pov: it's night and you have a good vibe [playlist]

Published 2024-02-17

All Comments (21)
  • @Defnotchlo
    if anyones studying♫♫♫♫ ※have a drink near you (you'll end up being thirsty) i recommend coffee, tea or water to keep you relaxed and focused 😗😗 ※ have a snack! I normally keep a chocolate bar beside me when im studying, but its up to you!✍ ※ have good lighting that wont make you tired or bored. (keep a desk light on your desk or wherever you are studing) ※ i would recommend putting your phone on do not disturb so you dont have the urge to go on it!🙌🏽 ※tip for music (keep it on medium volume) so you wont get to distracted ※have pens and paper if you need them for writing notes ※have breaks throughout!! they are very important for your brain as you are processing so many things. ※have a study buddy (cat, dog ext) 🐈 ※have fun! i know studying is boring but trust me! Try using fun colours and highlighters while taking notes ※open a window! if its to warm in the room you'll feel uncomfortable x ※have a tick list! write everything you need to do then tick it off. It feels amazing when you tick everything off the list 🙌🏽 ※i normally keep a blanket when its 🤧 cold. Some times you'll decide to study on your bed! Must keep warm🕯🕯 ※ if you wear glasses or have glasses for studing, you should wear them. It helps focusing! _______________FOCUS_______ ~ chew gum if that helps🌟 ~ write in a blue pen🖋 (its a scientific reasoning that blue makes you remember things more clearly) ~study between hours of 8.00am to 6.00PM (its a good time so you dont feel tired while studing but its up to you) *if you feel like studing at late time is better then go ahead!💁🏽‍♀️ ~keep everything beside you so you dont have to get up to get things thwn find yourself doing completely something else ~set a goal for example if you finish your maths homework, you can go and watch a movie with your friends or family ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ※when writing notes dont write the things you probably wont need to revise on (key: only write the important things) 😗😗 ※keep headphones on you they maximise noise and cancel any distractions 🎧 ※your still here?! well i wish you good luck on studying and i hope you are doing well I know you can do this!♡ stay safe, gorgeous x🫶🏽 written by : Itz_Chloesta
  • @Fearnot_bunnie_
    when i started listening to this playlist,idk why..but i have this strange feeling in my stomach and throat...like butterflies lmao edit - tysm for 25 likes guyss 💖💖
  • @IcedCoffee20
    why this playlist was so good, my mind feels like floating in the air
  • ᦗ╠ 𝓣𝓘𝓜𝓔 𝓢𝓣𝓐𝓜𝓟𝓢 ╣ᦗ 0:00 = Sure thing•~ 3:18 = Sex, drugs, etc•~ 6:33 = Apocalypse•~ 11:17 = Save your tears•~ 15:01 = Midnight City•~ 18:55 = My love all mine•~ 21:24 = Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves)•~ 25:09 = Paris in the rain•~ 28:35 = The Night We Met•~ 32:04 = Let Her Go•~ 36:24 = Dandelions•~ 40:12 = Under The Bridge•~ >>BLANK SPACE<< Hope you all have an amazing morning/Night remember to rest! Love yo
  • The cover itself means the playlist is the best i would have ever heard❤❤❤,listening to it niw love it❤❤
  • @Justjay7924
    I LOVE listening to this playlist when I’m rollerblading ❤❤
  • @itsmeetime111
    damn bro the nostalgic feeling from paris in the rain 😭
  • @anoumia3821
    omg rarely see any playlist put The Wombats into <33