Lonnie Frisbee: False Prophet of the Jesus Revolution

Published 2023-03-13
Lonnie Frisbee, who was recently played by the Chosen's Jonathan Roumie in the hit movie Jesus Revolution, has been declared by many as the main catalyst of the Jesus Movement. Others have pointed out that his eventual teachings and lifestyle exceeded anything found in Scripture. We examine these claims and take a look at Lonnie Frisbee.

0:00 Start/Intro
1:19 Why this is important to talk about
7:12 Lonnie's early occult leanings
9:26 Early association with Timothy Leary
13:21 The dangers of hallucinogens
15:03 The meshing of two different worlds
18:28 Great things came from the Jesus Movement
20:32 Lonnie joins a commune
24:05 Lonnie gets married and reveals his struggle
27:28 Christianity and the rainbow
29:18 Lonnie and Chuck Smith
32:11 The dangers of ecumenism
35:52 Some occult practices Lonnie did
42:32 Kathryn Kulhman association and the effects
54:20 Lonnie's view of the Holy Spirit and Chuck Smith's response
1:00:17 The dangers of elevating someone in ministry too early
1:01:45 Lonnie, marriage struggles and bitterness
1:06:10 Lonnie, the Shepherding Movement and Derek Prince
1:14:15 Some more signs of Lonnie's struggle
1:17:20 Lonnie and the birth of the Vineyard Movement
1:30:06 Lonnie and homosexuality
1:42:00 Lonnie's deathbed renouncing
1:43:53 Lonnie's SHOCKING admission (MUST SEE!!)
1:45:18 Closing thoughts
1:49:37 The Good Fight choice of the week!

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All Comments (21)
  • This was very eye opening. I must repent 🙈 I struggle with pain killers but I want to follow Jesus. Anyone who wants to pray for me I would be very grateful 😢🙏
  • Whenever Hollywood allows a main stream movie to be made about Christ I'm immediately suspicious..
  • The Jesus people movement in the 70s is how i became a born again Christian (1977). Im a follower of Christ ever since. The key is joining a bible sound christian church. All 66 books
  • I'm 66, and I'm so glad my Christian mother took us to church and we were able to learn the Bible. I've been born again for almost 45 yrs. The longer I serve Him, the more I see how important it is to know the Bible. I haven't seen the movie. Wanted to learn more about it. I have no desire to see it. I also have not watched any of the Chosen. So many are being misled. So much out there that isn't in line with the Bible. Many act like it doesn't even matter.
  • @danielguitron
    Yeah that guy who plays Jesus on the chosen told manying people to pray to the rosary... Actor mark Wahlberg as well... All these famous people including the pope have been directing people to pray to her... Jesus is the only way.
  • This is a tragic story. The church leaders were also guilty for elevating Lonnie to a position of leadership because he was charismatic. People listened to him and followed him, this did not qualify him for ministry. Repenting on his deathbed for homosexuality, does nothing if he wasn't saved, we don't get to heaven for what we don't do. People today need to stop elevating people because they're famous. As Christians should know, no-one gets to the top of the line because of who they are, and personally I get fed up with some Christians believing that because someone has fame in this world that God really needs them and they will really be a bonus for the church. The Jesus movement lowered the standard of the church, bringing in charismania and easy believism. People were saved as they always are when the Gospel is preached, but the Jesus movement itself was evil, it's fruits are still affecting the church today, but many were called out of it into God's kingdom. I do feel very sad for Lonnie as he was used to be the poster boy of hippies being converted, no change was needed.
  • @exmarine268
    JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY hero. Everyone else is a flawed guilty sinner. NEVER put a man on a pedestal - it borders on idolatry.
  • @demsyciu
    In asia, if someone start barking like dog, people would say they are possessed by dog god or demon, acting like monkey, then he is possessed by monkey king, acting like tiger, by white tiger spirit, act like croc, by white croc, etc.. So we as Christian should know better!
  • I trusted Christ in the most simple way but not until I was challenged to my lost condition. This was in the 1970s as a teen. Against my better discernment, I later got caught up into charismatic heresy of 'seeking' tongues as a catalyst getting closer to GOD from within. Got vexed in spirit and felt the loss of peace. I believe I came under the spell of a 'different jesus' Even though I still cherish the simplicity of the Gospel in 1970s culture ( ie Hal Lindsey ) I yearn for the Older Generation ( Great Generation , Moody Bible, HA Ironside, John r Rice, ...) . I'm not wasting my time on watching this movie nor following the Asbury 'revival' . Any form of Mysticism is dangerous.
  • @KatTremblay1
    Fantastic video! A lot of people from my church went to see the movie and just went crazy over it saying how great it was. A few of them were so moved by it, they decided to invite the congregation to dress up as hippies to go out and witness to people on one of the main roads in our city.. Its scary to see how easily influenced people are .. Ive been following you guys for a couple years and you always shine GOD'S light and speak truth into things that seem to be Christian that aren't , so Thank you!
  • @redrain7730
    David Wilkerson was a real man of God. I love his preaching, He was not ashamed of the Gospel.
  • Whenever Christians promote or praise men and women instead of Christ.... beware and take note
  • @demsyciu
    Any Christians who think any kind of "bizarre" manifestation are from the Holy Spirit without discernment are just like pagans. ..I'm from Asia and i know how ancient religions here with their bizzare manifestation that regarded by the people as divine manifestation from their gods.
  • @marymack1
    It's really sad and telling that many will give so much awe and praise, and give so much attention to people, films, or music, etc seemingly more than all of the deep, wonderful treasures found in the Word of God.
  • @blessed73
    If Hollywood makes a movie about this rests assured there is a problem. Especially if it’s a movie about Jesus or anything biblical at all. Or anyone claim in to be a prophet or anything like that. Blatant blasphemy
  • Just noticed your title and will definitely watch! I came from an AOG background, got saved there about 50 years ago, and have noticed how the NAR has influenced doctrine. I believe that the "Jesus Movement" with Lonnie was a catalyst to a watered-down gospel that has lulled many into a lukewarm faith and what we have today in organized, supposable spirit led churches. I have gone on some "popular" channels to post the truth based on the Word of God, and needless to say, nobody wants to hear it. This is when I pray for them and dust my feet off and have to move on. In regard to Lonnie, I truly hope he repented of his sinful ways, i.e. homosexuality that resulted in AIDS prior to his death. While he stood on pulpits to "preach the gospel" he DECEIVED many by hiding his sinful lifestyle. He hid his life of continuous sin because HE KNEW it was an ABOMINATION in the eyes of our Savior who shed his blood to rescue us from sin and death. What a slap in the face to a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS GOD. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but I'm speaking out of a heart of love because people have to be told the truth; homosexuality is an abomination that, if left unrepented, like any other sin, WILL send people to Hell. If anyone's interested, read: Romans 1:18+; Lev. 18:22-4, 20:13; I Cor. 6:9-11; I Tim. 1:8-11; Ez. 34:1-10 (many more).
  • Guys, have you covered Greg Laurie's love & obsession with Hollywood and how he even promotes satanic performer Alice Cooper and the Hollywood Vampires?
  • I tried to watch the movie the chosen and the Holy Spirit just would not let me. That movie is a misrepresentation of Christ.
  • Thank you for all of the information in this video on Lonnie, as well as the last video on "The Jesus Revolution" movie itself. I had seen a poster for this movie before I knew anything about it, and the Spirit moved in me that this movie wasn't of God. I understand that there were men and women saved in the movement, but from everything I have seen about this movie, it serves to tell a cleaned up Hollywood version of events that leaves out much of the truth and acts as yet another ecumenical vehicle to lure Christians into the arms of "Mother Church" in Rome. All ecumenism inevitably leads to Rome, and Jonathan Roumie is a chief pied piper in this right now through media such as "The Jesus Revolution" and "The Chosen". God bless.
  • @LoveMyNitro2442
    So many shows pushing meditation and yoga and fortune telling I'm so sick of hearing and seeing it!!!!!! Times are getting worse and worse every year!!!!!