Cap Switches and the Mysterious Yellow Switch - B3313 0.9

Published 2023-06-18
Also a lot of MIPS for some reason. Well, there is a reason, but it's complicated.

I think the next video will probably show where the Red Stars are and give some explanation on them, unless there's another subject people would rather have me cover. I'm open to suggestions.

My relevant links:

All Comments (21)
  • @Cakeman777
    The influence of the Yellow Switch! It sounds so sinister as does the room it's in. What a wild game!
  • @darthwinsor
    "If you want to know how many stars to get the green switch, see my star counter" has no hud interesting
  • @Xizilqou
    It's cool how the game has all these hidden inner workings to it. The glitch effect when you hit the yellow switch is neat, I wonder how that's done.
  • I need more b3313 content. You’re easily the best content creator on it
  • @BikdipOnABus
    So as it turns out, I missed a star that contradicts something I said in this video. On Floor 3B, there's a room full of colored boxes. Toad gives you a star there, but I somehow never noticed that there was a breakable box in the room that contains another star, and that one happens to have the ID of OW-2. As I explained when talking about the yellow switch, this is a Star ID that I thought was only obtainable by getting lucky when hitting the switch, but apparently you can just collect it without any special requirements. So that increases the total (as far as I'm aware currently) to 178 collectable without cheats and without the yellow switch, and the yellow switch total remains 180. Also, side note, in one of the text edits I put in the video, I said that 0.7 had a pressable yellow switch in "Vanish Cap Under the Water", which isn't a thing. I meant to say "Metal Cap Under the Water", aka, the old Metal Cap Switch level that I called "Drenched Trenches" in this video.
  • It seems like the Yellow Switch can make purple coins spawn 100% of the time from certain enemies & all boxes that would have contained coins. F U N .
  • I really appreciate these videos, and totally appreciate how you're still around! Your style is lovely
  • @Eichro
    "now there's something else at the vanilla basement, but you don't need to worry about that" cheeky
  • This was really cool, I liked the explanation and could actually follow along a bit with what you were saying. The fact that even you don't know what everything does is still crazy with how much you've gone through the game, it's insane the work that was put into this.
  • @JRR_
    loving your streamer luck consistently giving you rng stuff you're not ready to talk about yet
  • @mitrimind1027
    I pressed the yellow switch and it certainly has made the game a bit more challenging, maybe that's its purpose.
  • @dudley90
    20:57 Flowey switch? Thanks for your videos; I always enjoy them.
  • this comment is related to a question regarding the endgame area. i suggest not clicking click more to not ruin the surprise. if you have any idea what this thing does, im interested about the white coin at the "end" at the game. to be more specific, its in the 1st level (there is a sign containing the number "1" on it) in a lobby you get promptly dropped into after passing the greyscale peach castle via beating bowser in eternal fort. at the top of the tower in the level, there is a pipe which brings you to a run-down purple and black version of the level itself with bbh music. in the run-down tower however, there is a long bridge on the other side where the pipe should be in the tower. at the end, there is simply a single white coin placed at the end of the bridge that drops to the abyss. since getting to the lobby via the grey castle require you to sit through the "credits", the hud is gone, so i have no idea what change it does. although approaching it slightly lags the game. no particles or anything from collecting the coin. dont approach it from the sides though, as it will crash the game for whatever reason. i just want to know whether the coin does something special. ill provide a discord image attachment link but i doubt youtube actually allows links to be posted.
  • @bluesky4431
    wow we can't see the hud in the metal cap switch alternate reality