Two Photos, Two Years Apart

Published 2024-06-07
** Want to get in shape and take back control of your life? **
- Send me a message on X @ChristophWalks or comment on this video.
- I have a fitness coaching program that will teach you how to work out consistently, meal prep, get up early, and push yourself to go to the next level.

** Do you want to get a better job, but you suck at interviews? **
Here is a free course on how to ace your job interviews. I was a Store Manager for 5+ years and hired over 100 employees while interviewing hundreds more.
I developed an easy-to-follow framework that will set you up for success on your next job interview!…

** If you get headaches and eye strain from being on your computer, check out my Etsy shop, Skywalker Shades! **
- We carry very stylish and affordable blue light blocking glasses that will reduce headaches, eye strain, and keep your melatonin from being drained throughout the day, increasing sleep quality.

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