Why American Public Schools Are Failing Students

Published 2017-05-28
Minority students have a difficult time getting a quality education in the U.S. A segregated public school system, a lack of teacher diversity and higher rates of suspension pose a high burden, especially on young black and Latino students.

Learn more here:
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. “Data Snapshot: School Discipline.” ocrdata.ed.gov/Downloads/CRDC-School-Discipline-Sn…

Johns Hopkins University. “Race Biases Teachers' Expectations for Students.” releases.jhu.edu/2016/03/30/race-biases-teachers-e…

Mother Jones. “Black Teachers Matter.” www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/09/black-teacher…

Music tracks courtesy of Audio Networks.
Footage and images courtesy of Reuters and Getty.

Presented by: Dena Takruri
Written by: Emily Gibson
Edited by: Brian Joseph
Animations by: Kai Tang
Produced by: Emily Gibson

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All Comments (21)
  • @duimu
    The education system itself is a problem. The obsession with tests is disengaging students from learning itself.
  • they treat children like children but expect them to act like adults, nothing changes the student
  • @lisak7380
    They forgot to mention the problem of deteriorating family systems. The best schools have involved, engaged parents.
  • @leatme
    The problem is, that while teachers definitely play a large role in the development of children, I think that we very often expect teachers to fill roles that parents traditionally have and should continue to fill.
  • @firewizzard86
    Why is America obsessed with race? most of this video was nothing to do with the education just the color of the teachers.
  • @SadethCheng
    I blame standardized testing. Nobody goes to the school for the sake of learning anymore. They go to school to pass a test, and then brain-dump it soon after.
  • @bluedude2246
    I bullied kids when I was in public school. I was that one edgy, don't mess with me kind of kid. I was sent to a Christian private school and was feared by many there. I learned how wrong I was for bullying kids and became nice and normal. Eventually, people started opening up to me and they saw no reason to fear me.
  • @maulid3514
    I went to an inner city high school and I can confirm without a doubt it is in shambles. In my eyes it is basically a place where parents throw their children for a couple of hours like a teenage daycare of some sort; I remember not ever being assigned homework because the teachers knew the kids wouldn't do them, the curriculum in the classes were entirely for either grade school or middle school children and the teachers were apathetic as fuck. I went there to graduate without putting in any effort but holy shit was it miserable.
  • @Thhrhshrgsh
    To make the video short: Black students w/white teachers= bad students Black students/black teachers=good students Dena: "school systems are reverting back to segregation" Also Dena: "Black kids are better performed with black authority" Solution: segregate schools again
  • As a student myself I think the main factor of a good education is a good teacher, good resources and the ability to understand deeply.
  • @Edmund007013
    Please explain why Chicago public school teachers send THEIR children to private schools ? Answer..........They know better !!!
  • @pallidhand9756
    Race isn't a problem in school, the quality is, basically for everyone
  • @Daniel-ce6vi
    I've seen both sides in this video. I was in a school where they got funded less and the majority of the kids were black and Hispanic. I also went to a school where majority of the kids were Caucasian. As a student we can definitely can see a difference in teaching wise. When I went to the better school with Caucasians with better funding I felt like I didn't learn anything from my other school. Also I felt out of place because I felt my education was lower which also brought down my self-esteem. America really needs to work on the education for all kids because there is segregation that still lingers today. We also need to teach kids to respect teachers because teachers are our second parents. Without them, everybody would not have a common education or "common sense". Teachers are a foundation and we need to see that.
  • @jonathanm.9801
    This is so blatantly racist. Students shouldn't be looking up to teachers as role models because of their race. They should look at their teachers as role models because of their wisdom and ability to teach. We should be teaching all students that we should work hard to get what we want. If you truly want something, work hard for it.
  • I personally believe that education must be started at home. A parent who can buy expensive sneakers or new car can get a tutor for their children or at list a library card to get books for their children to study. I don't believe we can rely on the educational system anymore. they have proved time and again they are NOT going to level the playing field and will continue to make it so that only whites and Asians are prepared to be successful. I went to a school in my projects in Brooklyn in the 70's and 80's. I was a single mother my last year of high school, but I graduated with my high school diploma. It was because my family would not allow me to fail. I went on to get an Associate's degree, then a Bachelors degree to finally getting my Masters degree in Education at 51. I made sure my son went to better schools than I did and surrounded him and my little brother( who is 5 years older than my son) with educational games video's and special programs in Jr. college for kids on Saturdays. Even though my son had a child his last year of high school he also graduated. His son attends one of the best charter schools in Manhattan, and is going into the 10th grade. When parents take their own children's education into their hands great things come out of it!!! We invest in what we deem important. We just have to begin believing our children and their future is the most important thing to us!!!
  • @venmon9613
    I hate when a teacher get angry at me for not using critical thinking even though they never taught it to me
  • @adamyaakov8435
    The new educational system. They are not teaching physics, calculus, trigonometry to kids at the young age when they need to grasp it but they are charging a hell of money to teach your kids how to tolerate and happily practice homosexuality. Am I the only fool seeing this? I don't mean to offend to my gay associates and friends but I just felt the need to high light this observation!
  • @HamsterTMS
    I am a white American and public schools were extremely difficult, I say public schools are obsolete, private schools and home-schooled kids have a better chance of succeeding, the only problem is that private schools and home-schooling are expensive despite it being a better way of teaching.