From Your Bed to Another World | Star Citizen vs Starfield | Open World Comparison

Published 2024-03-29

All Comments (21)
  • @Illfury
    The only win Starfield gets in this is that we can safely assume the player wasn't consumed by the elevator.
  • @OneTwoMark
    All that, and Star Citizen still manages to look better visually while being online. Starfield had no excuse, no ambition.
  • @declinox
    And then on top of all that, Star Citizen is an MMO. You could do that whole video with your buddy walking beside you, riding the train with you, sitting in a copilot seat or operating a turret (of course in a bigger ship), or flying his own ship next to yours. In many ships he could open the cargo bay door during quantum travel, and throw beer cans into the void.
  • @null5696
    star citizen is truely amazing, the scale is just incomprehensible. the tech behind it is so incredibly advanced, it allows for a game where its fidelity is so high its simply mind blowing. every detail down to a scratch on a window is perfected.
  • @DamonCzanik
    Starfield players: Watch the StarEngine demo, & you'll understand what you've been missing out on. In Starfield, you get loading screens & cutscenes. In Star Citizen you're always in control. No loading screens. You can look out from your apartment, take a train, get into your ship, & travel to another planet, then land.... and it's all seamless. So much more immersive! Exploration feels like exploration. Travel feels like real travel. The worlds feel more alive. Cites are the size of cities. You can run into other players doing their own thing or go on adventures with friends. You're just existing in an amazing sci-fi world. The lack of loading screens makes so much difference and those that don't experience it won't truly understand.
  • @waterboi4846
    love how people said starfield is star citizen killer before it came out
  • @blakes8901
    you know its bad when the completely dead worlds in star citizen feel more alive than the living ones in starfield. and that's coming from someone who doesn't even particularly like star citizen.
  • Don't forget. This is what Fdev(Elite Dangerous) thinks is boring. This is why we never got any of this in E:D
  • @bananasandbass
    I’m so glad I went with star citizen, just learning how to take off, fly and land is satisfying in itself. Nailing a smooth landing is great. Star Citizen doesn’t hold your hand, and having to do everything yourself makes you invest effort but also the rewards are ever more sweet when you accomplish something. Also, playing with friends is the best ever in any kind of game loop you can think of inside SC.
  • @Gwydion_Wolf
    Not gonna lie, was going to laugh my arse off if you exited the Mustange, and realized you forgot the helmet 😅
  • @PelenTan
    Great video. Excellent comparison. Star Citizen wins hands down. Though... It would have been funny if once you exited you realized you forgot to put your helmet on... Not that I've ever done that.
  • @Astrotamtv
    So much so for the “starcitizen killer” lol
  • Difference is... Ive played Starfield till it was over, about a month. SC is not finished and I've been playing for 4yrs now and plan on another 10 or so..
  • @jayohheeh640
    I have been a huge backer of Star Citizen since 2016 back in the Port Olisar days. I have loved the game and the vision every single month and have always followed the development even when taking long breaks from playing. Robert Space Industries isn't settling for a triple A game. They aren't recycling assets or remastering old greats, they aren't procedurally generating new planets, they are innovating brand new technology, brand new engines, brand new server meshing, things that have never been done before... in order to deliver a truly immersive, persistent universe that lives and breathes with its player base. I have been a longtime Bethesda fan since Morrowind and Fallout 3, they were some of the greatest games of all time in terms of shear scale for their generation. I was really hoping that enterprising into a new universe with Starfield that they would be able to recapture that same grandeur in Morrowind. But this video makes it quite clear that the only way forward for truly great gaming is to innovate.
  • @Spartan536
    I started playing SC in 2019 after calling Star Citizen a scam for 4-5 years. My friend asked me "hey if I bought you a game package to play, would you play it?", I said "yeah, I will give it a shot". He bought me an Avenger Stalker Game Package. 2 Weeks later I upgraded the Stalker to a fully customized 325A, then I got to experience my first IAE, and upgraded to a Cutlass Black, and bought my first "LTI token". By IAE of the next year I owned a 600i, and then a Carrack. I am now in Concierge with about $1800 invested, all of my ships have LTI (Lifetime Insurance), and my ships MSRP value is over $2400 (thanks CCU Game). Apparently this scam is so good that it beats my wallet harder than Steam Sales do.
  • @Power5
    Get a big ship and do this again. Walking through the ships in SC and SF are great. Can also walk around those large ships while in quantum in SC, in SF, you can only walk around while in orbit or landed on planet. Inventory is another huge difference. Both have carry limits, but way more limited in SC. Also driving vehicles to locations on planets. Also flying ships on surface for air to ground attacks. Also docking small ships into larger ships in space or in atmo. 3.23 we are hoping to see fauna finally. Revised UI for just about everything is coming in 3.23 as well.
  • @TheWasd1234
    Starfield players: Watch the StarEngine demo, & you'll understand what you've been missing out on.
  • @eternellelive
    The only thing that can be compared is that one is ambitious and lead by a trully passionnated guy/team for space movie & simulation game since ages. The other even with talented teams is 1000% is limited by investors / process and rush to rentability. I sincerly hope SC will redefine video game industry and hurt AAA company that are 99% focus on rentability over quality/fun/innovation nowaday.
  • If someone asks me where is the new generation of gaming, i would tell: Star Citizen. For a long time i was looking at this game, and about a year ago i got it, and its amazing. The feel of freedom SC gives to you its so incredible.. you can do every mission in your way. No loading, no barrier, no one is blocking your game, is just you, your friends, and the amazing Persistent Universe. Yeah, SC have some bugs, its an alpha product, but as an alpha product, its better then a lot of AAA titles. If you have the conditions to play it, go for it.