Bad Apple!! played on Desmos but it's high quality with Bezier Curves

Published 2021-04-16

All Comments (21)
  • @woodyTM
    The thing I like the most is that this is technically vectorized now so you can theoretically have infinite resolution.
  • @lephusian
    Holy heck this is amazing, but that tree blows it out of the park. I dont think I've ever seen one remade in that much detail.
  • @Mockermay
    Not me looking how many frames it took to make this masterpiece
  • I showed this to my mom and she was impressed until she saw the x’s and y’s and realized this was a graphing calculator and all had to be calculated. Mad respect.
  • @OriRealCAOS
    I hate you for cursing me with my two weak points: Bad Apple and Maths. Grudge aside, good video, great job!
  • @shanshansan
    tan(89°): Just a normal number. tan(90°):
  • @skyender8353
    The fact it was so smooth O-O This was pretty well made and I honestly enjoyed it a lot! The fact it must of took quite some time to figure out how all of this would go together... In the end it was amazing!
  • @quadraforest
    Can we appreciate the fact that somebody finally asked "How is Astolfo"?
  • @PneumaAsh
    It's insane how just using curves makes a graphic calculator look identical to a silhouetted 3D music video Beautiful
  • @iqosver.2674
    凄い...とんでもない技術だ... もっとはやくこの動画に巡り合いたかった
  • 鳥肌が立った....高度な技術で映像を作った上に音まで自分で作って流すなんて......本当に素晴らしいです。
  • @lynthir6323
    Okay, Touhou fans, you win. You are the most dedicated and most talented group of people in the entire universe and no one can change my mind about it.
  • @MonsterOfTruth
    I Know everyone already said this, but can we step back and appreciate that it is truly amazing to see people's creativity to play this music in literally everything?
  • @cgw9u586
    No sé que decir... "Wow!" sería muy poco para describir lo que siento al ver esta obra maestra. No sé que tanto te habrás esforzado para crear esto y creo que no quiero saberlo pero te agradezco por crear esta sublime versión. PD: Gracias por tu paciencia así como tu dedicación por dar a luz a esta versión de Bad Apple!! y me suscribo a tu canal por ello.
  • it always impresses me how beauty can be found from the simplest of things combining together
  • @StuffandThings_
    You can also use inequalities to have Desmos fill in an area. Try that plus the curved geometry and you may be able to fill in the black parts as well! Plus you can of course change the line colour to black for an even more faithful recreation.
  • @tofire2261
    not me gettin emotional over this... people are so talented all these bad apple videos make me so happy
  • @Chippy_Eater
    Dude, the transition from Youmu to Yuyuko was absolutely golden, holy moly