Elon Musk, why are you still working? You are worth $184B

Publicado 2023-03-19

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @mikecollins9789
    He doesn't work to pay his bills anymore. He works to answer the questions that are most important to him. A great position to be in.
  • @broucherjosh8421
    Hard work does not equal wealth" took me 50 yrs to understand that
  • @datkeks
    i think my left ear is still working 💀💀
  • @kodram
    As much as I admire and definitely encourage this way of thinking, I also believe that it's easy to get lost in an endless search for something that you will never be able to find an answer to and miss out on being present and enjoying whatever you have at the moment, including the bliss of obliviousness.
  • @renscience
    I retired 5 years ago. Few millions are available. Saw the world, flew around in private jets. Had the finest things in life. I’m going back to work. Not because I need the money. I need the challenge, schedule, and deadlines. Money has nothing to do with it.
  • Wow. Loved hearing that. I'm an infp personality and I grew up fascinated by the stars and engorged on sci fi films and ideas. His vision is one I share also. Good stuff 😊
  • @bukurie6861
    Wise,Passion,Searching most in life!Respect😍🙏
  • He’s not rich because his goal was to become rich. He’s rich because he has a purpose having money is just a tool for him to fulfill that purpose.
  • @Antonocon
    "Then I started reading the philosophers. Be careful of reading German philosophers as a teenager, it's definitely not going to help with your depression." 😂😂😂
  • @Jellybean_93
    I think hes still working because he gets to do something he is passionate about and that he LOVES, all while helping to further human exploration and education AND on top of that he doesnt have to worry about money. Truly a beautiful position to be in 😊
  • @virtualcity721
    His meaning to life is, when you stand/move outside the box, thinking outside the box becomes natural
  • @excelrobot
    Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: that book changed my life. It was super funny but beyond that it just blew my mind and made me question everything. Or as Elon puts it, it makes you question what the questions should be, which turns out to be more important than mere answers.
  • @CrystalNova_HI
    Technically, understanding is very important in our lives.
  • @honghong3153
    He is consistent. He just love working I guess. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤it is in his nature. I love his innovation.
  • @joyjoan3744
    Thank you for this wonderful video! I have incurred so much losses trading on my own....I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated.... Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?
  • @stovepipe9er
    Because wealth isn’t his ultimate goal it’s something that allows him to explore existence.
  • @OneTwoMark
    When I was a bit younger I’d probably be all for this, to know and explore the unknown. These days I realise the more you know, the more boring it is. What are we going to do when we know everything? It’d be almost depressing. Somethings are best left unknown. Perhaps until we have better minds that are equipped to process it all more healthily.
  • @jonmicknono7138
    I’m sure the reason that Elon Musk still works is because he enjoys implementing things that are in his head and seeing what positives he can add to the human race…! And let’s not forget about a persons built-in work ethic. If you have a work ethic that is part of your being, you must work to feel complete. I believe this is what Elon musk feels in my opinion.