Space Yandere - Can You Love A Space Yandere Who Is SUS / ALL ENDINGS

Published 2021-10-09

All Comments (21)
  • @ManlyBadassHero
    Welcome to the Someone Who Comments Here Is Being Voted & Ejected From The Ship Club, how Someone Who Comments Here Is Being Voted & Ejected From The Ship are ya?
  • @Rong_Rong
    We did it folks, another game with Manly cameo/reference. We are one step closer with putting Manly in all future indie games titles.
  • @counterzero2377
    Finally, a yandere game where instead of being the victim all the time, you get to be the one watching it all unfold from both sides. This was a really nice spin on the yandere genre.
  • @tsknitemare6769
    I like how they portrayed the yandere personality as a moment of weakness, rather than a personality trait. It gives the circumstances a sense of believability. I mean, being in space and trying to kill everyone with robots isn't realistic, but I'm sure there's more than enough people who have gone a little crazy from stress and a catalyst.
  • @clarehidalgo
    Luna built a wingman-bot for herself, ended up becoming Sparks's wingman instead lol
  • @MLGHazrad
    Digit is the most advanced robot in this game. This robot has high machine learning algorithm to be able to make friends, to be able to run and hide when facing danger, and can make the decision to throw away stuff. Luna is the greater inventor than Melvin Edit: this robot has more balls than the other humans to be able to eject itself to save its creator.
  • Digit : * Saves everyone by sacrificing himself * The whole chew : ”Hes just a bot.” Digit : Am i a joke to you * beep? *
  • Luna : “Eden is beautiful, while I’m just weird and ugly.” Also Luna : * Looks basically the exact same as Eden just with glasses and a different colour pallet- *
  • @OmegaXis1064
    My man Sparks is a true man of culture, after almost dying at the hands of a yandere, he still got the hots for her and didn't hesitated to confess to her after all of that. Spark's living the dream
  • @Ryker_dublin
    Sparks: * almost gets killed * Also sparks: Time to confess my love!
  • 20:48 "stop basing your life on your love for others" i felt like applauding when he said that. Its unfortunate that so many people i know and are good friends with who spend so much time trying to please a significant other or love interest that they never get to enjoy life themselves, its a sad state of affairs.
  • @nisha7219
    Manly seeing his camio was probably like that one Spider-Man meme
  • @ediedreyer4095
    There’s no reason to not love her, it’s not like anyone can hear my screams in space.
  • @streled5361
    You've murdered so many robots that crashing the game near the end was the only way to stop your killing spree
  • @Cyberus1000
    Short and cute. It's nice seeing a yandere style game that does a "snapped back to senses" route
  • @JeweledLove
    "I'm a robot. Beep Boop. I do robot things" - Manly 2021
  • @Uhlersoth77
    "Dedicated to our only planet." "Let's not fuck it up."
  • @qwerty9729
    Okay, this game was actually really good. I was expecting either some schlocky murder-fest that reinforces negative mental health stereotypes or "UwU stab me" fetish material, but it really blew my expectations out of the water. Character analysis time! TL;DR: Luna, while not a perfect representation of mental health, is far better than most other characters I've seen in games like this. Her reactions come from a place of loneliness and feelings of betrayal from both Alex and Eden, which drive her to try to take back control of her life. Despite this, the ending shows she isn't a psychopath and feels deeply remorseful of her actions. She realizes in the end that people care about her and want her to be happy. which brings her character arc to a nice close. I want to list the details that I feel really flesh out her character and avoids most pitfalls of the yandere trope. Keep in mind, I'm not a mental health expert, I'm just someone who is attending therapy sessions myself and have an interest in the psychology of characters. 1. Luna admits straight up that she is suffering from feelings of isolation, which I feel is the real core of her problem. She is light years away from her family and friends who are stranded on a ruined planet, with the only people we see her have any interaction with being Alex, who she either always had a crush on or simply deeply admired at first before leaving Earth, and her therapist, Eden. Digit was an attempt of making a new friend so those two wouldn't be the only people she knew, which just further proves my point. 2. In an attempt to resolve her issues with loneliness, Luna had attended multiple therapy sessions with Eden. From how Eden reacts to her not showing up for some time, it must have been fairly often or been going on for a while. Luna must have developed strong feelings of trust with Eden, which most therapists try to do with their clients. 3. She witnessed Alex and Eden together as a couple for the first time. Not only did this break her heart because Alex was with someone else, but that someone else was the very therapist that she had expressed her deepest feelings to. In her mind, she was betrayed by the only two people she had any strong connection with on the ship. At that moment, she lost everyone except Digit. Now, before I continue to my last point, this does not justify her actions. It just serves as an explanation as to why she did what she did. 4. After attempting to regain control of her life by getting Alex all to herself and getting revenge on Eden, she realizes that she fucked up. She went too far and lost control of her emotions, leading her to almost killing everyone on the ship. Her feelings of guilt lead her to believe she deserves to die. Everyone hates her now, she thinks. She should just stay on the ship with the murderous robots. No one would want her anyways. It's only when the people Digit helped save show they are willing to forgive her for her actions, that they will not abandon her, does she decide that she deserves to live. In the end, Luna wasn't a psychopath. She was just a young girl in a bad head space suffering from feelings of isolation. The perceived betrayal of the two people she trusted most sent her into a pit of despair, leading her to try violently crawling her way out in desperation to not be left alone. It makes me happy the true end leads her to see that the people around her do care about her, and want her to be happy. She won't have to be alone anymore. I know she is just a fictional character from a kind of schlocky anime game, but I think the developers really put care into not just making her an evil insane murderer. Again, she is not perfect, but it is certainly far better than what I've seen before.