Fort Worth Weekly Interview With Nolan Ryan

Published 2019-05-04
Nolan Ryan doesn’t have to keep a set schedule any more, other than showing up for the occasional interview with a sports blogger. But for years, he showed legendary reliability. He pitched every fifth day into his mid-40s. As an executive, Ryan and his remarkable wife Ruth felt that if they were going to ask fans to sit in the Texas heat, they needed to be willing to do it themselves, so you could almost always find them in the front row at what is now Globe Life Park in Arlington during his tenure as Rangers team president.

Nolan Ryan is also reliable when it comes to his personality. His Texas drawl still sounds the same as it always has, as you’ll notice in this video. And he still cares about people, the way I remember him doing when I worked for Rangers under him. A lot of our conversation off camera centered on former co-workers and what they were doing now. He truly cared about who had a baby and who had changed jobs.

I’ve never worked for his sons, who’ve run teams in Houston, Round Rock, and Corpus Christi. But I’d like to think they’ve inherited that sense of loyalty and empathy from him. If so, being a member of the Astros or Express organizations is probably a pretty good job. In this interview, I asked him about his family and what it has meant to see them have success in the sport where he achieved so much. And I also asked him about the current Rangers. It turns out he still follows them and has insight into the type of team they’re fielding.

All Comments (15)
  • My most favorite player of all time. I have so many cards of him. Would love to meet him one day
  • @imbluz
    Nolan's about as Down home, down to earth, and straight-laced as a man could be. God Bless you, Sir. Thank for the memories!
  • @pandaman6634
    My favorite pitcher was and always will be Nolan Ryan. He is a GOAT.
  • @big-bag
    It’s sad to see that this doesn’t have more views honestly.
  • I need a man like Nolan Ryan in my life. God bless him i love him i owe him everything i have thank you Mr Ryan for everything
  • Bodybuilding was one of the keys to his sustained performance, health, and longevity. This is the modern day GOAT. Satchel Paige was also a living legend on this level, but more mysterious. Nolan Ryan was just right there in your face, doin it on the record every day. Day in day out. It's what Nolan Ryan does.
  • @unhombrelobo
    man, getting old is going to suck, this dude is aging right before our very eyes
  • @randyrudd5594
    Reminds one of “Grossberger” from the Richard Pryor/Gene Wilder comedy……..minus the intellect and eloquence.