Beat Emerald Weapon in 1 minute and 15 seconds!

Published 2006-09-05
Hello there, I'm Luxikhar aka Dj_Darkness or even Sephiroth on some places...

This is my first video, so sorry about the quality. Since i recorded it from my Digital Camera, the quality isn't the best... And if anyone knows about a good recording program, please let me know! I appreciate it!

Now onto the video: Like the tittle says, it's me killing emerald weapon on 1 minute and 15 seconds! I used almost the same strategy of the famous japanese video... So, many thanks to whoever did that video, it inspired me for trying it myself!

I hope you like it, and again sorry about the bad quality... If i'm able to record it at higher quality, i will upload it!

Explanation on how this works: This strategy is very simple to understand. Basically you have a support "Counter" materia that everytime you're attacked, it counter attacks with whoever materia it is paired with. Counter can only be paired with command materias such as Deathblow, Steal, Mime, etc. Mime is a command materia that repeats the previous action done by a party member. When you have "Counter" paired with "Mime" you're basically telling the game that when you're attacked, you will counter-attack with the previous action done by a party member. How many "Counter"-"Mime" pairs you have is how many times this will happen. In this video, the actions go as follows. First you tell Cloud to W-Item 2 Hero Drinks into Barret to pump up his stats. Then Barret does his Angermax limit break. At this point, for the strategy to work Emerald Weapon needs to attack Barret and, as soon as it does, Barret is gonna counter attack using Mime (Angermax) for 7 times (number of Counter-Mime pairs he has equipped) or until Emerald dies.

Thanks for seeing it!
Cheers for everyone!

All Comments (21)
  • @tameemhasan9001
    This certainly beats sitting through the Knights of the Round animation a dozen times.
  • @DaMaster012
    Me: "Beating Emerald Weapon in 75 seconds?! How?" *sees Barret's materia list: Mime+Counter, Mime+Counter, Mime+Counter, Mime+Counter, Mime+Counter, Mime+Counter, Mime+Counter.* Me: "DIS GON B GUD."
  • Wow. It's precisely this kind of thing that makes FF7 one of the all-time great video games.
  • people: the first characters you meet in an rpg tend to be the weakest barret: hold my beer
  • @Luxikhar
    Actually it's not that hard. People generally (specially in FF7) train in the wrong places. If you go to the "Swamps" area in the Northern Cave, Movers and Magic Pots give like 800-1000 AP a pop. That's 3200 AP and 1000/2000 AP per fight. Imagine that with a triple growth weapon. Suddenly it doesn't take that long anymore :)
  • @Capella181
    I remember I used to get scared of that underwater area when I wasnt fully prepared for that weapon lol
  • @Luxikhar
    Now, the paired materia is a Command "Mime" materia, that makes the character who uses it, to repeat the last attack made by the team, provided that if it is a Limit Break, it's his/her own. So, having multiple of those combos make it so that the last attack repeats over and over. The "simultaneously" part, the turn only ends, after all the combos are done. I hope i cleared any of your doubts. Thanks.
  • @lordpopo9349
    its not a hack. you take mime, level it up til you have 8 of them, put them all on barret, and he'll attack that many times. although i never got angermax and missed out on his ultimate weapon. i mimed the hell out of knights of the round, though.
  • @RyanHDR
    Emerald Weapon: World-destroying titan of calamity, the size of a city, more powerful than Sephiroth. Barret: "Imma pump this mutherfucka fulla lead!" LOL
  • @Seraph99
    You get the Desert Rose from the Ruby Weapon and the Earth Harp from the Emerald Weapon. There is an enemy called the Ghost Ship in the underwater reactor in Junon that you can Morph into a Guidebook. Take these items to a guy in Kalm and he will give you MASTER summon, command and magic materia, a gold chocobo, and the Underwater materia to allow you to breathe underwater when you fight the Emerald Weapon.
  • @Luxikhar
    Thank you! I've already watched that video a couple times, It is very impressive! I like that video very much!
  • @Luxikhar
    When you master a materia, a new one is born. So, whenever you master a mime, a new mim is born. The same happens to the counters. Thanks
  • @DoobyShoo
    i was 2 and only jus starting out ff7 when you made this... wow
  • @lucca5367
    What a great thing to see. It's also amazing this video's been on the internet for so long, what i time capsule!
  • @LithiumHero
    Dude I give you props. That was an original strategy. A lot of people fail at Emerald because they are only concerned wit hdealing as much damage as possible. What's more important is dealing that damage before Emerald can attack. What's more when Emerald uses the Aire Tam Strike, the damage is based on how much Materia you have eqipped. You did a GREAT job.