Super Mario Sunshine: 20 Years Under the Sun | My Thoughts On

Published 2022-07-09
"My Thoughts On" Episode 24: Super Mario Sunshine

CR takes a look at a game that is either loved or hated by the Mario fanbase. Which means that there's DEFINITELY going to be ZERO controversial takes :)



All Comments (14)
  • @Equalyze
    So, I read the description as "CR takes a look at a game that is either loved or adored by the Mario fanbase" that correct? 😁 Okay, but for real, what a way to make a comeback with your "My Thoughts On" series! I was so dang hyped to see that you uploaded this, and man, this review absolutely shines! I love the addition of new edits, like working in live footage into the narration. The transitions between the two recording styles are tight (especially that one at 0:08 - superbly executed!) and it makes the video even more engaging. The new animations look super-slick, as well, like for your title segment at 0:51 - very nice! And the humor here had me legit laughing out loud. I loved the mention of "Mama Reviews", and your shameless "I still haven't paid it off!" still has me smirking just thinking about it. 😂 And that breakdown of the story in less than the time it took to even take a dang sip of water would've had me spitting out my coffee, as well. That quip at 6:35 was brilliant, and my goodness, that cut at 11:30 was immaculate! Also, that glitch that you captured immediately afterwards feels like the worst and most degrading kind of non-death for Mario. Thank goodness you can exit the levels while standing on solid ground! Also, the struggles are very relatable here! When my brother and I first got our GameCube, we didn't have a memory card, either, so all of our playthroughs of Luigi's Mansion were from scratch. Hey, can you blame the Nintendo community for not wanting to shell out for memory cards, considering we never truly needed them until the GCN era? I don't understand why memory cards weren't included with the OG GameCube bundles, but I digress... Also, that freaking boat in Corona Mountain... just... WHY. 😭 I agree entirely with your remarks on that horrendous pachinko machine, and the Watermelon Festival is... just tedious and frustrating for no reason at all. So, a huge reason why I love Sunshine so much, is because the controls are just so dang tight, and the moves just feel so fun to do. Honestly, if you wanted to beat the game without touching the ground, you could probably come close, because the number of movement options is insane, and they're all useful at some point. Sure, the level variety may be lacking, and the story is underwhelming, but the controls! If a game is just straight-up FUN to play, that means way more to me than any other factor. Thank you for really highlighting all of the more-than-redeeming qualities of this game (like the music!), because they often go overlooked in debates about the game. This was truly a stellar review, and just a joy to watch. Phenomenal work, CR
  • @alkankondo89
    Nice review! Good analysis, great humor, professional-sounding "radio" voice, and clever subtitle ("20 Years Under the Sun"). I'm glad Youtube recommended this video to me and that I clicked!
  • @topherpro1783
    This was great! The live action bits really inject a lot of personality into the review, which was very in-depth and touched on one of my favorite games from the Gamecube era. Excellent work!
  • This was the first main Mario game I played when I was a kid. As a kid I couldn’t beat it on the GameCube. When I got 3D all stars I got really excited to play again and I beat the game a couple of years ago. It was a good game.
  • I love this game. It might be really difficult, especially that one level with the lava goop inferno, and the camera problems. But that's just a small hurdle compared to an otherwise charming and beautiful game! Fludd was a ton of fun, and the parts of the game I had the most difficulty with was when he was gone. Every level is so much fun, and as someone with maritime roots, it really made me appreciate Isle Delfino as a setting! Happy 20th Anniversary to Super Mario Sunshine!
  • I just played this game for the first time last year! Grew up with Mario 64 and the other games but had somehow missed this one. It's really fun, though I haven't finished it yet. I enjoyed your review!
  • @SpectreDusk
    Great review Capture, I always had a soft spot for this Mario game.