The Recruits Season 2: Episode 1

Published 2024-05-16
The Recruits are back at it with Season 2! Watch three new recruits persevere through the Sacramento County Sheriff's Academy. Every turn presents new obstacles as they tackle rigorous training, face real-world scenarios, and push their limits to earn their badges. Will they overcome the challenges and make it through to graduation? Tune in to find out and witness the dedication and determination that define the next generation of Law Enforcement Deputies.

Haven't seen Season 1 yet? Check out the link here,

   • The Recruits: Episode 1  

All Comments (21)
  • @mannybo178
    I wanna join so bad I’m from Sacramento this is my dream
  • @SadBoyM4
    Tupou if you see this you got this! I served for LVMPD for 4.5 years and I had a buddy who was Hawaiian who you remind me of a lot and he had struggles as well. Fast forward he’s a go getter and tested top 10 when he applied for FTO.
  • @terryfong2906
    The start of a very rewarding career. Good luck to all of the recruits.
  • @shinobi9922
    Brings back a lot of memories. A lot has changed in the last 20 years. 02 SBRA 01 Honor, Pride and Unity
  • @thebronzetoo
    Good to see this training with people with disabilities. We didn't get much of that in the 90's. I hope training about people with Autism was included, since so many have it now a days, due to how many immunizations are given to toddlers.
  • @5894eer
    @stupou96 !! Much love from your JDF & PRB fam♥️
  • Ellos no le importa que hay una asesina y que yo esté hablando de una asesina, ellos se sentarán a platicar de lo fanático que soy
  • @tim9s
    The music is ridiculous.
  • My daughter is going through the explorers program. I hope it prepares her for what she's in for. She wants to be a K9 deputy for SSD or crime scene investigator.
  • Pero antes que los jinetes dice la palabra que habrá esclavitud después que el Asesino pelee, también dice que los esclavos en prision seran libres
  • The Daniel book say on one page: The Killer man looking for the harlot. On other page of Daniel book say: The Killer man going fight. Apocalypse say: I M God who make mad the man, I M the one will do it. I don't have school, I don't have family but she going pay and that is my happiness
  • Ustedes y ellas jugaron conmigo y con otros, muchos vieron la verdad, ella pagará por sus crímenes el día de la venganza.
  • Voy a morir de la alegría por haber encontrado esto -> Ezequiel16 Proverbios7 Apocalipsis18 Biblia . Mi Dios es Grande, se enoja cuando los santos están en problemas, mientras tanto te deja vivir a ti de cualquier manera que te guste. El te ama aunque hayas hecho las cosas mal por ella, El dice que no lo hagas mas y estarás en la nueva tierra. Pero cuando llegue Jesús y reúna a su ejército va a masacrar a la tercera parte de la humanidad. Dios la va a castigar a ella, la va a destruir, y te dará a ti una segunda oportunidad y no es el ejército del Asesino quien te destruirá.