Natural Birth Gone Horribly Wrong | Emergency C Section + A Big Announcement!

Published 2020-07-30
Originally this video was going to be titled something like Second Child: What I’ll Do Differently This Time And What I Won’t Change.  I actually had no plans to ever share my first birth story, but I realized that sharing what I’ll do differently this time wouldn’t mean nearly as much unless you know the back story of why I’ll do things differently and what I’m trying to avoid this go ‘round. This is going to be a very long story so consider yourself warned. 

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I'll be sharing the physically and emotionally traumatic story of how my dream natural birth turned into an emergency c section with general anesthesia. It's definitely still hard to relive. Even though you physically heal from a traumatic birth experience, emotional healing takes much longer, if you even ever fully "get over it".

I know to some our story may not really seem "traumatic", but until you've experienced your hopes and dreams and everything you've worked so hard for ripped out from under you right as you're at the finished line, it's hard to truly understand.

Giving birth is a very emotional experience for most women and when a birth doesn't go the way you hoped and worked for, it can be a very difficult thing emotionally.

I’m so thankful for my sweet, healthy little girl but the way she entered the world couldn’t have been much farther from what I worked so hard for. It was a very traumatic experience for both my husband and I, as well as my mom. Poor Eric didn’t know what was going on. No one had stopped long enough to inform him and he didn’t even get directed to the right place to find us.

In hindsight, the birth of my first would have most likely turned out very differently had she actually been head down and in the proper position. As fast as my labor went even with her being breech, she most probably would’ve been born at my parent’s house or speeding down the interstate in a white Honda van. 

Be sure and check out the next video of the things I'm doing differently this time around in hopes of achieving a natural vbac for our second child!

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All Comments (21)
  • This story is long and gets emotional but I'm sharing in hopes that it'll resonate with other moms and help them not go through the horrible experience that we got put in. Be sure and catch the next upload which is what I'm doing differently this time in the hope of achieving a natural vbac for our second child!
  • @beyedoc
    Thank you for sharing your story. As a pediatric doctor and a woman, I'm so sorry for how you were treated (or rather, WEREN'T TREATED) to assure a safe labor and delivery experience. It's true that birth plans do have to change sometimes for the best of mother and baby health, but there are so many red flags throughout your interaction with the midwife starting when you first called when your water broke that could have helped you have a safe breach vaginal delivery or less traumatic c section experience. Better yet, they should have identified that she was not engaged and prepared for breach options. I promise that most of us doctors and healthcare workers DO care about our patients. 💕Brandi
  • @aryprice2621
    The most important thing is that your baby is alive. You never know what can happen. I almost died at 23yrs old after giving birth to my twin daughters. I was worried about the babies and I spent 9 days in the hospital because I lost too much blood had to get emergency blood transfusion from 2 different donors. It was even more complicated too long to explain here . I am a Christian with enormous faith in God. When everyone thought I might not make it including myself I asked God to pls let me live because my daughters needed me. My twins are 36yr old now. I never forget what the Lord did for me.
  • I know this is 3 yrs later but your video popped up in my reccomendeds and SWEETIE!...You just told my Birth Story with my 1st baby. Hearing you express your emotions surrounding your story have quite literally opened the flood gates as well as the many memories that have all of a sudden started filling my mind. The crazy part is some of these memories I have been told since, have all of a sudden become things that I not only remember now, but I feel like they happened yesterday😢 All of this to say, My son made it and will be 25 yrs old come July 27th❤ I realized that I have never truly worked through the trauma that I suffered. Im not to the point of even being able to voice my experience and tell my story but I am in therapy now as a result of watching your video. So, I just want to say Thank You and hopefully I can tell my story soon❤
  • @guilly8887
    This is why I'll only have a hospital birth! There's so much that can go wrong that you can't plan for!
  • I was on research for a stillbirth experience on YouTube bc I had one 2 days ago and I bumped into your story. Exactly the same happened to me. My midwife said it's all ok, you have all the time in the world but I don't felt like that. So I decided to go to birthcenter. I live 2hrs from the next hospital.... Long story short: after 36hrs of labour and tremendous pain, I ended up in a C-section, completely knocked out and the first thing I heard when I opened up my eyes was that my little baby girl Layla didn't made it. The doctor in the hospital says that loud and clear that this 3 midwives had murdered my baby. They've should known what's going on. With him as witness, I decided to go to the court and best the hell out of this murders! I know that it didn't bring my baby back to life, but I will prevent other pregnet lady's from this institution. Right know it's closed and all the ladys have sent to other midwives. I can't got pregnant again, they destroyed my hole life with their decisions. This was my first child and my last. I send you lots of love and all the best wishes for you and your family 💓
  • @kerry5188
    Just want to mention why the obgyns are not keen on aversion. As cautious as they may be, there is always a risk of the placenta being ripped from the uterus in the process. This was how my best friend lost her perfectly full term baby in utero.
  • @meghanaxsom
    Oh Rachel, your mom told me this story a while back, but hearing it from you makes me cry. And poor Eric—I cannot imagine how he was feeling! Bless you all, and also, sweet Dr. D. He was with me during a difficult birth too, and was an angel. I can still see him passing me tissues as I cried and cried. It turned out to be wonderful birth in the end. I have so much faith that this little one’s birth will be a healing one for you. ❤️
  • @arlysveen706
    Re: your Mom. My daughter’s labor was harder on me than my own labor! Mamas fight for their daughters!
  • I will say that babies absolutely can flip full term and that it can happen without you feeling anything at all. My son was head down the entire pregnancy until 37 weeks and then was breech. By my next appointment he was head down again. I know several people with breech babies who flipped last minute and they had no idea either. Sometimes babies really do flip and where you never felt a lot of movement and had no late term ultrasounds, theres no way to know for sure what her position was.
  • @sherry8894
    Wow .. I'm just speechless ! What you (and your husband and mom ) went through is absolutely unreal ! I'm so sorry you had to go through all that ! The way you told your story had me totally thinking to myself about what else was going to go wrong. All I could think about was how much pain you were going through ! I can't even begin to imagine!!! I feel so bad for you! The total incompetence of these so called medical professionals is unimaginable !!!! You're right. You went through a real life TV drama !!! I hope and pray that you're doing great now. You deserve a metal for what you've been through mama !!!!! I'm so happy that your mom was there when you needed her. Thank you for sharing your story. I watched every minute of it. You had me on the edge of my seat the whole time !
  • @joannam.4294
    Oh, sister... This sounds so much like my own experience, I am having flashbacks. Including the part about waking up all drugged up, and seeing somebody showing me a baby. I literally was thinking "Is this my baby? Have I given birth? It must be my baby, they wouldn't be showing me just a sample baby..." Then I fell back to sleep. I had eclamptic seizures during second stage labor at home. The midwife kept downplaying all the warning signs, hoping for a swift delivery, so she could avoid a hospital transfer. I am alive only because my doula stepped in and said "we have to go now". My hospital vbac (w/epidural) with the next baby was a deeply healing experience. May God bless you with complete healing from your trauma.
  • @AubsAndreya
    I just want to validate how hard that experience must have been for you. I’m a NICU nurse and a doula and I’m so incredibly sorry for how you were treated. You have to trust the patients you’re taking care of and this culture of dismissing women needs to stop. There’s no reason that your birth experience had to be like that. If your medical team had been listening to you and properly taking care of you you would have had access to a much less traumatic birth experience for everyone involved. Thank you for sharing your story, you are incredibly strong ❤
  • This brought me to tears… but also brought healing to my soul. I had the same experience as you did… my baby girl was born 7 months ago via emergency c section, after dilating to a 10 at home… also Frank breech, also history of breech births in the family. Thank you so much for sharing this– I don’t feel alone anymore ❤️
  • @bethanywhite877
    All women who birth at home are definitely troopers. If my daughter want s to do this I will convince her not to hopefully. She knows how lucky she is we are both here. I had preeclampsia, so a home birth would never be an option for me. My second was the same and I hemorrhaged 8 hours after his birth. The OR was being made ready but my nurses saved me. No doctors were at the hospital when this happened. They did it all. They applied so much pressure to my uterus I was literally crying for my mom at 31 years old. It was worse than labor and delivery. I’m thrilled and blessed I made it to viability with both . I think in 2000 and 2001 it was 26 weeks. Can’t remember. Both came a month early and were low birth weight. My 1st was only 4 lbs so we didn’t go home for 10 days. She had to latch to a bottle and gain weight to 5 lbs. she slept in an easy bake oven as I call it. I’m so glad you survived this. Glad baby lived too. Can midwives help you in a hospital setting? Just curious.
  • YOU are a hero. I’ve been where you are and your closing remarks are SO true and an example for all of us in all situations … unless you have walked in that person’s shoes, don’t assume or “judge”. YOU don’t know. If you do (or don’t), the caring you provide can be the difference in a person healing. Support that person for what they tell you — the emotional and psychological damage that has been done can be more horrendous than the experience itself.
  • @CJ-dj3cx
    You do know you have post traumatic stress syndrome, right? My 3 kids were born before ultrasound and pain meds. It took me 4 years to get pregnant so I was closely watched. Dilated to 3 by my due date they put me in the hospital and on petocin. They did not have much experience with induction at that time and ran it full bore. My first daughter was born within. 3 hours. Braxton Hicks had gotten me to 3, I was not in labor at the start. So all that you had prolonged for so long I had crammed into 3 hours of vicious pain. My second daughter was also born in 3 hours, naturally. So don’t let anxiety game you, each time is all it’s own story! Second child was easy and a joy!
  • @QUEENBEE200384
    My last baby flipped himself 3 times on the day he was born. I was in fetal assessment and they determined I had preeclampsia and took me upstairs to deliver that day. He was breech during my sonogram down in FA that morning. I was getting my fluids so I could go in for a csection that afternoon and the nurse and doctor felt and said he was head down. When he was born 2 hours later via cesarean section he was transverse. The doctors were talking about it and afterwards and said it’s extremely rare for babies to do that. None of my other 3 kids switched from their head down positions after 34 weeks.
  • My prayers for a safe and POSITIVE birthing experience this time!
  • Wow..... you went through a horrific situation. My 1st baby was an emergency cesarean. My epidural was very ineffective and I was awake. I felt it all... they did knock me out as soon as Adam was born. I woke up in recovery with my husband standing over me bawling and sobbing. I thought we'd lost the baby! Adam was fine. He weighed 9lbs 10oz and was 23" long! He was huge! My husband was just overwhelmed. I gave birth to boy/girl twins 3 years later by cection. 5.15 and 6.15! I was so proud of myself for carrying them to 38 weeks! I have a friend... Ruth. Her 1st was an emergency cection in her labor room because all the Operating rooms were full. They lost the babies heart rate and just tied her legs and arms and grabbed her child fast. No medication at all.... this time will be better! Prayers for your family! Thanks for sharing your incredible story!