Why aren't you tied down

Published 2024-07-20

All Comments (13)
  • I claim this reading ❤ Thank you! Yes, I want him. We are soulmates. It was the eyes.
  • Past Hurt ...Also taking care of others that at the time required 100% of me...If anyone needs to know. 😂
  • @joshirwin8882
    You must not see that the title literally breaks it down. Tied down means it puts a limit on your growth and freedom
  • Travis I am ready for you Travis I make the call to them to accept if not I don't take it ok I want to be tied down with you Would not mind it ! Let's make a Deal I don't have take anything pick n choose together ok Been Crying over you Want to come back Let me in Please protect me need you We are multi Talented Now I am ready for you We are too good to be True Nothing standing in our way We are meant to be together Waiting for you now Not moving on without you Travis ❤❤❤❤1111
  • Travis waiting only for you don't want any one but you Want to be tied down with you Don't be emotional exhausted I feel 2 heads are better than one I miss you so much ❤️ 1111 cried and want to be with you Never move on without you 💯 Love ♥️ you Babe ❤1111
  • @joshirwin8882
    You must not see that the title literally breaks it down. Tied down means it puts a limit on your growth and freedom