Losing My $230,000/Yr Job For Another Chance At Life | Starting Over at 35 Years Old

Published 2024-07-18

All Comments (21)
  • @eddiebeamz
    I started over at 35, when I lost eveything, ended up living in the street, in and outta jail but only blamed myself for it was ALL on me - the person in the mirror. Shocking how powerful accountability is. Dove into real estate, started flipping land, then single fam, then multi fam and eventually ended up in commercial. I've made a couple million since then and recovered in a way I wouldn't ever trade the experiences and friends I've made a long the way. To success for the driven šŸ„‚
  • @IamnotJokic
    ā€œMost men lead lives of quiet desperationā€
  • @willboler830
    I spent my 20's floundering in college and wasting away in the military. Late 20's to mid 30's was finishing up college with my undergrad and masters, and getting my first $100k+ career job. Only 3 years in and they were pushing me into leadership and towards management. Men on one side of my family tend to die in their 40's, and I started suffering the same sort of illnesses you were facing while in that job (minus the degenerative illness, which who knows?), and the same after quitting that job to finish my PhD. Now near 40, quitting my PhD, walking away from my career, and just making music without much money coming in. I'm currently at the happiest point in my life, waking up everyday and making music, even without that money. Due to my military service, I have some cash coming in, enough to cover rent, eat, and pay off debt (honestly one disaster away from failure). But, the rat race was going to kill me. I spend more time now getting to know my extended family. I now know some of my cousin's dreams and fears, something I never spent the time before to learn all these years. I have people around me that truly love me and that I love back, and I no longer take advantage of believing that they'd always be there. Our time is limited, and we have to find our own happiness in this world. Too many people look at that money and think "yeah, that's the dream!" No, it's not. And living that life, chasing that money, gets expensive. The debt starts to pile up. Your health starts to suffer. And if none of that is true, your time definitely disappears. One of my successful co-workers kept telling me how much he wanted to just have a goat farm instead of leading projects. Finding something that makes you happy, with enough time to see and enjoy life, while living within your means, that's true happiness. I spent 6 hours straight just now working on a beat, after spending 2 hours with a person that I love, and 4 hours before that helping my mother and grandmother. Rather than feeling fatigued and foggy, I just feel tired and ready for bed. Such a difference. I should be worried about the future, worried about retirement, worried about an accident, but I can't be anymore. Let's rest and find our meaning. Because if I were to go back and start job hunting, I know what I'm not stepping into again.
  • @leer4014
    If youā€™re born, you are blessed, you have time to try another field. I knew a lady that was in corporate for 25 years, left that job and decided she wanted to be a nurse. And a truck driver who is switching careers to IT. As long as youā€™re breathing, you can make a change! Go for it!!
  • @ngocchu9495
    You're only 35, still young with a better chance of starting another path, there are so many paths to choose and change course at your will...I'm now 54 with neuropathy pain everyday from complications of diabetes and will deal with much more coming at me. I've just sold my house after my husband who had abandoned me and spent my entire life savings and now I'm about to move back to live with my parents in a tiny town house that I'm grateful for, otherwise I'd be homeless by now. I'm also starting over and looking forward to what will be thrown at me in this life. My dog is currently my therapist and we will walk in nature each day, God willing to figure out one day/hour/minute at a time....thank you for sharing your video. Praying for your healing and recovery and to get back on your feet.
  • @Louie.Nguyen
    Not sure how this was suggested on my feed but man did I need to hear this. It feels nice to know that Iā€™m not the only one that feels this way. Praying for your thriving future of self fulfillment! We got this brotheršŸ’Æ
  • @KKLee-yt9ic
    Donā€™t give up. Get good sleep so your cells recover, get some Sun for vitamin D, it makes people happier. Been there too and I walked out of a very stressful job. Went to the doctor before health insurance ran out and doctor said my blood pressure was extremely high I could have heart attack. That stressful job did it. Now Iā€™m happier and stress free with my simple job, not a lot of money but stress free. šŸ˜Š
  • Bro I lost my $48k a year job and Iā€™m still reeling from it. It wasnā€™t even how much I was getting paid but, it helped me have organization in my life and some purpose cause I was doing something I enjoyed. Now Iā€™m out of a job, continually applying for jobs for months and Iā€™m either too experienced or too old for any positions I am applying for. I realize that just like you, I have to make my own way. Doing this now at almost 40 but feeling like 30.
  • @ggnero573
    I sat and cried after hearing thisā€¦ the self realization I had. The not feeling present in my own life due to the hustle and bustle and the fear of failure. The uncertainty,the constant feeling of being behind took over my life. I hope for change. - Thank You
  • @ifitgamer9179
    In a similar situation - making $160k in the Midwest where cost of living is lower than other areas, work remotely and work for one of the big tech companies. However, Iā€™ve never been so depressed and anxious in my life. Never thought Iā€™d feel this way after working so hard to get this position. Like you, I know there is so much more to life. 60 hour work weeks, every week, performing a job that isnā€™t fulfilling is a silent killer
  • @x.bobbybo
    Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Love you brother.
  • @Aggie4life77
    Even though I graduated from college and actually worked in my field for 24 years, I co-sign this message!
  • Golden handcuffs. Once you realize that, you must ask yourself, how big would you dream?- if you knew you couldnā€™t fail.
  • @NateDawg3211
    I remember reading a Navy SEAL book and he explains how he went so hard and gave up so much to become 1 because he thought becoming a SEAL would make him happy, make him a better person but when he finally accomplished that goal nothing changed. He was still depressed and miserable with his life. You have to find a balance in life. The sweet spot of accomplishing your goals and keeping a small circle of people in your life. At the end of the day life is crazy especially in todayā€™s world but just know youā€™re not alone trust me. Just keep pushing and doing what you can do. Will always be good days and bad days just stay healthy keep your mind sharp youā€™ll be fine
  • @lunchandlearn
    Staying in a toxic job has resulted in multiple health problems for me, very similar to the ones you mentioned. I have yet to leave the jobā€¦
  • @ManChilddd
    Dropped out of most prestigious school when I was 20 due to anxiety and depression, then got addicted to gambling and wasted all my 20's and early 30's, then went back to school, and lucked into grad schools for social work and now working as a therapist as a 38 year old. I've never made as much as 230k and I'm sure never will make that much as a therapist, but I'm grateful for this opportunity because I know I'm not that smart and honestly lucky to even hold a job with my intelligence. You sound like a very sincere guy. Wish you the best of luck and you will be great. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
  • We all come to a certain resignation. You either resign to where your at or you quit and move on. Most unhappy people think that the job is supposed to be fullfilling when in fact it just supplies you the means to figure out what you want.
  • @annaaa1518
    What a beautiful and honest video. Thank you for sharing. Your willingness to be authentic and vulnerable inspires me. This is what we need. I wish you joy, peace, and growth.