Doom 2 [Junkfood 2]: Map Ate (Map08) - UV-fast in 3:08

Published 2023-10-23
Wad: Junkfood 2
Skill: Ultra-Violence
Time: 3:08
Map: Map08
Name: Map Ate
Category: UV-fast

Could be done faster I'm sure but as -fast isn't my specialty, I gave it a decent first exit I feel.

Recorded on September 25th, 2023

The original text file description is below.


The beginning of this is just a lottery if you'll survive the onslaught of turbo-charged Pinkies and even if you do there's the Cybers on the side raining rockets down. So you have to pray you not only don't get eaten alive but also not get sniped while wading through the walking hamburger swarming you. Once the Demons are all taken care of, it's mostly a cakewalk from there til the end.

This was a first exit, not sure I wanna deal with the Pinky headache again but this is easily doable much faster. Probably possible to do the UV-Max strat, more or less anyway, but that's way too risky for my blood.

All Comments (5)
  • @dougncc7542
    Man, I thought you disappeared or something, glad to see you uploading videos, I don't know why you don't do it as much as you used to do it before but I'm glad you're ok
  • @BigMacDavis
    Doomguy looking to squash all those tomatoes for his stew tonight. Yummy.
  • @jess648
    that is a terrifying amount of cacodemons