5 Roblox Studio Features

Basically i just show five features in ROBLOX studio that i often use while developing. Sorry for bad audio quality.

1. Undo and Redo Changes Buttons
This also works in scripts!
2. Keyboard Shortcuts
F, find an game object in the game
CMD+R - Rotate 90 deegres
CMD + T - Rotate 90 deegres
3. DON'T USE MODELS when building, USE FOLDERS!
Good for organizing your workspace and selecting parts without having to select the whole model and find the part. Select folder in explorer to select everything.
4. Collisions option.
Basically if you can move a part into another part or not. Useful when building.
5. Remove all the terrain with a button click, If you got a lot of terrain and don't wanna sit and remove it all manually you can do it with a buttonclick.

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