Trump reemerges to an entirely new race

Published 2024-07-24
Donald Trump will step out onto the campaign trail in North Carolina to an entirely new race and a political landscape once again irrevocably altered by an unprecedented election year. CNN’s Alayna Treene reports. #CNN #news

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All Comments (21)
  • @wizben3135
    Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in US history
  • @delsol-s1k
    I am sure when Trump is out for good and we do not hear about him other then the justice for his crimes, you will see a change in the air...almost like a cool breeze blowing in through a window!! So looking forward to this day!!
  • “The first party to retire it’s eighty year old candidate. Is going to be the party that wins the election.” Nikki Haley Oh, my, my. How the tables have turned. 😂😂😂😂😂
  • Yeah but he still won't say anything presidential, or anything worth listening to for that matter.
  • @rclausen
    It's time for ol' Von Shitzenpants (aka WORST President EVER) to give up, because he does stand a chance against a younger, Black Woman. The entire nation is rallying around VP Harris
  • EUROPEAN GUY HERE - having listened to Haris for 3 days, Trump suddenly sounds SO UNBELEIVABLY OLD...!!!!
  • @lcukei
    When is he going to talk about what he is going to do for the middle class? When will he talk about lowering taxes for the middle classes? Enough with the attacks … what are you actually going to do and how are you going to do it ?
  • @vaclavbastl500
    If Trump actually had a campaign built on what he has to offer to the nation and not purely about hating on Biden, he wouldn't need to change a damn thing...
  • @KAD36Max
    Scott's "spin" is just Maga propaganda. FIRE Scott.
  • @dstarrII8442
    I cannot tell lie - George Washington! I cannot tell the truth - Donald Trump! I cannot tell the difference - MAGA!
  • Keep the momentum going, guys. While Trump deceives his MAGA supporters, we should all focus on campaigning for Kamala Harris and other Democrats up and down the ballot. If you haven't started campaigning, start by talking to people around you, writing postcards, phone banking, text banking or even donating small amounts to Democratic candidates.
  • Trump, tell them about how you are stable at 78. Talk about how windmills cause cancer. You got this!
  • @four4eyes
    He'll be called out for his lying . He won't debate her because she will put his bull S on parade !
  • @stefan2796
    The Republicans react as if they are in panic says enough.
  • @orraman5427
    I get the feeling that Trump is as desperate to debate Kamala as he was to give evidence in court.
  • @justoneman3916
    It’s like a politics version of the flea flicker. Watching Fox News and MAGA folk panic is awesome. Maybe MAGA will replace their “too old to serve” candidate as well.
  • God bless if after November we never have to hear the auditory stench of Trump's voice ever again.