Published 2022-12-14
This is my encounter with something supernatural and terrifying. It happened in 1979-80 at a home we lived in next to the St. Martins Catholic Church in Talty Texas.

All Comments (10)
  • Well, that was super interesting to watch. You say you are not good at making videos, but I found listening to you kept me engaged and curious. You have a clear voice and clear information that makes me feel like I am there experiencing what you did. What can I say about what you saw....no idea what that was you saw. I hear of people seeing lizard like creatures. From all that I read and listened to online, it could be another of many creatures that are seen from other dimensions. It feels like we are not meant to see them. But why did it keep standing at your window. Not hiding or doing anything much? So strange. Then, people saw it in their dreams? super odd.
  • @rachelh7079
    Wow the synchronicity at the end was crazy 😅 thanks for sharing 😊
  • This is an intense story. So strange how the being affected you different than it did your friend and your father. The way it stayed in the area makes me think it either had crashed there and couldn't get back or it was being held back from leaving for some reason, or even held as a sort of pet. The painting with the same being and the tree gave me chills. No way that was coincidence.
  • @Tiff143
    What you experienced I think was an extraterrestrial. And I don’t believe it was there to harm anybody. I think you have a connection to these beings. You didn’t let fear consume you and you experienced this et for what it truely was which was not demonic or evil. Your friend and your father did let fear take over and when that happens you’re automatically gonna assume everything is demonic. Fear is very tricky and it can make things very warped and deceptive. The reason why you felt calm was because it was telling you that it didn’t want to harm you. You didn’t judge it by its appearance and automatically assume it was demonic, you judged it by how you felt around it and I think for that it was grateful to you and probably wanted to become your friend. Awesome story!❤
  • @Glotglot
    I wonder if you and the girl are destined to share more of your lives together? So, maybe this "alien" has been watching and waiting until their vision of the future comes true?
  • Do you possibly have a picture you can share of the painting from your friends girlfriend?
  • Saw your post on Woodward’s video. Your post was creepy as fack all bro. Lol