Ever Wondered What Happens to Trains Launched Off Ramps?

Published 2023-02-01
Hey everyone back with Railroads Online! Today we are back with more olympic events, this time the porter toss! In this event we each have to try and launch a locomotive off a jump and see who can get the furthest!


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All Comments (21)
  • Like I told Hyce, the “Porter Toss” sounds like an obscure sport you were forced to play by your HS gym teacher 😂
  • KAN ask Hyce what was the most dangerous thing to ever happen to him on one of the trains irl.
  • when the physics is redone for this game this would be very interesting
  • @jsweizston5410
    I really like that any game that comes out that people find ways to make it interesting and fun. Good video man.
  • You need an Olympic platform/podium for first, second and third place to stand on at the end andsome music, thing is you all look the same, but it would be funny....awesome to see Dapper back in with the gang, great show guys, what fun!!!
  • @miken966
    Gotta be the cow-catcher that causes the crash at the ramp.
  • @Wack-o
    Imagine rerailing at the top of the hill, but it's the old rerail tool that would make your train hover, so you could essentially "fly" your train to the end.
  • @SomeOne-eo7rw
    Suggestion for another RROOG game: Speed shunting: you have like a 25 cars long train and you have to sort it as fast as you can into a shuntyard. Rock climbing: you have to get a 25 cars long train up a steep (but short) 10% hill, you can double the hill, or do it 12 times, or try to get enough speed to clear it but the cars are not all the same weight so gotta be careful!
  • @nojus4459
    I really like that you edited the vidio. There are no boring parts in it this way.
  • @Zachafinackus
    I love watching you do the same thing on every jump and wondering why you fail lol.
  • @EyeDewDie
    Train yeeting is my favorite Olympic event.
  • @Loogster
    This was great😆 Awesome Stuff🤘
  • kAN: Slacks is my spirit animal. Heise: but you're a trash can.
  • @Johndoe-jd
    Overall medals till now ES&D (Hyce): 1 gold, 1 bronze CR&P (kAN): 1 silver Dapper: 1 bronze, 1 silver FSU (Kosmo): 1 gold Does anyone knows what railroad dapper represent?
  • @zaydsamy7559
    I can’t say I have ever thought about this but you now have my attention
  • I just had the Wario’s Gold Mine music playing in my head the whole time.
  • @Gritt4reel
    I have another idea for an event: A wagon pushing competition to see who can push the wagons the farthest. Everyone gets a train of three wagons, which they accelerate along a predetermined route. At a certain point he then has to stop the locomotive and must not exceed the area with the locomotive (similar to long jump). Whoever's wagons go the farthest wins. To make things even more interesting, you can make the acceleration area an "S" curve or something, or you can say that the wagons have to arrive at a certain area. Then you would have more of a curling event.