12 Things That Ruin a First Impression Immediately

Published 2018-04-25
Scientists have proven that we form our first impression about someone within the first 7 seconds of meeting them, and 55% of the first impression is based on appearance. Pay attention to 12 common things you should avoid not to ruin the first impression.
In his research, psychologist William F. Chaplin found that people with a weak handshake are instantly judged as being shy, anxious, uninterested, or even completely incompetent.
If you place your hands on the table, don’t squeeze them too tight or lay them flat with your palms down. This makes people feel like you want to control them. Also, don’t forget about the role that culture plays here.
A 2007 study showed that people who maintain eye contact during a conversation are often seen as more confident, attentive, intelligent, and trustworthy. Try not to focus the conversation only on yourself and your issues. It’s always a good idea to be attentive to your conversation partner.
Tapping can indicate nervousness, irritation, or impatience. People might even think that you’re purposely trying to irritate others or draw attention to yourself. And while cracking your knuckles can help relieve stress, it’s one of the most annoying sounds according to a survey by The New York Times.
A study from the University of Essex showed that even just having one’s phone on the table next to them reduces a conversation’s quality and the participants’ engagement. So leave it in your bag or in your pocket.
Running late to a meeting with people you don’t know or have a formal relationship with will shed a guaranteed negative light on you. You’ll seem like an unreliable and unorganized person that doesn’t respect people enough to value their time.

About That Oldie Vibe Tracks
Josefina Quincas Moreira
Merengue de Limon Quincas Moreira
Pink Lemonade Silent Partner

A weak handshake 0:38
Keeping your hands in the wrong position 1:25
Chewing gum 2:15
Avoiding eye-contact 3:01
Playing with your hair 3:41
Picking the wrong conversation topics 4:25
Invading someone’s personal space 5:07
Making distracting noises 5:49
Constantly checking your phone 6:34
Forgetting people’s names 7:23
Being late 8:00
The wrong attire 8:47

-If you wanna give the right impression of confidence and capability, remember to grip the other person’s hand firmly and for no longer than 2 seconds.
-Put your hands on your lap if you want, but never keep them in your pockets because this gives the impression that you’re hiding something.
-Chewing on gum makes you look immature, self-centered, and somewhat low-brow.
-Don't be afraid to lock eyes with another person from time to time instead of constantly looking around, especially when you meet them for the first time.
-If you tend to play with your hair when you’re nervous, try to kick this habit, you could be sending them the wrong message.
-Play it safe and avoid the general “taboo” topics out there. They include health problems, money, religion, politics, or personal problems and complaints.
-When it comes to meeting someone for the first time, keep a minimum of 4 feet between the two of you.
-It can be nearly impossible to control nervous tapping, but you have to try, especially during important meetings or presentations.
-Even if you’re just checking the time on your screen, it comes off as extremely impolite when you do it during a conversation.
-Immediately repeate someone’s name after you’ve been introduced. In case you forget the name, just play it cool and try to avoid using phrases where you have to name the other person.
-Leave your house in enough time so that you don’t have to run to your meeting. You’ll be all disheveled and unfocused, and that looks bad too.
-If you’re meeting somebody for the very first time, again, especially in more formal situations, try to be conservative in your choice of clothing, be polished, and don’t use heavy perfume or tons of makeup.

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All Comments (21)
  • TIMESTAMPS A weak handshake 0:38 Keeping your hands in the wrong position 1:25 Chewing gum 2:15 Avoiding eye-contact 3:01 Playing with your hair 3:41 Picking the wrong conversation topics 4:25 Invading someone’s personal space 5:07 Making distracting noises 5:49 Constantly checking your phone 6:34 Forgetting people’s names 7:23 Being late 8:00 The wrong attire 8:47
  • @DavidCRichards
    As far as I’m concerned, never judge anyone by first impressions
  • At my first interview I tried to maintain eye contact for too long and they thought i was cross eyed I'm gone
  • @Abhinav30000
    The thing which ruin our whole of the life is: 'fear of impression'
  • 12 - a weak handshake 11-keeping hands in wrong position 10-chewing gum 9- avoiding eye contact 8-playing with your hair 7-picking wrong conversation topics 6-invading someone's personal space 5-making distracting noises 4-constantly checking your phone 3- forgetting people's names 2-being late 1- wrong attire You're welcome 😊
  • @ittolover6662
    I just ask "what your full name" when I don't know some ones name.😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • @kindwaychasing
    Well, the first impression is very important especially when you are applying for a job. It is also important when you communicate with others.
  • Hey guys! Do you believe there is a second chance to make a good impression?
  • Whenever I feel nervous infront of others , i try to avoid eye contact with them, focus on what they are saying, which keeps me more strength.
  • @abby-tl5ck
    When ever I forget someone’s name I ask how do you spell your name?or ask for them to make there own contact in my phone. edit: wow thank you for soo many likes
  • @nasuhahasna8069
    Having patience and meditation before and after any interview or meeting a new discussion or debate...This makes the person comfortable if it happens again ..😀😀
  • I learned from this video that there is a lot of ways that people ruin their first meeting of someone. I found it interesting how little things such as chewing gum and your hand placement has a effect on people where they look at you differently if you do these things. One benefit of the material that is presented is that you learn that normal things you do in your culture such as certain greetings are not normal to do in other cultures, then you know not to do these certain things.
  • When with friends or in a meeting, even keeping hands on your lap that means inside the table indicate that you are hiding something.
  • @soryu__
    my uncle passed the interview but he got fired after he do slight mistake. after passing interview, all candidate is taken for site visit or something like that, my uncle gave a slight pat to the interviewer shoulder, like a friend do between friend. got kicked right away. (my dad tell this and the interviewers is my dad friend, sry for bad grammar, i just want to share story)
  • @user-oi5zt9wo2d
    the tone of voice is crucial, especially in interviews or formal situations.
  • @mohamedadel9295
    very impressive. the content the back ground music, the situation, the way talking and expressing. Well done and amazing.