Henry Cavill on The Witcher and correcting people on set.

Published 2021-12-05

All Comments (21)
  • @Low-Key123
    Cavill proved himself as a man of integrity. He wont ruin a character and franchise for a paycheck. He had the balls to just say no and walk away. Respect.
  • Mad respect to Henry for the effort he puts into reminding people that the Witcher did in fact exist before netflix every single damn opportunity he can get
  • Absolute shame that a guy like Henry, loyal to the source material, has to leave this project.. Well done, Netflix!
  • @Scifisam
    Cavil is exactly the kind of actor you want for a character with a built in fanbase. The fact that that nerd enthusiasm comes in the body of a square-jawed, blue-eyed HUNK seems surreal.
  • @PufferGlitch
    It says a lot about a man when he overcomes his own insecurities and is comfortable about showing his nerdy side this openly, politely and without being super awkward about it. He's genuinely just answering questions clearly meant to make him look a bit silly - but he's doing it with such class that people just end up respecting him more. It's good to see that he's not trying to change for any "Hollywood standards". EDIT: lol, the sheer amount of angry replies from people that think Henry Cavill has the looks and thus lacks insecurities or that he's "nerd privileged"... He's human and yes, I do believe going against the norms (in "Hollywood" in his case) and opening up about nerdy things that make you happy is brave. No amount of chiseled jaw can change the fact that deep down you're afraid of being rejected and mocked by people you want as your peers. Trust me, I'm a handsome little boy myself - my mum has ensured me of that.
  • @evilrslade
    Cavill. A legend. Warhammer, WOW, PC gamer, Superman, The Witcher. The phrase "living the dream" is overused, but holy moly..... Good on him.
  • @Dsrgreyy
    Henry Cavill, he's really just a normal guy with hobbies who happens to act for a job. Wish there were more like him.
  • @marcoscunha511
    Cavil was the best possible choice for playing the Witcher. He's been doing so with perfection. Can't imagine anyone else playing Geralt. Loved the books, the games and the series.
  • this is why people love Henry... he's a huge nerd, loves his material, knows his fantasy worlds, and doesn't bat an eye. To all the normies that think gaming, Warhammer, etc, is a huge waste of time... he says eff em. Politely.
  • @Jchmcom
    Henry: "Well I can't say too much because that might spoil a scene." Tom: "So this one scene in the new Spiderman movie.."
  • There needs to be a series of Henry Cavill explaining things. Just anything. Popular things. Obscure things. All the things.
  • Knowing he’s a nerd and actually loves these things has sold me as a fan. So glad that someone who loves these things is able to bring them to life with the passion they deserve
  • @eldorzi1932
    I feel like some people make fun of Henry for his hobbies, but honestly I'm so happy that someone like him is being so cool about the way people ask him questions. He's such a great ambassador for the nerdier hobbies, even if he isn't meaning to be. Sounds like Tom Holland is on board for some Warhammer!
  • @PhantomSavage
    Henry Cavill, Joe Manganiello, and Travis Willingham... Extremely nerdy yet extremely buff.
  • @noahgaley3727
    As we all can see, he was the only one keeping people in line.
  • Love that people tend to make fun of henry's hobbies and things that he likes but he does not care and is proud of them. He is the one of the greatest representations of the nerd culture.
  • I love how Henry has hobbies like these it shows how normal his life is outside of acting..
  • @skroodup
    Cavill is a pleasure to see on this show literally every time. The man's humble, but knows he knows his stuff.
  • @lanycera
    Watching this, it doesn't surprise me he quit. Season 2 already had no resemblance to the source material anymore past the first episode, and then there's also the news that even writers disliked the books + games. He's a knight in shining armor, standing up for his beliefs and the fanbase! The Witcher will crash and burn without him, and I'm not sure how Netflix didn't realize this. They had a gem in their hands with the Witcher material.
  • It's so evident that in the typical Hollywood culture, there is this kind of jeering dismissal of nerdy hobbies like gaming and fantasy novels. Graham seems genuine and wants to understand, but I've seen it happen with some of the other late night hosts who seem to think that these hobbies are only for antisocial basement dwellers. Then Henry comes along, plays Superman and Geralt of Rivia, and then goes on to talk about these hobbies shamelessly, and it really deflates those stereotypes.