Fix TIGHT Hamstrings & Lower Back Pain | 2 SIMPLE Exercises

Published 2024-04-06
If your hamstrings and lower back are always tight and on the verge of cramping this video will teach you how to fix your tight hamstrings and lower back pain WITHOUT having to stretch them. Static and dynamic hamstrings stretches don't create a lasting change unless you understand why your hamstrings are tight in the first place.

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00:00 Introduction
01:19 What Causes Tight Hamstrings?
02:51 Back Pain and Hamstring Connection
04:23 Stop Bending From Your Back vs. Hips
07:01 Exercise #1 - Modified Good Morning
12:06 Exercise #2 - Advanced Clamshell

Dr. Brant Pedersen (DC) shares the brain / hamstring / low back pain connection by sharing the anatomy and neurology of hamstring tightness. He talks through how he helped an athletic patient who had lower back pain and hamstring tightness by having him stop stretching his hamstrings. And by adding into his routine two simple exercises to help loosen tight hamstrings while patterning in good hip hinging and core engagement.

The first hamstring loosening exercise that is taught is a Modified Good Morning exercise. This exercise helps lengthen the hamstring muscle, activate and strengthen the gluteus maximus and increase hip mobility. Additionally, it builds core muscle strength and proper hip hinge.

The second exercise that helps gain hamstring flexibility is the Advanced Clamshell. This exercise is simple to perform and helps strengthen hip stabilizing muscles and relax the hamstring and lower back muscles. Both of these exercises for tight hamstrings and lower back pain can be done at home.

Once you understand the cause of tight hamstrings and their connection to lower back pain you will start seeing daily activities, like unloading the dishwasher or getting in and out of a chair different. You will start to realize that all of these daily motions are chances to pattern in good movement habits and lengthen your tight hamstrings without stretching them.

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About Dr. Brant Pedersen, DC, CCSP

Dr. Brant is a sports chiropractor who founded Positive Motion Chiropractic in northern California (Los Gatos). He specializes in finding rapid and lasting solutions to muscle and joint pain issues. He received his first chiropractic adjustment when competing as a professional windsurfer and it opened his eyes to how quickly the body can heal when given targeted conservative care. Dr. Pedersen graduated valedictorian of his class from Palmer College of Chiropractic West, maintains an adjunct faculty position at his alma mater, and gives back through humanitarian chiropractic care. He enjoys sharing tips and tricks for how to stay active and pain-free and employs them daily to stay active as an extreme sports athlete.

👋🏼 Connect with Dr. Brant Pedersen, DC, CCSP

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is created and published for informational and demonstration purposes only. It is not medical advice or a treatment plan. Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. In some cases exercise may be inappropriate. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don't use this content to avoid going to a licensed healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Positive Motion Chiropractic makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call emergency services (911 in the USA) or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. Use of this content is at your sole ri

All Comments (21)
  • @TrophFantatic
    Thankyou, life changing advice, im also a passionate skater but poor sitter (slouch,) /lifter (using lower back) recovering from l5/S1 disc bulge sciatica and perpetually tight hamstrings. This was well researched and well explained. This space should be flooded with internet traffic. Wish you were in my local area, id love to be a customer, but you've helped immensely regardless. Id be happy to support your channel /content in any way I can.
  • @ryanw1433
    I’ve heard that anesthetized patients are completely flexible, so I guess it makes sense that it’s a mental barrier.
  • @AndrewCCabral
    Great video and an outside the box approach. Laughed at the skeleton in the background. Keep em coming!
  • @takedown6470
    I used to have back pain when I was younger. I do a lot of strength training. Now that I am 60 my back feels better than ever. I do rack pulls and stiff legged deadlifts on a regular basis. I concentrated on keeping my back straight and hinging back with my glutes.
  • @bg147
    Thank you for the logic. I will make some changes.
  • @stevebroddc
    Thank you! Great presentation. I am a DC of 39 years So much we learn and teach and fail to apply to ourselves. Bending over adjusting all day. Appreciate you and your gifts
  • @deenabean1983
    Thank you for this video. I have hyperlordosis, and anterior pelvic tilt. Will this stretch still be effective for me?
  • @conniepalme5978
    Wow. Immediately I felt relieved in my hamstrings. I’m excited to see what else you can loosen up for me. Thank you so much!
  • As I'm sure you know experience is the ultimate teacher that brings us wisdom. Thank-you for passing on your understanding and insights, that for me, explain and clarify many conflicting ideas and even myths, about the hamstrings. This re-focus is invaluable. More Power to You!
  • @jakajakajaki
    Thank you for the amazing video. The explanation of how to bend when sitting down or getting things out of lower cabinets is great. However, I am still confused as to how I pick up things from the floor in a safe way? Could you please explain the correct posture of doing that when you have lower back pain. Thank you ❤
  • @otockian
    I've been working on touching my toes for 3 months now, couldn't even do it when I was in sports as a kid. Just genetically not flexible, and it has done wonders, wonders on my ability to bend over. Like no joke. I still can't touch my toes but maybe one day.
  • @duanesnow424
    Avoiding bending the back and only hip hinging is devastating to the health of the back. The entire posterior chain elongates when bending forward.
  • @davidsotropa
    Good stuff. Thanks for providing. For advanced clamshell, what is your recommended target for reps and sets. Thanks!