Akkubohrschrauber - Buffalo Soldier Parody.

Published 2020-04-11

All Comments (6)
  • @Terrakinetic
    0:10 No... don't do that. That's dangerous. 2:55 Reminds me of that Chinese guy that lost his teeth trying to eat corn with a power drill.
  • @MarcusGlossin
    Reviews are coming in and they are good “This is reckless for the people in the HGVs and other road users. A vehicle like this veering out of control into traffic is unthinkable." :55 shoutout Starla qualls 1:48 so I don’t want to bully but this song is giving me such like freijukah (are you sleeping brother John) meets everybody was in on the joke on the way to the imax except me “ayyy yaayaaaa your dads in love with a donut” & “I did it all for the cookie!!!!” (I was fat) to the point where that song I know that song but I mean on the other side and I don’t wanna bully bye 2:24 sadly yes we still use our spinners legit lol 3:58 LETS EAT