Skull Merchant's Highest Killrate and Other Silliness - Dead by Daylight

Published 2024-02-15

All Comments (21)
  • @exetone
    They mentioned they didnt count matches if someone DCs but they didn't mention killing yourself on hook. Since the game rewards you for doing this with bloodpoints and punishes you for DCing with a timeout, its very clear why ol merchant is at the top
  • @fraudirl
    No high mmr kill rates irks me. They include the survivor ones but why obscure the killer side?
  • @larsliamvilhelm
    Scott: "Resilience isn't that good" Ayrun: "Whomst has awakened the ancient one"
  • @danowen79
    I’ve seen some streams from Asian countries and they seem to use self-care a lot because the gameplay is less altruistic. A lot of people get hit and will hide and heal for ages rather than find someone to heal them, or take someone off a gen to heal them faster. Interesting to know if that style results in more escapes!
  • @ryanlutes9833
    as a pig main I agree that alternate objectives make new players heads explode. quite literally in my case. I'd also add that pig is probably one of the easiest killers to secure a 1k with, at minimum.I mean, most killers can secure a 1k without much trouble but pig is especially good at it due to the built-in slowdown and being able to just follow one trapped survivor and force a headpop.
  • @indeboss
    Resilience is a general perk that any new player has, regardless of the survivor they choose, so it's more likely to get picked probably
  • @artemyburakh12
    It's not just the fact that nobody wants to face Chess girl, it's also the fact that she is so incredibly complicated. Status effect on top of status effects, breaking pallets, haste, all the stuff. Unless you perfectly know what her current state is you barely have any idea on what exactly happens in a chase with her
  • @xxgamerz3136
    its because of how ping sided dbd is, resil really helps with pallets and fast vaults with ping, it mitigates like 10 ms~ i think
  • @zacharyjune7510
    I think a lot of people run Lithe because they also run Windows of Opportunity.
  • @DavidKingRock
    2:00 the reason lithe is so popular is because it guarantees a win in a mind game, its incredibly used at low mmr and even at high mmr by more laid back players
  • @budrowconye4928
    Resilience and deja vu are probably so high because the are general perks and they synergize with each other to speed up the main objective of the game, at least that’s probably the mindset of the people who use them
  • @OSAGamingInc
    I feel the Naughty Bear skin can maybe be why Trapper is so high..People wanting to show off they got it
  • @lukerhead5370
    Not suprised that sm has the highest killrate. Weird decision for the devs to make a killer who’s power is to make survivors kill themeseves on hook.
  • @DulfyBee
    Surge is even worse now that gens can only experience 8 regression events
  • @notevoms
    it’s actually physically pain inducing loading in and seeing the skull merchant ui over the survivor portraits
  • @SebuKaz
    SM has a high kill rate solely because I swear in literally every game I’ve played as SM, someone just gives up which leads to others also just giving up
  • @PapaMounted
    Scott really said Lythe is his least fav exhaustion perk when Smash Hit exists
  • @MasterJim87
    You would be shocked at how often a good Deja Vu gen split early on can win a game outright. Or how the % buff it got at all times(for the 3 gens) can sneak a gen or two a lil early that will help pressure the killer. I run it with resilience and when injured and healed to 99% (if no sloppy) 15% gen speed solo is quite nice.
  • @kaluhd6899
    Im not really a killer main, however i went through a very short phase wanting to play killer. I already had quite a few games under my belt as killer, playing myers, but usually get stomped. I then played spirit and absoutley shredded my MMR ranks, and 4k'd so mnay games with 3+ gens left. so i find it strange you say shes a tough killer. she felt very very very powerful immediately for me.
  • @Bodyknock
    6:50 FYI the stats on Nightlight are generally fairly close to the official stats and, as Scott expected, Save the Best for Last's usage in the Nightlight data dropped from about 10% pre-nerf to about 5-6% currently.