I'm WORRIED About the Future of Palia... (April Cozy Gaming News)

Published 2024-04-09
April cozy gaming news, covering the recent Palia news, Stardew Valley console updates and upcoming cozy games for April!

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00:00 Intro
00:33 Palia News
05:22 Stardew Update
05:40 New Cozy Game Announcements
07:30 Cozy Games April

All Comments (21)
  • @Invader_Roxas
    Laid off dev here, I really appreciate you bringing some attention to the layoffs in the game space, including the ones at S6. We poured our heart into this game, and I really hope it shows. <3
  • @Seelieness
    I'm honestly so sick and tired of companies releasing games in Beta. I think Palia should have waited until there was more content and fewer issues. I also think games need to rework their micro purchases. Not many people are whales, but if they charged 1 or 2 dollars/pounds/euro for cool things EVERYONE would buy them. I would go from spending zero, to making purchases often as small amounts are easier for me to throw towards a game regularly.
  • @poolelasssb
    So sad all those people lost there jobs after all the hardwork they have put into palia. I hope they wont be out of work for long. Tchia is such a great game i have it on the ps5 and pc via epic games its so perfect for the switch. Although i pray it runs well on switch for all switch users because it truly is stunning had me tearful in some parts of the game it really is gorgeous
  • @SandrasLibrary
    I adore Palia and really hope this isn't the beginning of the end. Appreciate these updates!
  • they really can't go back on the "free to play" aspect of the game because they will lose some people due to trust issues. if they do need to look into other monetization, something that was kicked around on the official discord was to make the cosmetics both a monthly subscription, in which people would have access to all of the clothing in the premium shop so long as the subscription was active for 5-10 usd monthly, and still sell the cosmetics as they are now for a bit less for those that just want that one outfit. Also, they need to jump on pet cosmetics, clothes that match with what's already there
  • My biggest issue in Palia is the lack of story. The npcs dont have a lot of quests and once you've taken the time to get to know them all thats kinda....it? Palium is a nightmare to hunt down in Bahari Bay and i just feel like i long for more in this game. I too heard that S6 let go a bunch of workers. I just feel like we're all gonna wake up and the game is gonna be gone. I really hope S6 breathes more life into the game. I did fall in love with it, and I'd love to see it flourish.
  • @MsFluffySama
    I played Palia at first, and did enjoy it. But honestly the multiplayer thing did more harm than good for me. Maybe it's just me but if it had been released as a single person $20 or $30 game; With friends able to play with you like Stardew it would have worked better. Plus I believe it would have been cheaper on their end. The community kinda killed this game for me, and the micro-transactions are just too expensive. I wish them luck in whatever they do to save the game. Depending on what it is I might come back. For now it's wait and see i suppose.
  • @caseywilkes
    Endless oceans was originally a Wii game and it was AMAZING. Honestly the OG cozy game. The sound tracks were so relaxing and exploring the ocean was so magical, it was an incredible game. Can’t wait to the new one to release!
  • @CraftyKarin
    Just wanted to add a positive voice for Palia here. I've started playing on switch about 6 weeks ago. The reason I held off before that was that I got motion sick while trying out Dreamlight Valley and I assumed it would be the same on Palia. But with the settings in Palia I can play for long periods of time without any issues. I love the game so much, yes there are glitches but nothing that has been game breaking for me. I have tallied up 300 hours on switch already and am now also playing on steam when I can use hubby's laptop since it's release there. Yes, it's faster on steam, some of the controls are easier, but I don't find it at all unplayable on switch, I still play there daily too. I did feel that the clothing packs where expensive if you look at it strictly as what you get for the price. But I really felt like I wanted to support this game so I did buy a couple of outfits. The price I payed for that was similar to what you might pay for a game. I don't think I will buy more outfits but I'm not ruling it out as the game as a whole is worth it for me to invest in. I do agree that if the clothing packs where less expensive, they'd probably make more overall, because it will also lead to more impulse buys from those that can afford it, pretty sure most people would spend more overall on the game that way than they are now. I really hope Palia keeps going. It is a great game.
  • @tazmingetgood280
    While I have not played Palia and my heart does go out to all those who lost their jobs, £20 is a lot for in-game clothes, that is the price of some games whole DLCs (or even game)! Either the pacs should contain more stuff or the price of clothes should come down. More people would probably feel better paying like a tenner, but your character did rock the hot dog coustume 😂 Otherwise sunset hills looks super cute! Tachia reminding me a little of breath if the wild 😂
  • @ExposedByJools
    Palia has been getting worse and worse the more they expand it. I was getting fed up as getting FT and Palium was a nightmare and now the toggle to run thing has to be reset all the time, my settings so I don't get sea sick keep changing and the way people go round in groups taking charge everywhere is annoying. I feel so sorry for those who have been laid off and I feel as though I may go with them.
  • @DavidGowers
    I really enjoy Palia atm - even though it's buggy af and grindy af, I've not encountered much toxicity in the in-game community OR reddit (the Steam discussions are a whole different matter) - so the layoffs are concerning. Especially with them having apparently planned for an expansion in the NPC Friendship/Relationship levels, and the way they keep dropping 'hints' about at least one more area. I think probably the biggest change they could make right now that would likely go a long way towards fixing any money issues would be to reduce the cosmetics costs, and maybe even break up the sets so we can buy them individually and make our own looks - like get coat/shirt/etc A and wear it with pants/skirt/etc B, and hat C, and wings/backpack/etc D...you'd get some BIZARRE looks, but at least people would look more unique AND they might spend more, as long as they items weren't super expensive like they are now. It'd be a real shame to see it vanish, because it's got a lot of potential.
  • @C3YDi
    I hate the waiting in Palia. The loading pages 💀
  • @ronitabonita3020
    I haven't played Palia for a while but honestly I did enjoy it and wanted to buy the outfits but the starting price were way too expensive for people in a lot of countries. Maybe if the game looked and played great on the switch, I would have somehow gaslighted myself to buy it but with the way it looked and played, i just couldn't.
  • @SeymourClevage
    If cosmetics in Palia were £5 each I might buy a couple but at the current cost, I won't be buying anything.
  • @cloudtune.
    I was excited to finally play palia with my friends on the switch, but the switch version ended up being a huge disappointment. The UI was hardly optimized for controllers, and the lag made it very uncomfortable to play. It killed any interest I had in this game
  • @kiddpenn
    I sadly couldn't even get into Palia because I found the controls really clunky and unintuitive (on switch), especially right after playing Faefarm which I thought controlled really well. I was struggling even just clearing my plot in the beginning and I never logged back in. :/ Walking around was also giving me odd feeling of social anxiety with the multiplayer but that's probably on me. Seems like they should've waited to release a more finished game with a fair price rather than struggling to stay afloat as a free-to-play thing.
  • @ayasinx8797
    While I did try Palia for 2 months and enjoyed it, I could NOT believe the clear greed of the company for a game that came out in Open Beta. I understand they spent a lot to make the game and employees needed to get paid, but being in a rush to recoup their money by making everything in the store absurdly expensive was not it. Also the fact that even if you wanted to buy the lowest cost item in the store (which for me was like $13) you had to buy a more expensive bundle of gems to get it, and have some left over. I had so many people fight me on this and said things like "yOu dOnT hAvE tO bUy aNyThInG tO hAvE fUn" and while in theory this is true, a huge part of cozy games is decor and aesthetics, and I'm sorry but I don't want to wear the same boring basic clothes for half a year. They should of balanced their prices and added quest-unlockable f2p clothing options to please everyone. The whales would of bought even more outfits, and the low spenders would of bought a few things here and there. I could not in good faith continue to play and support this game when prices did not reflect the current condition of the game.
  • I'm still a firm lover of Palia and I find myself constantly drawn back to finish up the bundles and craft new furniture. However, since the newest update, my games have been lagging so much it's unplayable. I hope it's fixed soon :(