a shoegaze playlist to watch the night ocean waves to

Published 2023-10-28

BEACHWAVES SOUND CREDIT:    • Ocean Waves for Deep Sleep (10 Minutes)  


ON SPOTIFY: open.spotify.com/playlist/4Ochp8j9LXDBb9ca65UWDv?s…

00:00:00 - 00:04:31: dizzy by title fight
00:04:32 - 00:06:34: into me by glare
00:06:35 - 00:11:04: taker by diiv
00:11:05 - 00:15:59: last song by cq
00:16:00 - 00:19:32: warmth of you by planning for burial
00:19:33 - 00:23:08: blank by glare
00:23:09 - 00:25:47: everything you see (is your own) by duster
00:25:48 - 00:35:27: farewell by boris (full length)
000:35:28 - 00:40:24: take your time by diiv
00:42:25 - 00:50:00: destroy by tokyo shoegazer
00:50:01 - 00:53:17: i won't be found by tamaryn
00:54:56 - 01:00:43: 鴿哨 by 缺省
01:00:44 - 01:07:33: leech by alison's halo
01:04:34 - 01:09:00: go and come back by fleeting joys
01:09:01 - 01:11:19: perfect sweet blue by jakob
01:11:20 - 01:16:54: secrets by the bilinda butchers
01:16:55 - 01:22:13: september by chestnut bakery
01:22:14 - 01:23:38: you're my japan by rumskib

All Comments (21)
  • @lampoison
    Hi, since this video is getting attention, I’ll put this one. If you’re a musician who just starting out and want to have a platform for promoting, you can always submit your music into my Instagram dms. I’ll check and let you know when your music is included on my channel! Once again, thank you for your love on this video. I didn’t expect it would do this well. Please stick around for more contents like this if you’d love to.
  • @GrimCherry
    I am someone who deals with severe gayness and this playlist really helped me when times were not straight. This music really helped me get mind to think straight and not in way that is not straight thank you
  • @carstenmohler629
    I'm someone who deals with depression and autism and stuff. I find it difficult to talk with people about things when times are rough, cause either I misunderstand them, or they misunderstand me, so I use music a lot to vent my emotions. And this helped a lot with that. So thank you <3
  • @saint.vitus.7775
    I've been hearing the term 'Shoegaze' for a few years now - but honestly, this is my first exposure to any of the actual music. And i gotta say - i really f*ckn like it! Digging all the heavy, distorted/fuzzy guitars and the general hypnotic, dream-like vibe.Thank you for putting this out there.
  • @Axrane
    I am someone who deals with severe short and this playlist really helped me when I was short. This music really helped me get mind to think tall and not in way that is not tall thank you
  • @OneD26
    i'm from north normandy, i live near by the sea for my studies. this is my last year in this city near the sea, i'm trying to enjoy the waves and the view and the smell and the sound as much as possible while i still live 15 minutes from it, before i go somewhere else that may not have the ocean nearby. i'm thankful for this playlist. i always feel bad to listen to music while being at the beach because i feel like i'm a treator to the sound of waves, but this playlist feels perfect, it feels right. thank you
  • @gingerman5751
    A part of my childhood I spent at my grandparent’s cabin near a big lake that you don’t see the other side of it it was like an inner sea. Every time something goes wrong I think about these nights watching the waves hitting the beach from the balcony while a faint cold breeze blows in my face. The sound of those waves the stars shining so brightly a whole life ahead of me. It’s been 10 years since I last went I was 6 y/o but to this day it remains one of my favourite memories. Having this playlist back then would have made it even better
  • @holey-stone
    starting off w title fight🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
  • @hotrodjones74
    My first dabble into shoegaze music. It's pretty awesome. A song I wrote for my band this weekend has some strong shoegaze vibes. The Fender tremolo pedal was at the heart of it. All that jangly goodness.
  • @fathammy5955
    This has been the shittiest year of my life. This music makes me want to drive an electric blue R6 through the rain and all the drops sliding down my visor on my helmet. It makes me want to go to a frat party and befriend a couple of strangers. They tell me their stories. We become friends and then I can’t remember them the next day It makes me want to cuss out the people who called themselves my friends It makes me want to run on the edge of the beach where the tide meets the sand It makes me want to hope again Hope that maybe this new year won’t be nearly as bad.
  • @aaace-qv3zj
    i'm so happy boris is in here. my favorite band of all time. they've made the heaviest music i've ever heard while also making the most beautiful music i've ever heard. best band to do a deep dive with, you'll always be surprised by their discography
  • idk why but this playlist really helped me studying and doing my homework better. Big thank to you my brotha
  • @Hazyn-0
    This year has completely changed my conception of life. I learned several new things, good as well as bad, which in the end just became memories and learning. That in the end shaped the person I am, and I can say that this year has been incredible, even with its ups and downs, it won't make me stop being who I am. And I promise that this year I will try to be a better person. Goodbye 2023
  • its so cool seeing glare on playlist like this i remember when i would see them on posters for local shows with bands who i still go and see today for like 8 dollars lol they're from a small town a few towns over from mine and at the time of posting this they should be playing with three 6 mafia in a couple of weeks at tough luvv fest. it makes me really happy to see them make it out of the local scene on to bigger things
  • @P.Alvarez
    Great shoegaze playlist bro I'm a nightowl and can't really sleep so like listening to this one while walking in the park or night driving great vibes greetings from mexico bro 💯💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
  • @jagg8471
    This is actually a really solid shoegaze playlist for once thanks bro👍
  • after listening to this playlist on repeat for 1 month, i can finally comfortably say that this is one of the perfect shoegaze playlist i have found. thank you!
  • @luisxq
    beautiful collection, I love that u put california nebula in. they're so amazing and way to unknown!!
  • @Afromonkey1998
    On a studying binge and needed some chill music to listen to, this is definitely a godsend ✌️