Which stupid Golf Rules should be changed?

Published 2024-07-12

All Comments (21)
  • @FJA---
    All lost balls should be under the same rule. Whether it's OB, water, lost in trees/hedges/shrubs/leaves, etc, Drop where it was last in play or where it is agreed by the players to have been when lost, drop a new ball and add a stroke. Divots, especially on public courses can be a real problem and it should be legal to move the ball either left or right up to the width of the ball as a free move. Not as sure what to do about hitting into a divot in a bunker (People Too Lazy To Rake The Sand) as they can be even worse than ones in a fairway.
  • @Oz710
    When I coached middle school golf, most of the tournaments had a local rule to allow players to roll the ball one revolution out of a fairway divot.
  • I've always believed that a divot in the fairway should be ground under repair, free drop!!! And a lost ball should be a drop hitting your 3rd shot, going all the way back to the tee slows down play and is ridiculous, and out of bounds should be 2 off the tee, it seems so simple really.⛳⛳
  • @Spenceee_
    Penalty/OB should be played as lateral. That is a lot of local rules but agree make it across the board. Free relief from a divot that is clearly defined and agreed by playing partners is great.
  • If you hit the ball in the rough or over in the fall leaves and don’t have the luxury of a spotter like the tour pros, free drop (no penalty) to replace your ball where you and the group agree it landed but is either plugged, under leaves. Speed up play free drop and move on.
  • @issaSeeK
    Guy saying “sir guy to you” had me laughing lol
  • Rick, I've never been a fan of podcasts but I'm loving these shorter clips that you've been putting out 👍
  • @fredlarke3806
    No more loss of distance on a lost ball - I've lost balls in the middle of the fairway! Just drop and move on.
  • @ddeboy002
    If you're in a divot-I say free placement right behind the divot by 1 foot of the beginning of the offense divot. Off the tee-something shocking actually happened today. My father in law happened to hit a miracle drive-he hit nothing but tee. The ground was soft and the driver head went completely under the ball and no contact with the ball had been made. It was truly amazing to witness.
  • My league uses a six inch rule for divots in the fairway. All OB, lost balls, unplayable, etcetera are (counted) drops on the line or near last known spot. Very easy to remember, fair, and moves the game along quickly.
  • @kenbrown2808
    my big rule change: create divisions for competition - ranging from 100% traditional to fully modern. so one tournament can ban all electronics, and even restrict equipment, while another can allow all the electronics and aids the organizers want to allow; or anywhere in between.
  • @frog2210
    Exactly. 3 off the tee is ridiculous. Where does the extra shot come from? If I hit my first O/B, & 2nd down the middle next to you, I now have a one shot deficit because I hit my ball TWICE to get to yours. Simple.
  • @samfoster2673
    Guy was absolutely hilarious on this, couldn’t stop laughing 😂😂😂
  • @chrisl7511
    I like the 2 off the tee rule in junction with the 3 from where it went out. Gives you another option, seems fair to me. Me and the boys always move out of the divot.. you can fix pitch marks on a green in your putt line, you shouldn't get a terrible lie because of another player playing the hole before you if you hit it in the fairway
  • OMG you do not need to ‘define a divot’…….. just play ‘winter rules’. No problem doing it in the winter, so just lift, clean, replace all year round if on the fairway. Really not that hard to get this one changed.
  • I think the rule about not being able to kick your ball out of a forest and say it was never in the forest, and that you actually you parred the last hole not triple bogeyed it as you think I did.
  • @waywardwest
    Yes, change the drop rule to be the arm extended out at waist height or just naturally from the side. This knee height is ridiculous.
  • @Kur0y4m4
    If you want relief from divots, sand your divot +1. If everyone does that (as they are supposed to), the fairway condition improves, and nobody has to deal with a pockmark. If very few people do it (current status quo) then you get tears and lamentations. Sand your divots.
  • @LGSImmortal
    Gallery ball. We all saw it land right here....
  • Guy's R&A character needs to be a recurring thing on this podcast from now on. The Granola eating, tree hugging, weed smoking leader of the R&A who wears hipster clothes and has an extensive vinyl collection... 🤣