
Published 2024-02-24

All Comments (21)
  • As an oncology vet tech myself we are the ones administering the chemo. I have seen so many pups live well beyond the expected. Just know when you bring her in for treatments and labwork the whole oncology staff is fawning over her, kissing her, holding her, and she is defiantly some ones favorite patient. As onco techs we always get attached to these kiddos because we also see the results and we see them so frequently we end up not only bonding with the pet we bond with the owners too. Molly is beyond lucky to have you as her mom and you are doing everything for her. <3
  • I lost my soul doggo, Copper, to cancer 2 years ago. But he was 18 and just could'nt fight it. It was a surprise because he went in for a dental surgery and they found an internal tumor in his abdomen. They told us we only had a few days, so I put his best tie on and we drove all around for like 8 hours and took photos and videos and ate all the things he wanted and went for walks and sung his favorite songs, because he liked to sing. He especially loved the song, ridin' dirty. He came to me for a reason and my life was so much better for it. As hard as it was to say goodbye the way we did, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. He passed peacefully in my arms at the vet and he had no pain. I also cannot have children, so I understand your bond to Molly and I send you all my love and very best vibes❤ You are a wonderful Mom to her and she's so very lucky to have you as her person!! Sending strength for your girl to recover!!!!!!!
  • @user-yl4zl5dg9u
    I so understand your pain and depth of love and compassion for Molly. I rescued a cat and named him Romeo he was 4 months old. He turned out to be loving and affectionate cat so much so if he heard me cry he would be by my side in a heartbeat. He turned out to be my therapy cat and I also had a deep love for him too. Two weeks ago he was walking and started walking sideways which caught my attention. I laid on the floor and petted him but he wanted to go to another room and every time he tried to get up and walk he fell down and his back legs stopped working. There were several areas of bile around the house. I carried him to the other room, laid down next to him. I could tell he didn’t want to be petted so I stopped. He turned his head away from me so I thought he needed time alone to recoup. I was about 10 feet away and heard two deep breaths and a whine. He was gone. I had recently moved to a totally different state not knowing a soul and hadn’t found a vet yet and couldn’t take him to a hospital because I’m living on disability with nothing left after I pay the bills. I can’t have children and my husband passed in 2015, so Romeo, he was my son and my sun. My heart breaks for him and for your Molly but with all the prayers being said for her God will hear the prayers and his Will, will be done Celina. I just wish I had realized my boy was dying, I would have told him how much I love him and I will miss him dearly. I’m sorry this is so long but your pain brought mine to the surface as I haven’t dealt with the loss yet. In God We Trust
  • @kmorrison4994
    Never apologize for your feelings and emotions, they are VALID. Our pets truly become part of the family and it's never easy to see them unwell. Remember to give yourselves some extra love during this, too. Praying for you, Adam, and your sweet Molly. ❤
  • @NixyRose72
    When my son collapsed on Feb 12, 2021, and was rushed to the hospital, they called me, made a covid exception and let me come in. He told me "leukemia." And my world hit a wall. It felt like all the air left the room and that I'd been sucker punched at the same time. He went through a year of hell and has been in remission for 2½years (don't misunderstand, the story of that year is a long and terrifying roller-coaster, but this is not the place for all of my baggage). I know it's not supposed to be the same, but everything you described feeling, i felt as a parent. So don't ever think it's less. She's your daughter in fur form. I fully believe that, for some of us, our furbabies are our children, emotionally. Our time with our furry ones is never enough and all we can do during our short privilege of sharing their time here, is love them. Just love them and make sure they feel your heart in the moments they have with us. It's never long enough and even if it were possible to share a million years with them, it wouldn't be enough. One day, we will be able to be by their side permanently, i fully believe that. I'm also praying for that miracle that you will get so much more time, in health, with her. I'm praying for her remission and your comfort. Also, don't neglect yourself, you need to be healthy for her. She and you and Adam are in my prayers and my thoughts and just know that she knows she is so loved. And so are you. Never doubt that she knows your love. Never doubt it because she doesn't doubt for one second. Sending you love and prayers and so many hugs. F*ck cancer! Hang in there and stand strong. ❤🧡🌻💜
  • @kimshank5775
    Celina, I lost my 12 yr old sheltie, Harley, the 2nd of October. She had cancer that started inside of her nose and spread fairly quickly. She lived 8 months from Dx. The vet told us we could try chemo, but it was highly unlikely to work. I opted to keep her as comfortable as possible until the time came. She was in a lot of pain the last few days and couldn't breathe. Her nose was bleeding because of the tumor, etc. I knew it was time to let her go. The drive to the vet was too short. She just stared at me with a smile, as though saying, "Thanks for everything." The ride home without her was the longest, most difficult drive of my life. She was my soul dog, and not a day goes by that I don't miss and think of her. Fortunately, I have another dog that is 1 1/2, who has been my rock. Give sweet Molly all of the love and attention you can. Sending you so much love ❤️!
  • @piadee1319
    I took my doggo, Russell, to Guelph university animal hospital, every two weeks for over a year. He had osteosarcoma (bone cancer in his right shoulder). They told us we had 6 months if we were lucky but we got over a year and a half! It came out of no where, we just found a lump one day. He was so strong through his whole journey (he was also a rescue) but on Valentine's Day 2019, he didn't want to get up. He was literally jumping off our landing as usual the day before. That was the day we knew it was time. We ended up doing quality of life treatments instead of surgery or chemo/radiation just because he was older, but that Valentine's day, we knew. Our vet ended up coming to my parents house, my husband and 2 month old son went there and got to say our final goodbyes and it was totally devastating. My heart goes out to you ♥️ sending so much love and light. Her soul will always be with you even when her body cannot.
  • It's a small world we live in. Hi, I'm also from Canada, and when I was two my wonderful parents got me a black labrador puppy, and her name was Mollie. My Mollie girl. She was my best friend and we grew up together. And "My One Soul Dog" is the best way to describe what we had, she was like a sister. When I was 14, she started to limp on her front left leg, and it was a small bit of cancer on her shoulder blade. She was twelve, old for a pupper, so surgery wasn't an option. But she lived a long, good, happy, life. And she laid her head on my knee as she took her final breath. I still have her collar and I'm trying to keep myself from crying as I write this. Celina, you are so incredibly lucky to have so many people in your life to support and even luckier to have this dog. So take it from someone who regrets this themselves, love her, every moment you have, love her. I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I hope that she will get better, I honestly truely do. Stay strong, both of you.
  • @jessedavid811
    Such chest crushing grief is huge soul growth. Animals do not fear death. They know. I'm 66 and know how u feel, my little dog was at my feet for 18yrs. A week after she passed over, we all heard our dog yawning stretching awake in empty cnr. Molly never leaves and will be the first one u see when it's ur time one day. Love bond is miraculous. All is well
  • @epix15
    I am so so so sorry Celina, having a sick pet is the most heart wrenching pain. These little critters come into our homes and steal our hearts. My cat is sick right now too, and we dont know what it is, and everyday i just hold him close lie i've done everyday for the last almost 12 years and tell him how much I love him. How he is the best cat ever, and how is my special little man. I am truly praying your Molly gets better just as much as I pray for my best kitty Maxie
  • @MJBever
    It’s not unhealthy to love a little companion like that. It is a deeply emotional connection. Our beautiful little souls are our best friends. And remember, our animal babies absolutely DO go to heaven, and their little souls truly live on. I’ve heard many accounts of NDE’s where the person was clinically dead for a matter of time, and experienced heaven. (Sometimes hell though too). But many of them saw their beloved animal babies that had passed in heaven. So whenever you lose a sweet little soul companion, please remember you WILL be with them again. For anyone interested, let’s join together and pray for a physical miracle for Molly. God bless you. Love you Celina, and your whole family! ❤️🙏🏼✝️🐕‍🦺
  • Celina, never give up on her, dogs give us such unconditional love and they deserve exactly the same thing in return. When I was three, my family rescued a dog from a shelter. The second she was out of that pen, she was jumping and licking me all over, and it just felt right. Several other people had also applied to adopt her, but the shelter decided I needed her the most, so we brought my Sally pup home. The shelter had named her Sweetie, and there could not have been a more accurate name for her. She was so much more than just a dog. She was the heart and soul of my family for years. Sally gave everything she had to us; none of us could so much as she’d a tear without her there in our lap, licking the tear from our cheek. It was the first time I ever really had an animal that I considered my own. In June of 2022, she went to the vet to get a small lump in her mouth checked out. My mom and my little brother took her, and I stayed home with my little sisters. When they got home, my brother walked into the living room where I was sitting and said, in the calmest voice I have ever heard, “Sally has cancer.” Now, he is autistic, so he didn’t process things the same way, but when I say I have never been so angry I am not exaggerating. For the next six weeks I did everything I could to give my baby girl the best life she could possibly have. She ate wet food, got constant tummy rubs, slept wherever she wanted. Anything she wanted she got. And then, on August 29th, 2022, we took her to the vet to be put down. She had begun drooling blood a couple days back and we decided it was time. I think that was the first time I ever really felt my heart shatter. Celina, bottom line, never ever give up on Molly. Give her the love that she’s given you all her life. Know that I am praying for the both of you. ❤❤
  • @nikitee7876
    I lost my soul dog, my shadow, my magnet, in January - it was too late to do anything.. he hid it so well till it was too far gone... he would've been 12 this year. I feel you. My life will never be the same.. I'd pick my dog over anyone in the world.. you'll and she will get through this though.. I know lymphoma is very treatable.. my 93 year old grandpa had late stage lymphoma & got an extra birthday, Christmas (an extra year) because of the chemo. Enjoy your moments with Molly. You're her world as much as she's yours. Give her all the treats & cuddles & junk food & swims & all the things she loves. Important !!! I regret not having the chance to be joyful & lovely with my boy & spoil him rotten before he had to go instead I was sad and stressed and worried.. Try to give her as many fun happy moments with you as you can & enjoy her ❤
  • @user-ln2dg1xb9q
    I can honestly feel the absolute LOVE that you are surrounding Molly with. She feels it too. You are giving her the best care possible, & she knows it...please believe me. Trust your connection with her. I am sending all of the love I have for my Wow-wow... to Molly & you. ♥️🐾🐾♥️
  • @zonagirl9197
    I have a little fur baby who was diagnosed with parvovirus just after his 3rd birthday. It broke my heart too see him in pain and uncomfortable and the vets told me there was no hope, that it was best to say goodbye. I brought him home because of he was gonna go, I wanted him to be as comfortable as could be and to be home where he felt safe. I took time off of work and was by his side 24hrs a day making sure he knew he wasn't alone. Through all the treatment and the tears. Through all the medication and needles and IV's, my baby boy made a full recovery and is healthy and happy as ever now. He will be 6 in May. So I know your pain and feel your sadness, just be strong in front of them and make sure Molly knows she's not alone through this fight. I hope she makes a full recovery and that your heart heals and blossoms full of happiness again. We love you Celina 💝
  • @Mommio_Andretti
    Sweet sweet Celina- never apologize for things being the way they are in the world, and grieving your news. She's YOUR baby!! She's no t just your dog. We love you and are praying hard!! ❤❤❤
  • @02waffles54
    Growing up, I had no one to lean on, no one to be there when I needed them the most. Then one day I met my soul dog. His name is Tucker, a golden retriever, currently 16 years old. He is my rock, my go to at hard times and good times, and I cherish him more than anyone will ever know. Some people don't understand the bond you can have with your dog. I always say if he could talk he would have a million stories to tell, stories that I told him as he sat there looking at me with nothing but the happiest thoughts in his eyes. I don't have kids, but to me, he is my child. I treat him and love him as much as a mother loves their own. I love that dog more than anything on this planet. I have days where I have panic attacks, and cry and wail at the thought of him passing, especially as he gets older. I have lost pets in the past but this dog is different. He truly is my soul dog. He knows when I am upset, and never leaves my side. I get light headed sometimes and at 16 he still leans against me to try and keep me balanced even though he is weaker then when he was younger. I feel like he knows what I'm thinking. How I'm feeling. And he knows nothing else but to give anything he can to cheer me up. Watching this video made me bawl. The way you describe molly sounds so similar to my Tucker. She is your soul dog. I don't pray much, But I WILL pray for you. For Molly. For anyone else who is going through or has gone through a similar situation. I wish I could do more. I don't know what else to say. Celina, if you read this, Me and Tucker are praying for You and Molly. (Trigger warning: This poem is very emotional) A poem I think embodies how I feel about my soul dog: Because you will not be forever, Hope against time though I may, Paint your picture in my memory, Eyes blue with age, muzzle gone gray. Because you walked with me in Springtime, Puppy-clumsy, running free. As you grew, we grew together-- You became a part of me. Because I shared with you my sorrows, Not understanding-- simply there. Often spurring me to laughter-- My friend, you know how much I care. Because the years have slowed your fleetness, Though your spirit still is strong. I promise I will take more time now, So that you can go along. Because you do not fear the future, Living only in the now, I draw strength from your example-- Yet time keeps slipping by somehow. Because the day will soon be coming When I will no longer see You rise to greet me - but in memory You will always walk with me. ~ Gayl Jokiel ~
  • @carlareich77
    Oh sweet girl, I am sending Love and Healing Light and my deepest prayers for your sweet Molly. For almost 20 years I begged for a dog but my husband was very anti-pet. But he traveled for work a lot and my best friend surprised me with a tiny puppy on Valentine's Day 10 years ago; my sweet baby boy Carl. In his 10 years he has eaten mole poison, gotten hit by a car, become diabetic which caused him to develop cataracts and literally go blind in just over a week. Every time I thought "This is it, I'm losing him" and every time his strong spirit prevailed. He has cost us thousands and thousands of dollars and we would gladly have paid 10 times as much to save him. He has had surgery to fix his eyes, a knee replacement, he is diabetic and gets insulin shots twice a day. He is getting a little slower, and a little gray around the face, but his personality and spirit are so strong, I can still see the puppy in him. He brings me joy every day and I thank God for him every night. He is a complete turd and bites us on the regular for such offences as accidentally bumping him with our feet while we are in bed, or for getting too close to each other (he is my dog, but he is my husband's best friend) and we love him for exactly who he is. We plan our vacations around what we think he would enjoy (the Smoky Mountains are his fave). He is a walking, happy, farting miracle and I can't even count the times that his little face has brought me laughter on days I didn't even think I could lift my head. Don't give up!!!! Much love from Carl and I to you, Adam and Molly.
  • @3meraldjad33
    Hey Celinaspookyboo first off I wanna say I absolutely love you. My mom just lost her 8 yr old doberman named Aura a couple of months ago after battling lymphoma cancer She too was also on chemotherapy and Prednisone a steroid. I send healing energy to your babygirl Molly. I will be praying for you boo. If you ever need someone to talk to or if you even have questions I can tell you what we did to help sustain a good quality of life for her while she was here with us. I took care of her too the best of my ability. She fought that shit hard day n and out and she was on her feet up until about 8 hours before she passed. Such a strong dog she was and I wish everyday she was here. I'm praying for you all. I firmly believe the bond you two have you will know when she has had enough and when the quality of life has gone away. Prayers babygirl 🙏 make the most of what you two share, she knows you love her. I love how she took a dunk 💩 on cancer