【精選】老美又破防!烏軍愛國者飛彈「全遭俄軍精準炸毀」根本被壓著打...蔡正元再揭台海軍力差距:解放軍第一個打愛國者!#環球大戰線 @Global-vision-talk

Published 2024-07-12
(00:00:00) China announces new radar that claims to be able to track 10 Mach 20 missiles at the same time|The "Patriot" was defenseless after being hit by the Russian military. American businessmen said: Taxpayers' money seems to be thrown into the ditch
(00:14:39) Can China defeat the United States by completing its "military short version" at once? Sino-Japanese military exchanges resume to see Xi's face
(00:27:17) 096 nuclear ballistic missile submarine becomes a nightmare for the US military Zhang Yanting: 95 decibel low noise and concealment are the biggest advantages
(00:46:54) Dongfeng-26, Changjian-20, H-20, Eagle Strike-21, Xi Jinping’s four magic weapons are launched together, Guam sinks to the bottom of the sea
(00:57:41) 055 made meritorious service in the South China Sea and officially upgraded the 055B electromagnetic rail gun into battle. The US military cannot do it.

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#globalfront #China #radar #hysonic weapon #missile #patriot #US military #PLA #defense #UkraineRussia

All Comments (21)
  • @wayneCA
    美国战力很强, 但还是过份夸大了他们的战力。
  • 既然打不贏,就把台灣正名為中華人民共和國台灣自治特區。🎉
  • @Larry-ce7wc
  • 不用軍事專家解析,我這老土就可斷定,台灣戰機了不起5OO架,老共老,中,青戰機最少5OOO架,不含上萬架無人機,老共5OOO千架各飛一次,台灣飛機要各飛十次,老共5千架各飛十次台灣飛機要飛一百次,還沒打仗,就把台灣戰機飛到引擎爆炸,這樣能不輸嗎?!
  • @weiye8830
  • @Bibi-Eagle
    台灣也別太自以爲是 依照台灣的對手的體量 除了美國 全世界不會有另一個國家會賣台灣武器
  • @chungkao6575
    大陸人工資源都掌握下,美國的武器是九零年代大陸是現代,相比之下誰強誰弱不難理解,大陸的雷達,彈導,通訊皆掌握在比G P S更先進的北斗,5 G掌管下
  • @NickH-nm8nk
    请问关岛能经得起几颗“ 关岛快递” 的攻击?
  • 不要用美国的成本衡量中国,一个咖啡机几万美元,哈哈。