. I committed to a mountain "climb" (scramble is more accurate) to have a concrete goal to get me motivated, start improving my fitness. Also trying to get my wildly unpredictable sleep under control- made a sleep plan and it's going well so far. Thanks Joey, watching you has definitely provided some inspiration. ❤
  • @uranusneptun5239
    People! Don't underestimate the first point! It's very crazy how much influence you have on society with just being open and nice. There are lots of studies on how many people you affect with your mood and behaviour. Just some friendly kindness in an every day situation can make the day of a person who then does that to another person an so on. Especially with store clerks this is insane as if they are in a good mood they give that back to thousands of people in a day. Always be aware that you actually make a change with this! Also if you get in conflict with people try not to lose your mind immediately and calmly try to reach the person. Trust me it does wonders if you kindly ask a person "I understand but why are you yelling at me like that?". People often get that sudden realisation of their bad behaviour and feel bad for it. And don't get discouraged if your kindness doesn't work on anybody. I didn't believe it would work that well until I started to do it after the pandemic where everybody was/is extra depressed and frustrated. We need to become more social again!
  • @midnighthymn
    Sincerely man, thank you for this video. I first discovered your channel from the last video about how to ruin your life. I didn’t think I’d watch the whole thing but actually ended up doing so while taking detailed notes and just did the same thing tonight. I’m hopeful about the year ahead and going with the theme of mainly being a creator rather than a mindless consumer. There is always a degree to which we need to be consumers, but so much of this year was wasted staring into the windows of other people’s lives as my own passed me by. And now, at 24, I realize that I’m not an exception and that time is not on my side. Every day should be my last as far as I’m concerned, and I really want to use 2024 to develop the specific spheres of my life that I know would take off if I’d just put the phone down and genuinely focus. Thank you, God bless you, and Happy New Year, man. (PS: Loved the editing in this. SM2 Is my favorite movie.)