All about money, fake, unsupportive, judgmental, assuming people!

Published 2022-04-01

All Comments (4)
  • @nagihangot6133
    Lovely lovely ladyyy xoxoxo!!! We have to stay strong! Please don't beat yourself up, just relax about it!
  • @b-41subject57
    No offense, but your immediate family sounds like a mess. I commend you for even trying to keep talking to them. Also, life does suck, ALOT. i wont lie and say my life has been horrible, because it hasn't been. I had my fair share of experiences with dating, and meeting very friendly and nice people. However, I've meet MORE mean, disrespectful, cold, and rude people than nice ones. Even at my "professional job" my partner is unfortunately FAKE, and i hate working with him. Youre also right at the end of the video. We only get glimpses of happiness, or very rarely will bump into a nice/sweet person. I try to treasure those memories when I do have a pleasant encounter with a random person, as its extremely rare to meet/interact with someone who reminds you that there are still sweet, loving, and nice people out there. These days, i just try to do things to make myself happy. Im waiting for Japan and other countries to open up so i can travel. Ive grown tired of being in the american environment with mostly sick and insane people. I just wish life was different; where we lived in a world where most people were happy, relationships (family and personal) were loving and genuine, and people were honest. Basically, a utopia, but i know we will never experience that in our lifetime. Life really does suck, but im still trying to make the best of it, which is easier said than done these days. Peace and love Alexandria.
  • @JimClark2005
    I don’t feel sorry for you, you are a Jeremiah babe subscriber