Published 2014-02-05
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This male deer wondered his way into our yard and was different from most deer. For one it is a busy area in the summer and not a normal time to see a deer wondering around mid day and he seemed to not mind human company what so ever. We enjoyed the time he spent with us and will miss him as the conservation officers in the area decided to destroy him weeks later.. I find it pretty hard to believe there could not be better solution...

All Comments (21)
  • @xenophagia
    F Rest in peace fella. I'm glad he at least got a nice last meal and some love.
  • @cwb0051
    Those "officers" Had NO Right to kill this Beautiful deer, he was just being a deer, hes Beautiful..
  • @sadtoast6122
    "hey eat those ones over there!" Oh these ones? "Yeah man thanks"
  • WTF?? Why did they destroy him for?? He's beautiful!!! That just breaks my heart..:(
  • @CplSkiUSMC
    We have tons of semi-tame deer here in Cody, Wyoming. They walk up and down the sidewalks, through yards and parking lots, and they usually wait for traffic to clear before they cross the street. These animals are simply learning to co-exist with humans and to benefit by it. Most folks love having them around which makes it mutually beneficial. There are always risks in life and government mommies want to protect us children from harm, but hey government... eat a bucket of turds and shut the hell up. I'll take my chances with the deer, they're considerably less harmful than lawyers and politicians!
  • @Wowee2012
    If we killed every semi-friendly deer in my town there'd be none left. They used to come right up to my front door at my old house.
  • @EnzyToronto
    i respect how even though its eating your well waited vegetables you were still kind enough to share and enjoy the rare moment that occurred. Beautiful. great energy and emotions were shared that day
  • @piamishelle
    it’s so horrible that “conservation” officers killed him there was 100% a better way to handle the situation especially because he wasn’t causing any trouble :(
  • He didn't deserve to die because the conservation officer said so. How awful. I'm so mad. The deer didn't do anything wrong or dangerous.
  • This video put me in a good mood until i read about the death squad murdering him.
  • @kimperes5987
    Wow the deer seemed to understand which plants he had permission to eat. 👍Amazing to see, Im not so lucky!
  • @Rastonification
    It wouldn't have been difficult to catch and release him in a better area. He doesn't look sick to me.
  • @jawoody9745
    I cannot believe that conservationists would kill this incredibly friendly Buck! That is just sickening!
  • @lonesomewendigo
    A wild buck willing to let people pet him! Never ever seen one so gentle in any video! It's such a shame he's gone, but I like to believe he's in a better place and happy now. Where-ever he is.
  • @wilykat
    At 4:07 that cat was like: "Forget about that damn deer and come stroke me for Christ's sake!! I'm the family pet not him!
  • @Maverick99
    This is why if you see an animal in need, you either take responsibility and take care of it or you let it find it's own path. You can transport it yourself somewhere safe or take it to an animal sanctuary. Government officials are useless when handling wild life.
  • @777kasey
    Next time don't tell them you have a deer!
  • @jaddy540
    "Are you interested in any particular book?" "No thanks, just browsing".
  • @OnHoldAt50
    That deer's like - Hey man, you need to mow your yard.