The Day I Got Arrested

Published 2017-01-29

All Comments (21)
  • @sqwertt8605
    That cop was so racist Just because someone is a literal demon doesn’t mean their evil
  • @doloreslmao9396
    Okay but the fact that you guys wanted to clean up what other people wrote for the sake of that girl is so sweet
  • @natejohnson1876
    James: let me tell you about my cats growing up Somethingelseyt: let me tell you about the time a got arrested
  • @Wildfire336
    Adam: soap and water wasn’t working because it’s permanent marker Mr clean burst though the door Mr clean: MAGIC ERASER
  • @ttiop
    Adam: I had the biggest crush on her Also Adam: I forgot her name
  • @azrael2744
    A cop tried to arrest me once, because one of my friends was acting like crazy so he stopped the whole group to see what was going on... I had my arm full of puncture marks because I had an allergy test that very morning, anyone with half a brain would have noticed that the marks were to shallow to be actual needles, but the cop didn't, what he did notice was that I was carrying a "injection device" and thus wanted to arrest me for "drug use" It was just lucky enough that when he called by radio to inform of the arrest... I knew the one handling the call and Loudly called "John (not his real name) it's me Azrael, your cousin, tell this dude what a bloody epipen is!" So he did, I then showed the cop the note from the doctor that I had because that day I was late for school because of the allergy test, and he didn't let me show him before, and I was left alone, my laughing friends and I walked away and as soon as we were out of sight I punched the arm of the idiot who started all this mess by acting like he was high.
  • Moral of the story: just because someone is a cop doesn’t mean that automatically a good person
  • @JJ-ml7pq
    Out of curiosity, would this be the same “Shoe” from the vodka at school story?
  • @hushtheseus
    Wow. ......the animation has improved drastically through the years! Edit: it was always good but people can always improve
  • @shibowwolf2836
    I love it when Adam says “pick up my juice box” and “like a boss” in the same sentence
    The DRASTIC difference between his art now and then, it’s impeccable! WOW! Neat to see that things were settled with Bob and she knew that u guys weren’t the ones who wrote the weird crap
  • @dualaxis1576
    At about the same time this was posted years ago, I was arrested on 4 felony counts of vandalism. I was 17 and almost did a year in an adult penitentiary because in the state of Georgia 16 is considered the appropriate age to be tried and sentenced as an adult. but I ended up doing 180 hours of community service and 2 years probation which ends next week.
  • @hishighness1842
    I dont think anyone was ever the right age to play GTA: Vice City
  • @nope170
    This is super old and nostalgic