The Games That Got Me Through 2022

Published 2023-01-30
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Watch a bonus video I made about my 2022 Game of the Year here:

With 2022 past its close, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the games I played this year as well as what it has been like to be a new dad. In it I explore some of the things I found in Dad(tm) games like The Witcher 3 and God of War Ragnarok as well as lessons I learned in things less dad centric, like Tunic and Vampire Survivors.

Audio edit by @HeavyEyed and @CrayTrey
Additional Editing by Isaac Holland:
Thumbnail by HotCyder:

Special thanks to honorary bagbutens Adamo and WilliamGlenn8.

Additional Music and Sound Effects by Epidemic Sound:

All Comments (21)
  • @razbuten
    the game with the alligator is Lil' Gator Game (I goofed and forgot to mention it by name in the video).
  • @woodneel
    "The baby the lady you live with gave birth to" is an interesting metric of time as you play games.
  • cant imagine fifteen years in the future watching a video by your father talking about what games he was playing while you were crying for milk
  • @gmg9010
    Once I got my first job I couldn’t believe how fast a year went by
  • it feels like a teaser for the eventual "I made my daughter play video games" video that will be coming out in many years lmao. Congrats and I hope this year can be great as well.
  • You doing the build up for Eldin Ring only to switch to Sekiro literally make first pump I was so excited. Not enough people like that game
  • @Congra
    I felt my eyes start to water a little when you were listing your daughter's milestones in connections to certain games. So happy to hear you're enjoying fatherhood! Excited to see what videos you have in the pipeline for this year :) (P.s. I'm sad you had Lil Gator Game footage but didn't end up discussing it. Did you play it in 2023 and that's why?)
  • Near the end of the video, when you started relating each video game you played last year to a different milestone that your daughter achieved, I teared up a bit. I can hear in your voice how much you care for her, and how much you love her, and as a person who didn't get to grow up with an even decent father or father figure, I just wanted to emphasize, the world could use more fathers like you. You're doing great
  • @Atellas
    This past year has just flown by. I’m in highschool, got my first job, started college courses, and so much good and bad stuff happened. My dad got laid off, but it ended up being the best thing that could’ve happened to our family. I’ve experienced so much throughout 2022 (and have played so many new games that I absolutely love) and even throughout the bad, I can’t say it was a bad year. I’ve definitely grown as a person. Thank you, Razbuten, for contributing to that good year. I hope everything is going great with your daughter! Edit: Whoops, meant daughter but put son. Fixed it!
  • @noam242
    Okay, idk if it's because I'm sleep deprived, but even though I'm not a father the part of how you remembering games by your daughter's milestones got me teared up.
  • @TheAqua-Ninja
    Dude this video hit home for me. I just graduated from college in April 2022 then we had our first kid (baby girl) in October, so when you talked about wondering if life would ever go back to anything like it was before I felt that big time. Glad to hear things are going well for you. Keep making great content man. Your videos are awesome.
  • @keystone9031
    My dad is not a great part of my life now. He shows up once or twice a year and wished me happy birthday on the wrong days. I try not to hold it against him, but being kind doesn't always come easily. You, describing your daughter's first steps, was the first time I've ever cried about my father. In all of these pieces of media about I see around me about fatherhood, only your video has aever done that to me. You are a truly special creator, Razbuten, and I have a feeling you're an even better father. Thank you.
  • @davidinark
    Firstly, congratulations to you both! Secondly, as a father of a 27 and a 20 year old, I will simply say that time never slows. You wake up one day, leaving a comment about your 27 and 20 year olds, while at the same time pretty sure you and your wife just got married yesterday. But, through it all, every moment of good, bad, difficult, and joy is all worth it.
  • @CoyoteLofi
    This is one of those rare cases where the algorithm hits you with a video that you absolutely needed to see. I'll likely become a father in the next year or so and I've been freaking out about it for a while. This is the first realistic take on becoming a father that actually made me feel better. Because I'm also an avid gamer and that, among other things, is something I'm afraid will fall by the wayside as my priorities shift. Knowing that fatherhood did change everything for you but you were able to retain your sense of self is something I felt but needed to hear expressed by someone who had already been through it to really believe was possible. Thank you for this.
  • @llamatorocco
    As a dad, this video brought me to tears. Being a father is the greatest thing in the world.
  • @zoetropeyzy
    Seeing this pop up in my recommendations brought a smile to my face, a belated happy new year to you Raz!
  • @colinwest2804
    I became a dad last January with a daughter as well! Literally everything you said brought back my last year and all the different stages with it. I remember playing Stranded Deep late at night between feedings while she was sleeping beside me. I will always remember those times. Keep up the great work and congrats on getting through 2022!
  • Every single time, I dont know why but you make me cry every single video. Either the music you use, your voice, the things you talk about or all three together just catch me offguard every time and I feel tears running over my smile. And you talking about the milestones of your daughter was basically a "try not to happy cry (impossible)" challenge. I am so happy that you are enjoying your fatherhood. Health and happyness for the future, and thank you truly for getting me to genuinly feel something every single time
  • @tommapar
    For The Witcher 3 No Minimap thing- A piece of advise from someone who modded the heck out of it because of that same thing, there was a mod on nexusmods, that turned off the minimap, and added floating waypoints in the screen with the distance to it, like in almost every open world game ever. You could tune it so the waypoints only showed up when using the witcher senses. That was for me the best way I could think of playing it.
  • i’ve been watching you pretty much since the first one of these videos and it’s such a nice reset for me to think about what has gotten me through the past year — not just games, but books, songs, hobbies, shows, etc thank you raz for always inspiring this reflection and sharing your experiences :)