Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck in Los Angeles | Hollywood Pipeline

Published 2023-05-19
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck attend a school event for their son in Los Angeles. The former couple is often spotted attending school events and has made it a point to co-parent their kids Violet Affleck, Seraphina Affleck, and Samuel Affleck together.

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#JenniferGarner #BenAffleck #HollywoodPipeline

All Comments (13)
  • @CellaS841
    Ben & Jen Garner are co-parenting it's awesome they can still be friends, talk about things, and stay active with their kids school functions together!🤘📍
  • @nadjajesovnik
    Ne užívam v živem mesu ampak s svojimi čustvi.❤
  • It's a shame bc she's a walking example of why people shy away from dating a man w young kids, unless his ex-wife is really chill. Sometimes, the ex-wife is a nightmare bc they're not over the ex. It's better to walk away and not bother -- which was their goal (to scare away a new partner). JLo has the patience of a saint.
  • Its really messed up snd shows her sense of entitlement like she still calls him “family” and describes him as “people she loves” its giving psychotic obsession level if she still thinks she has ownership and control over him
  • @CellaS841
    Ben doesn't have toxic Jlo with him again!🤘📍
  • Affleck, y Garner necesitan publicidad juntos Otra vez, para dar la imagen de Buenos Padres y companeros, yo no se porque Los fan fieles, de Jennifer Lopez, no se Dan cuenta, por ESO jenny ESTA haciendo la peliçula Unstoppable, rapido lo mas que pueda. Para mi tiene otros planes, . Ya no soy mas fan de Affleck, El no respeta a jenny, El utiliza Los fan de Nina, para ayudas en SUS pelicula. Y la que ESTA sacando ventaja es Sra Garner. El es malagradecido, orgulloso, y como ESTA Bien ya no nesecita jenny, El no le importa, lo que digan, El hace lo que le da la GANA. Y TU lo VES ahi El se Ve con esa Sra, a la Escondido y se hablan, por ESO hicieran lo que hicieran. Yo Creo que El compro casa para su mama y sus hijos, como antes, la Sra estaba recostada en El sofa como si fuera la de Ella y su hijo. Mi jenny se Ve triste, pero, Ella no dice nada.El es UN malagradecido, utiliza las mujeres cuando las necesita. Le tiro la Puerta de El carro 2 veces. Como a la companera de trabajos, que lo ven motandose con Ella, Los paparazzi, no le tira la Puerta. Dios Ve Todo lo injusto que El hace a mi hija Jenny. ESO El lo hace. Para que jenny no salgas con El.
  • Parece que Ben Affleck casou com a JLo para alavancar a carreira dele e jennifer garner qual.a necessidade de todos os dias ser fotografado com ela e os filhos na escola ja nao bastasse a humilhação que a JLo passou em 2003 quando ele desistiu de casar com ela para ficar com jennifer garner por puro preconceito esse cara nao merece JLo esta com ela por interesse trata ela muito mau😊
  • Ben and Garner,, look like the working part-time, all the time are there in the school for one child. Live is for them, Working Part-time. He give child support to her, and she receive ex wife manutencion, until she is married againt or last child be adult. Garner not made easy for Ben. For that he need publicity for the movies, she too, with the Woman.
  • This is a form of manipulation that some ex-wives use (luckily, the vast majority of women don't do this). It's the "You still need to spend time with me and we need to do things together FOR THE KIDS' SAKE". It's not for the kids.