Angels Appear & Miracles Happen After Truck Kills Him - EP 60

Published 2022-10-14
A 25,000 pound semi-truck fell on top of Bruce while he was repairing its underside, crushing his body so severely that his body was no thicker than a thin slice of bread, and severing five arteries and crushing vital organs. Bruce tells his story in gut wrenching detail, but what happens next is one of the most spectacular miracles we have ever heard. Bruce left his body after dying, but a young Christian paramedic came to his lifeless body and started praying for him and speaking life to Bruce. Two other voices spoke to Bruce - one from God and one from a demon. Listen to what they said, and how the man who should have been dead today has recovered from what doctors have confirmed were surely life ending injuries. This is a must see video - it will confirm God's purpose and protection over YOU.
#jesus, #NearDeathExperience, #Angels, #miracles

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All Comments (21)
  • I really like Bruce. I saw him on Sid Roth 6 or 7yrs ago. I asked him to pray for my son as I was about to go crazy with all the negative reports from the doctors. But Bruce pray for my son... other ministries that I reach out too, never respond but Bruce Did...his testimony is powerful. By the way my son is today a walking miracle and all the bad reports never manifested in Jesus name!!!!
  • As a truck driver I can visualize exactly what he's talking about and I'm in such shock that he lived through that. Truly God saved his life that day and what a testimony of God still with us today! I pray and hope that the people that are lost do see these videos. What a miracle!
  • i need some prayers a smoker and im having a hard time stopping.i beleive in prayer so if people will pray for me to over come this addiction..i know through the power of our God i can just asking because when many pray much is done.thank you and thank you Randy for your channel..
  • @fckjb284
    This guy is absolutely doing a phenomenal job of describing what death can be like for a Christian! After I myself dying in a high speed motorcycle wreck years ago I experienced part of what he did. The indescribable peaceful feeling, the being 15 feet up in the air watching the paramedics putting the paddles on me ( not knowing it was me ). I was combative with the paramedics when they brought me back. I was no pulse for about 15 minutes, 13 skull fractures, road rash, no helmet, 110 miles per hour. God is GREAT! God is REAL, Jesus is REAL. God does miracles. I didn't see the tunnel. I saw super intense bright light while I was in that indescribable peaceful place, the brightness was above me and me laying on the pavement was below me only lit buy manmade lights of the ambulance. Since then I've realized that Jesus has ridden with me all my life since I was saved at 14 years old. Born once, reborn at 14, reborn (given back life) at 33 years old. ✝
  • As I am listening to Bro. Bruce relating his miracle, I can feel warmth in my body, I can feel the presence of God around me and I can remember many miracles that God had performed in my life. How great God is! Thank You Jesus. 🙏🙏🙏 I love You Lord. ❤❤❤
  • I am a retired RN, and that was an amazing testimony. Thank you!
  • @map3364
    I remember hearing this Man’s testimony years before. It is by far the most incredible testimony from a physical standpoint. The creative miracles are so amazing! God is so so good. How could anyone remain atheist after hearing this.
  • @Rachel-kh9gh
    I adore your channel! I no longer have a fear of death. I gave my heart and soul to Christ when I was 12 years old, but unfortunately, I didn’t live my life for Him. I’ll be 55 on October 30th. Praise God I now live my life for Christ. Thank you for your wonderful channel. You are the only host that actually allows your guests to tell their experiences with very little interruptions. Thank you for that. God bless you, your family and your channel!
  • The rebuke that the Holy Spirit gave to Bruce about not ever misrepresenting God is so powerful and profound! If each Christian remembered that we don't represent ourselves, but rather, we represent Christ at every moment, how different our lives, relationships and this world would be! That was an amazing testimony that offers a life changing perspective! Praise Jesus! The radical transformation that Bruce experienced prior to this miraculous survival and healing is miracle in itself and worth hearing! Amen and Hallelujah!
  • @flav2230
    I just received news I have breast cancer. Your testimony is really encouraging to hear ❤
  • That is how I left my body too right after the car I was in rolled and slammed up against a tree. I popped right out of my head, and was outside it for only a minute, then reentered back into the top of my head. While outside my body the whole inside of the car was all lit up in this bright white light, and there was a presence there with me that I didn't see, but knew it was there, and like this man said, it seemed natural, like no big deal.
  • 😇 WOW RANDY & BRUCE 😍 my Mom & I just watched this testimony with our jaws dropped in our laps! We prayed together at the end with you & gave each other a big joyful teary-eyed hug!! I've been watching your interviews Randy Kay for the last 9 months since my Dad's sudden & unexpected death... they have transformed & comforted me in these most difficult days of my life. Sharing one of your videos contributed to my agnostic brother having a soul shaking & spirit awakening just a fews weeks ago 🙏🙏🙏 I sat in his driveway with joyful tears thanking our Heavenly Father for answered prayers 🙏 May your ministry & testimonials CONTINUE to Bless as many people as possible 😇🙏 Thank you
  • @IslandBuzzy
    This is the first time I've heard Bruce's testimony, I've been a Christian since 1984. I've worked in ministry, planted churches, supported missions, led people to the Lord...but here I am, crying like a baby. The love, miracles and grace of our sweet Lord will (thankfully) never cease to humble me, to amaze me, to bring me to my knees in thanksgiving. ♥️ Everyone, no matter what their lifestyle, their past, their culture deserves a chance to know the glorious love and grace of God. I pray the Lord give me boldness, grace and unconditional love to walk in His footsteps, to have a desire and the love to bring others to know Him. Thank you Jesus ♥️
  • I’m a tractor trailer driver, and ‘get’ the gravity Bruces’ accident. His testimony is both riveting and astounding! I’m sharing his testimony with our garage guys. They definitely will be ministered to! Thank you Bruce! You are absolutely back here by the grace and mercy of God to bless us all!
  • I have to sit here in the quiet and just process after hearing all this. I sent this to my son who is suffering from a neck injury that two years ago left him with chronic pain, just after we lost his dad when he was still a teenager. He is so mad at God. So regretful of so many things. He really needs Gods healing in every aspect. Praying he will watch and it will impact him. Thank you both from the bottom of this mother’s heart. ❤ And praying for the miracle of complete restoration. 🙏🏻
  • @SalwaSamra
    Please, please pray for me Lana. I’ve been under such horrific, terror, sorrow, anxiety, chronic trembling, ill health, torment, fighting for 6 years. Drs, physicians, holistic practitioners, integrative doctors and naturopaths have given up on me. They can’t help me. I’ve fought and fought for 6 years. I believe it’s a spiritual warfare to try and take my life. Medications after medications, the horrors of weaning off them. The horrors of getting on others. Then all the thousands of dollars spent on supplements and food regimes. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I eat and throw up, I’m down to 42kgs. I put on my makeup and cry. The fight has been so morbidly hard. I’m now bed ridden due to my body unable to sustain the fight. I pray. Worship. I know the Word of God intimately. I pray scriptures, passages and passages as prayers for 26 years. This is only a tiny bit of this horrific ordeal of the last 6 years. I wait on God to heal and deliver me. The agony of the wait. The mourning of the loss of life. I’m so lively. It’s all gone and I’m fighting for my family and for God and what He has prepared for me that Satan is trying to stop. I truly need a miracle. A breakthrough. Too many ministries have given up on me because they don’t see me being set free. I don’t want to reach out anymore, but, for my family I must. Please seek God’s face for me. Please help me as my brothers in Christ. I’m crying typing this. I tremble typing this. It’s all just a morbid, horrific trial. I know God can deliver me. I know He can free me. Why? Why am I still in this place. He’s a living God. I wail and wail to Him day and night. I worship in my sleep. I quote scripture in my sleep due to all the torment. This grieves me enormously because it’s been so opposing to who I am. I was a very active person. So on the go, always, never stop. Always cooking for others and volunteering at nursing homes, visiting the lonely. There’s so much to my story. I live in Melbourne, Australia. Please, I implore you, in Jesus name seek Gods face to come and do a miracle, a deliverance for me so I can live again. 🙏😥🙏
  • My son was in a motorcycle accident that I knew years in advance, just a feeling, and at sixteen it did happen. The amount of blood loss was enough to kill him, but I couldn't let go, and let God...until it was happening. He's now almost 40, crippled but alive. It's a long story, but I believe what you say is true! Every bit. I share these stories with anyone who will listen, and I will share your story to anyone who will listen. God bless you, and your family, your story is amazing, because it is without a doubt a miracle.
  • What a wonderful testimony. I love how he doesn't try and answer complex questions about the horrible struggles we go through in life w/ pre-fab answers. God's ways are truly past finding out in so many ways. Yet his life and testimony did answer some tough questions about the horrible accident he suffered, that God tried to prevent, if only he'd listened to his wife. Instead he answered w/ wrath and rebellion. The way God uses his people, like the new Christian paramedic. The man he sent to pray for the miracle w/ his intestines. Made the guy get on a plane to pray in person. Which led the atheist surgeon to come to God. Wow, just wow.
  • @joeskill4663
    My goodness… I work as a heavy duty suspension mechanic for just over 3 years. In that time came close a few times of being crushed. So I can visualize everything he describes. I must say what a horrific accident. 😢 actually one of the most incredible parts for me was that he actually decided to stay despite so much pain and seeing his crushed flattened body. I don’t think I would be able to do it..🤷‍♂️😢.. I also feel bad for the guy that did not put the safety stand under the truck after jacking it up, which of course is a must. But we tend to take short cuts and sometimes we have false sense of safety when we should not. But I just can’t imagine that poor guys guilt he must have felt. I pray the Lord was able to heal him also because that had to be terrible to see for him..😢🙏🏽 But in the end out of this horrific accident I pray that countless blessings and healing and many people come to the Lord Jesus…amen🙏🏽❤️
  • Randy, I love Bruce's story, I saw his testimony about a semi crushed him on his chest and angels protected him from death and father in heaven healed him back to health. This interview I will not miss for sure