The Funeral Concert Where the Body Performed

Published 2022-08-12
"He was the life of the party, so that's why I sent him home that way."

Learn more about Dr. Fletcher, Associate Professor of American & African American History and Co-Coordinator of Women’s and Gender Studies at Albright College.

BOOK: co-editor of "Till Death Do Us Part: American Ethnic Cemeteries as Borders Uncrossed" which examines the internal and/or external drives among ethnic, religious, and racial groups to separate their dead…


TWITTER: @kamifletcher36

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Mortician and Writer: Caitlin Doughty
Producer and Writer: Louise Hung (@LouiseHung1)
Editor & Graphics: Timothy Meier
Thumbnail: Landis Blair (@LandisBlair)

Thank you to our friend and frequent collaborator Monica Torres for your insight into the vast world of embalming. Keep up with all the remarkable things Monica is doing on Instagram @coldhandshosts


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"When You Die, You’ll Probably Be Embalmed. Thank Abraham Lincoln For That"…

All Comments (21)
  • @pisces3121
    I"m a 5th generation embalmer. Having the body at the club is no less sanitary than at a church or funeral with the casket open.
  • @turtle4llama
    I come from a culture that doesn't like looking at or touching dead bodies. Traditionally, we cremate or have closed caskets and have others handle the body. I have no desire to attend a standing funeral, but I know that this service is respectful to Goonew. His family clearly loved him and knew his wishes. The only thing disrespectful are the people harassing the family about it.
  • This is common in Puerto Rico, and his families explanation “you’re not going to look down on my son.” Was touching and heartfelt.
  • @smontone
    “You’re not going to look down on my son” I got full body chills.
  • This story reminded me of something that happened 24 years ago. my son, Jon, died suddenly and unexpectedly. I lived in Hawai’i and Jon lived in California. As soon as I could get to CA I told the funeral director that I needed to sit with my son for a short while before his cremation. Upon hearing me say this my Mother began pleading with me ( she even tried bribing me!) to not see Jon. I knew I needed to sit with him- after all I was there when he was born… even the funeral director told me that his injuries would make it impossible for me to see him! I told him to put Jon on a stainless steel table and throw a sheet or blanket over him. I just NEEDED TO SIT WITH MY CHILD! I did it. I sat with my first- born and shared space with him! And I am SO Glad I did. There would never be another chance! For the love of Pete- let people do what they need to do!!!
  • @lailinshale
    I love her phrasing, "this was a person, and they left a hole." I think that's all any of us are looking for, when we talk about how we honor our dead. My grandmother recently passed, and she was a quilter. She made a quilt for every marriage, a baby quilt for every new grandbaby. At her funeral, the church pews were all covered in her quilts. People brought them from home, some of them were ragged from being loved on for years. That was such a powerful image of her lie spent loving and giving to her family. It meant so much to me.
  • I wise man once said "there is no wrong way to do a wedding, or a funeral". I agree with this statement with my whole heart. If the family liked what they did, I love it. May he rest in peace.
  • @carlaroberts8979
    I'm a grieving mother I had to look at my babygirl in a casket on her 20th birthday. I absolutely love this young kings send off. Please please please let his mother grieve in peace. It was absolutely perfect. The energy in that place was probably off the charts and his mama felt it and I hope it in some way helps her carry this unbearable pain a little easier.
  • also his mother’s sentiment of “you’re not gonna look down on my son” really touched me
  • @mmaya3834
    The mother's words, "you will not look down on my son" was so powerful, especially after getting more context about his death (definitely made me tear up). So much thought and love was put into his homecoming and it's admirable
  • @Phoenix-mh5eo
    As a white American who had never heard of this kind of extreme embalming, I found Goonews funeral honestly enchanting. His mother's reasoning behind it, the fact that he got to perform one last time even after he died. I think it's really beautiful. I personally want a more natural burial or funeral, but I think this is really awesome. His fans got one last chance to see him even after he was taken from them with no warning. His family got to see him being respected instead of looked down on. I love it.
  • Race is such a sensitive topic as we all know. The way you covered this story was very respectful to Goonew and his family. I applaud you for how you covered this story. I learned a lot. Salute to you. RIP Goonew
  • @loretaarroyo
    I think the context most people need was simply, in Dr. Fletcher’s words, “It’s a celebration.” And I think that’s beautiful.
  • I completely agree the family shouldn't apologize. Never apologize for how you grieve if it isn't hurting anyone around you. After my dad died, I slept in his chair where he died for 3 days because I felt close to him there. My mom and sister were worried but it honestly helped. Whatever gets you through the hurt.
  • There is a 2 year old girl in italy named rosalia lombardo who died from pneumonia and ger parents were so grief stricken that they took her to a local embalmer who prepared her body so incredibly well that she is still on display in a glass coffin today over 100 years later! She looks like she is just a sleeping little 2 year old. She is kept in the catacombs in palermo sicily. My family in sicily have gone to visit her, she is like the daughter of sicily, everyone loves her. Trust me! Losing a loved one, especially a child, is so devastating that u will do some extreme things to memorialize ir hold on to them.
  • My beloved husband, Kenny, died in 2017. It was sudden and completely unexpected. But I knew he hated funerals. So, we opted for cremation and a picnic celebration in his honor. He had attended my cousins life party years earlier and said that was what he wanted. Hundreds of our friends came, we ate, laughed, talked, and remembered. It was so perfectly Kenny. Thank you for normalizing grief and speaking out for what the family needs. ❤
  • @nerdteacher
    I'm sorry, I laughed so hard when Dr Fletcher responded to "what makes it controversial" with "Because you have a corpse in a night club." I love it, I love it, I love it. I'm so used to people who will dance around the point, and I am endlessly happy when people just say it straight.
  • @mstoi25able
    I’m in Louisiana and it’s very popular to do funerals like this. They don’t make us nervous or anything it’s actually natural. When the mother said you will not look down on my son I really felt and understood that.
  • @jfew1847
    Too many people are so afraid of death and all it entails, and that's sad. I'm Native. I believe in honoring those who pass. This was an amazing way to honor their loved one, to be able to say good bye their way.
  • @brie3679
    While I don’t really think I’d ever do it THIS way..we have lost the meaning of “celebration of life”. There’s only been two I’ve gone to where it was an actual celebration of someone’s life. I can vividly hear the mother still saying “praise god we got 19 years, I’d have loved more but praise god for 19”, and people truly CELEBRATED their life and accomplishments. People spoke on their strong points, and told funny stories. The atmosphere was so….just supportive of one another. But also truly celebrating the life of this young person gone far too soon.