My Political Compass

Published 2019-05-08

All Comments (21)
  • @godwings101
    After listening to more of this I get the feeling that you're a Kyle Kulisnki fan.
  • @godwings101
    I remember the reason I subbed was your videos on gamergate like half a decade ago back when I was more centrist and "anti-sjw". Now I'm progressive and had forgotten about your channel until you posted recently.
  • @catgirlforeskin
    Oh shit, I forgot this channel existed. I’m glad it didn’t fall into the far-right anti-SJW trap that so many gaming channels did
  • @Temuldjin
    Glad your back man, youtube didn't inform me about your last 2 video's even though i had subbed and belled you're channel before your 2 year break... :(
  • When I watched u years ago I was an anti sjw and it seems we have gone on a similar political journey since then. Cheers man
  • When it came to the "natural unlucky" I softly agreed. Being born itself is a roll of the dice and having national, ethnic or class given to you is technically a "natural luck" but for any possibility of supernatural implications, I declined to strongly agree. But yeah, I pretty much got the same thing as you, fellow anarcho-communist. Kinda dumbfounded how much I agree with you. All my anarchist friends I feel think I'm a little too soft. They're definitely more along the lines of "smash windows and hope things turn out good." Kind of anarchists, lol.
  • @Sick96stang
    Uhhh so if you have an equal amount of positions on each side you're confused why it would put you in the center..... that's the only logical place for it to put you.
  • The "naturally unlucky" question confused me. Can someone be naturally lucky/unlucky? Is luck a trait? Or is it based on how successful/sociable someone is? The question, to me at least, can have multiple meanings.
  • @BradleytheDavis
    this is interesting stuff. btw i would suggest that if you're interested in having discussions with your audience, make a discord server. Because i'd definitely join to support you!
  • @Svnipni
    The very way these questions are phrased should give you a decent hint
  • @bluecelt4113
    I skipped ahead to your final result. You're very close to me. Our red circles overlap each other.
  • @jakobsmith4046
    With the question about bottled water it was referring more to the fact of profiting off it and having to pay money for it, not necessarily that it was in a physical bottle
  • @Itchyback
    Lol the wording of abortion question! People would answer differently if you asked, "Should women be forced to carry and give birth to a child if they're pregnant and healthy?".
  • I'm more towards the center on the Left/Right scale, but I'm just a little higher than you on the Authoritarian/Libertarian scale.
  • @Samuel115s
    Wow how did you get a score that extremely left 😳
  • @bluecelt4113
    Please be careful of your use of words. That political compass site is British. In the UK, we use the word "libertarian" as a synonym of "liberal" or "personal liberty". Which is why it is the direct opposite on the graph to authoritarianism. Americans tend to use "libertarian" as a small government / "all taxation is theft" mindset.