The Messiah The Quran And Akhir Al-Zaman

Published 2024-07-18

All Comments (21)
  • @Lessons4Life
    It was great to hear the Sheikh dismiss the nonsense of the flat earth theory in his previous talk
  • "and all the school boys will again stand up 3 feet apart, like monkeys" . Best and powerful phrase from Maulana Sheikh Imran in this recorded lecture. It feels good to be on the right side of history. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah. Terima kasih Maulana Sheikh Imran and Salam Yaumul Jumu'ah.
  • Good to hear from Syeikh Imran May Allah bless him with good health
  • I must say that I have watched the video to the 28 minutes and the explanation on ISA A.S is absolutely something to think and ponder about lets be open minded and think about it. Although In this video at 20 minutes Sheikh says "there is no demonstrations and protests in the Balkans of the Muslims" they dont believe in Quran. Let me tell you Dear Sheikh that preceisly in Bosnia there is huge protests for Palestinians and ask any Palestinian that was in Bosnia he will tell you that he didnt saw that much support from his own Arab Muslims nor any other people in the world. There are Palestinians flag all over the place Ask Seribans and Croaitan friends why they put Israeli flags all over their towns? God you defaintely need to come to Bosnia to see for yourself that there is not any more Pro Palestinain people not in Europe but in the world. Dear Sheikh Imran Hosein I agree on so many points. Can you give your opinion about this Serbian arms delivery to Israel against Gaza this is for March month this year from news paper = Serbia Sells More Arms, Worth 14 Million Euros, to Israel. Serbia’s main state-owned arms trader, Yugoimport-SDPR, exported arms to Israel worth 14 million euros in March, according to the customs data of Checkpoint, a portal that collects the Serbian state’s trade information related to business entities. 14 Milion Euros only in March Sheikh Imran. Now let me remind you that Israel sent huge weapons to Serbian army comitting Genocide in Bosnia just search on google Supreme Court rules against exposing Israel’s role in Bosnian genocide" Citing potential damage to Israel’s foreign relations, the Supreme Court rejects a petition calling to reveal details of the government’s arms exports to the Serbian army during the Bosnian genocide. Why are Israel first sending weapons to Serbia against Bosnian Muslims during the war and then Serbia now is sending weapons to Israel during the war in Gaza.? your opinion?
  • If Allah accepted Solaiman (sm) prayer not to be established Israel as a Islamic Khilafat after his death. when Isa (sm) will come back and he will establish Israel as Khilafat again?
  • @Dargon77lion
    Quran says إنه لعلمٌ it means he is (a) knowledge ya'nii a known sign of the hour