Things People Get WRONG About Stan Lee

Published 2021-08-17
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Stan Lee is without a doubt the face of Marvel, but there's a lot that the average fan doesn't know about him.

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Tags: #StanLee #Marvel #Comics

All Comments (21)
  • @Yamanosei95
    Jack Kirby deserved the same recognition as Lee. Same with Ditko and all of the others.
  • @GenerationWest
    Over time, Stan gave way more credit to other writers and artist, but that time during their biggest moments would've been much appreciated, which is a fault on him. Even in their later years, Kirby and Lee mended some bridges, but it never got that far as working together again.
  • Met Stan Lee at a comic book convention. He’s a great guy, only got a couple of minutes with him though, that’s the sad thing about it.
  • @TheAsiankiwi101
    One common misconception missed is that people believe Stan Lee is dead, but he's still alive in the hearts of many fans.
  • Its very clear that Jack Kirby deserves a lot of the credit for creating most of these characters if you've ever read New Gods. But I must admit that Stan's engaging dialogue and narration is what really sets it apart from the rest. It's really a shame that such talented people couldn't get along
  • @klokworks_
    I don't remember who said this, but I remember hearing the quote "Never look up to people. People will always someday disappoint you in one way or another. Look up to what those people stand for, because Ideals are eternal."
  • Stan Lee be like “oh that Chris Claremont X-Men comic? Yeah I wrote that” In all seriousness he’s a funny dude and super influential
  • fact: in a gravity falls comic it's stated that grunkle Stan got in a fist fight with Stan Lee in school over who's comic was better
  • @chazzergamer
    I think the attitude of "Stan Lee was a hack" is one based on the fantastical idea of a single guy making their way in the world based on their own ideas, creating the groundwork for the next generation. This fantasy simply isn't true, in anything except maybe books. You mention Shigeru Miyomoto and while no one would ever say he was a hack, he wasn't the bastion of Nintendo. After Mario 64 he was pretty much a random idea guy, he would outline a concept and have his incredibly talented team design around it. Most media now is incredibly collaborated, a group of talented, driven people come together to make a thing. So to me saying Stan is a Hack is just as disingenuous as saying he was "The man behind Marvel". I guess I'm saying the idea of the auteur, the single creative force behind your favourite stories just isn't true. But they were a creative, driven person in a group of creative driven people.
  • @adamquenano8563
    I love Stan Lee and it’s a shame he didn’t create as much I thought in comics.He unexpectedly planted the seeds for improvement within the landscape of comics and had a genuine love for comics. RIP Stan Lee T_T
  • @DM-sy4hg
    Every Stan Lee fan is actually a Jack Kirby fan. They just don't know it.
  • Jack Kirby really showed a lot about his feelings towards Stan in the Mister Miracle book at dc, creating a whole character based of Stan: funky flashman
  • @them.
    Stan Lee may give himself more credit than he deserves, and that's definitely not good, but at the same time he managed to mostly be a genuinely good person, which is rare with... well, most rich folk. I still respect him big time. RIP
  • @langreeves6419
    Well.... I love and respect Lee, Kirby, and Ditko. I find the best Kirby work was done with Lee, the best Ditko work also done with Lee....and the best Lee work was done with Kirby or Ditko. So credit? They all deserve credit. But on compensations, Ditko and Kirby were never properly paid for their work, and yes Stan should've used his influence to help them get better compensation.
  • Todd Mcfarlene in one of his interview in Syfy told that Stan's long life surpassing his collegues like Don Heck, Kirby, Ditko etc. was one of the key factor why he a alot of fans (especially those who only watch the films) only know him and attributed him as the creator of Marvel. Guys like Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and others will only be known by those who read the comics.
  • Stan: I need a good pen name, A vague voice from the future: "Try Lee, there's a million Lees"
  • @Mike_Ka-Chowski
    The biggest comic misconception about Stan is that people think he's an artist. If that ain't a kick in the head for Jack, I don't know what is
  • Stan is the Marvel Yin to Jim Shooter's Yang. The general public knows Stan Lee's name & face, maybe even his voice - they know the Soapbox stuff, too, which is his legacy. A damn good legacy, at that. But they don't generally know this behind-the-scenes stuff about him literally holding Jack Kirby's work captive at all. It's one of the hallmarks of capitalism to "sell" your labor for a wage & in Kirby's case it was definitely done unwillingly. & There's a lesson in that. Not all business owners, landowners/real estate developers, or bankers are bad people per se - it's just that their class interests conflict with the interests of the 99% - of the "regular people", the working class. Their class interests are at odds with ours. Jim Shooter, on the other hand, pushed for writer/artist/creator credits in the work & even had a lot to do with salary increases & protecting Marvel staff healthcare. But most people don't know who he is. Shooter is & always was a friend to the working class, being from the working class himself. It's such a good thing to put videos like this one out & be conscious of the differences in approach from one figure to another in the comic industry. This has been done a lot for figures in the music industry, but for comics not so much.
  • Huh, most of what I knew about Stan came from his autobiography. I really should have figured he would put anything negative about himself in his own book about himself. Thanks for another perspective Drake.
  • Stan is great and he really was the company face of marvel comics and was always there. It’s just sad that basically nobody else except for occasionally Jack gets as much recognition. And even that Jack and everyone else still needs more. One of my favorite comic creators is John Buscema and like nobody knows who he is. Nobody knows Roy made vision. :(