Grand Canyon trip 2007

Published 2008-05-16
I crossed the Grand Canyon from the south rim across the Colorado River and back on a hiking trip because, well I couldn't resist it! It was 109 degrees F at 1:30 pm, and the trip was 17 hours and 17.5 miles of hard hiking. Rough trip, but well worth the scenery!

All Comments (3)
  • I've been there, but it was a first, so we didn't spend much time on anything but sightseeing. If we went back (most likely) I will probably do more trails. Seeing things like that hits you in a way of deep interest that you can't begin to describe. Similar to Salvador Dali paintings or shaking hands with a veteran. No real comparison.
  • I don't pick my nose... (at least not much). What exactly do you do for fun? There is so much to do, it's hard to find the time for it all! Most of my time is spent working (big surprise there) so that allows for paying for the cool vacation activities. You don't see the boring work hours on YouTube!