Our Lady of Sorrows - Official Explanation

Published 2024-03-27

All Comments (21)
  • @minadady9950
    Me and my 2 beautiful boys will be baptized at this Easter Vigil. This Lent has been thoroughly transformative.
  • @SL-es5kb
    My grandmother prayed the Rosary everyday. She suffered with being widow in poverty and with continuous physical illnesses for for forty years and then had a terrible death, essentially starved to death in the hospital but she always remained docile and loving always praying for others up until the last moment. When she was passing she saw the Blessed Mother and her human mother who died when she was a child… the last thing she said to my Aunt was, “it’s so beautiful I wish you could see!”.
  • @orangemanbad
    Wow! What a talk. As a convert to Catholicism “the Mary stuff” was difficult for me at the beginning. Your channel helped me understand the truth of our most holy mother. I now pray the rosary and wear her medallion.
  • @Juliannarvivas
    “She was like a deer that was struck with an arrow and it was never removed, and she carried the arrow in her heart everywhere she went” I feel that in my soul, how relatable was that part, although I know her grief is more than my own but I know she understands how wounded I am, how hurt I am. I love those quotes about our lady of sorrows
  • @karenavis8678
    I saw a video you did on Our Lady of Sorrowers some time ago. That changed my spiritual life, especially as it related to the Sacrament of Penance. I am able to do a more honest self-reflection and even realized there were sins/transgressions I had not confessed in my young adult life (I am 56 years old). I'm trying harder than ever to avoid even the venial sins-- which prior to my devotion I was more lackadaisical about this. I pray for you, your family and your ministry every day because of the profound impact you've made in my life (and most certainly many others).
  • Gaby, Our Lady keeps leading me in my prayers and every time she does, you drop a video to clarify what she was telling me. I’m literally crying right now. I just prayed the 7 sorrows rosary for the first time tonight because I kept hearing about it and then my priest gave it to me to do as penance for my confession… right after I finished it for the first time, your video pops up out of nowhere. This is not by accident. She uses you all the time to reach me. Thank you 🙏🏻 ❤
  • @DojoGo
    Hi Gabriel, I want to share with you my rosary testimony. It's kind of long but if you want to talk about this more I'd be happy to go to Houston to go further (I'm in the DFW area) I grew up non-catholic. My mom was raised Catholic in the phillipines, but when she came to the United States at the age of 17 for college, she left her faith when she met my dad. My father was baptized lutheran, and growing up we lived more like non-denominational christians, but I would honestly say we acted like agnostics. Everything changed when my Uncle (who is Catholic) got rosaries blessed by St. Pope John Paul II. This was back in 2005. We placed them in our home, and the same week we all had convictions about becoming catholic. - I had a dream that we were all kneeling in a Church. I didn't understand what that meant because I had never knelt in a church before. My whole family was kneeling with me. - My brother had been dealing with a bunch of weird things going on at School, and was given a "random" thought that I should be sent into a Catholic school to avoid it. - My mother suddenly felt sorrow for her sins and wanted to become Catholic again - My father, who was reluctant at first, met the RCIA director who looked like, sounded like, and acted like his mother who had passed away. This woman drew him to the faith. When I first became catholic, I was on fire for the faith. Previously I had been sent to psychologists for anxiety disorders. I had awful nightmares of death and seeing people die. My mom tried to use a dream-catcher (this was before she reverted back to the faith) to try to "ward off" bad dreams, and it would work for a little bit, but then the dreams came back even more intense than before. When I received the sacraments, those dreams stopped. I was so enthusiastic about the Eucharist that even when I wasn't even fully initiated yet I asked to be an altar server. I altar served every Sunday for 3 masses. I even felt a calling to become a priest. However, as soon as I felt this calling, I got massive temptations to sin, particularly against chastity. One thing led to another, and I was massively addicted to p___graphy. This went on for several years, and I grew very cold in my faith. I started reasoning with sin, and making justifications for it. It got particularly bad in college, when I was introduced to evolution and started to have many doubts about the catholic faith. I was very luke-warm, and people had no idea. I went to mass weekly, went to confession occasionally, and hardly prayed unless I needed something. However, there was one thing that never left me: anxiety. I would have random bouts of anxiety and stress, sometimes to the point of tears and so much despair I wanted to end my life. I looked into eastern religion, got therapy, and even dabbled with occult practices like manifestation. This would work sometimes, but in the end it didn't last long. That was until one day I was so down that I begged God to show me how to relieve my anxiety. This time was different though, I asked God to show me how to get rid of it, not to simple take it away but to show me the way. In this moment of prayer in my room, I felt a motherly prescense tell me "pray the rosary". Immediately when I entertained that thought, I felt a swarm of dark emotions, telling me that "it's a waste of time" and "Don't bother, it won't work". At this point, these thoughts were so at conflict with one another it almost felt from outside of me and my intuition knew that it was the devil that was preventing me from saying it. So I said them anyway. I knew I had to pray the rosary to be healed, however, I honestly was bad at being disciplined. So I asked God to give me a sign to help me stay disciplined praying the rosary. A week later, my wife suddently tells me we are getting a dog (My confirmation saint is saint Dominic, you will know, this was not a coincidence). This dog we got came from a shelter, and also suffered massive anxiety and trust issues. That being said, the dog needed to be walked everyday, otherwise she would destroy pillows, make a mess, or not eat. So everyday around noon, I would take the dog, with a rosary in my hand, and pray the rosary. At first, it felt like I was literally pulling something out of my body. It was painful. It hurt to say the words. Until one day the negative voices just stopped. I knew though that this was only the first step towards getting better, so I asked God to keep me open to the next part of his plan. One day I was browsing through amazon to look up something, and in front of my face was a brown scapular. I just remembered that I had lost my brown scapular when I was 12, already had been enrolled and hadn't worn it in over 20 years. So I bought and when I put it on, I felt immediately ashamed. I started to remember all the sins of my past. All the times I took communion in the state of mortal sin. All the people I've misled by my bad behavior. Everything came to me at once. I was so saddened and ashamed that I was scared to go to confession for it. I asked God to give me strength, and went to daily mass. The readings put me to tears. It was the story of the prodigal son and after mass was over I scheduled a general confession with the priest at my parish. Ever since that day, my life has been changed by the Blessed Mother. She always looked out for me and I knew from the beginning she kept me safely in her hands, and led me to her son Jesus Christ. Thank you for all the work you do Gabriel, may God bless you and your ministry!
  • @Big_Steve11
    The devotion to the 7 Sorrows of Our Lady has become the key devotional of my prayer life, especially since falling into depression, it's comforting to know that Our Lady is not a stranger to that sort of suffering
  • @Maria_Elizabeth
    I agree. I began having a devotion to her 7 Sorrows when I couldn’t sleep at night from a broken heart. My marriage is under attack, as solo parenting 6of my 7kids preventing them from the damage , even more keeping our heads above the water as veteran hubby spirals even deeper in his disability and seeks divorce. My anxiety all time high, my eyes hurt from crying. OurLady made me feel intimate with her. Keep playing this devotion even while you sleep. I wake up feeling her close. I never knew her before, but this devotion showed me there’s so er more to this mystery and I’ve been able to surrender to Jesus more.
  • The seven sorrows rosary is so powerful, It gave be a job, and now its about to give me my sacrament of matrimony, a thing that really seemed to be Very impossible, but it opened those doors
  • @emms1184
    This church is so especial to me… I was protestant and because of Jesús mercy…I’ve became catholic 9 years ago…The BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE…I learned I had a mother. I was motherless before…and I knew right in that moment how much I missed my spiritual mother…My life literally changed when I started praying the rosary..Now I love her, because is the mother of my Jesús Christ ❤️
  • @JerseyOne
    Also i did your 33 day consecration, it changed everything, this is also why i need u in my life, thank you ,God bless you Gabi ❤️ 🙏
  • @royhughes2854
    Gabi, Your PASSION in your teaching is so great, so truthful, so fantastic, ..... SO SAINTLY, the Blessed Mother is very PROUD of you. You win over HEARTS & MINDS when you speak. Dude, you truly SAVED MY LIFE!! ❤❤✝✝
  • @Angel268201
    I honestly have never understood why people have issues with Mary. I have never had an issue having Mary as my Mama. ZERO! NONE! On the contrary! It has always been such a comfort knowing I have a “Loving Mother “ in Heaven! MY LORD! What a gift! Thank you FATHER! Thank you JESUS! For your inconceivable sacrifices and giving us YOUR Mother. Please give us, give me the grace to love YOU as I ought! Please grant me the grace to love Mother Mary with all my heart and soul! Grant me the grace to Love Mary like you love Her. Like the Angels and Saints love Her! Please my LORD! Listen to my poor silly prayers!
  • @jelkazubr3101
    This gave me chills!! Pray for us, our Holy Lady of Sorrows!
  • @tienysusan1419
    I done the novena of our lady of sorrows inspired from your channel as a preparation for last Christmas. I am on my way to divorce due to some of my actions betraying trust. But i have saying the our lady of sorrows rosary since last december. It consoles a lot and atleast it give a hope atleast in my spiritual life despite of my miserable addiction and failures. St Joseph and our lady pray for me.
  • What a wonderful video. We were blessed to see you in Galveston this weekend. Thank u for everything and praying that your ministry continues to grow. Im so happy my kids were able to participate, too!! God bless you
  • @JerseyOne
    The Passion of Christ depicts Mother Mary locking eyes with YESHUA, that scene instantly brings tears, that's a sword. Watching 👀 this horrendous act.
  • @nkeonyeaniagu807
    ❤❤❤ the 7 Sorrows Rosary was a game changer for me. Mary, who was conceived without sin and who suffered for us, pray for us!
  • The evil one does not want your ministry to reach souls. For nearly a year I wanted to watch your videos; but a distraction, or a lie about you, or words causing fear kept me from clicking play. Recently I clicked play, and I've never been the same. Mary is my beautiful mother, and Jesus my loving brother. Thank you.