Extracting Still Images from Video with FFMPEG

Published 2016-10-31

All Comments (12)
  • @SoulReaper7x
    So the page this YouTuber is using for this video seems to be gone but here is the command he's using: ffmpeg.exe -ss 00:09:20 -t 00:00:30 -i input_file.mp4 -qscale:v 2 -r 10.0 output_image-%4d.jpg Of course, you should still watch the full video before using this command just so you get a decent understanding on it, so then you can change it to your own personal liking :)
  • @ilove0atmeal
    THANK YOU! Just what I needed, very clear. Thanks for taking your time to make this video.
  • @GeungSi
    HI Great video, Is there a way to extract at a specific resolution. I need to extract at 1442x1080? I would like to be able to extract 1 images from each video file.
  • @Robowil
    Well now I guess I can do an "Every [show] frame in order" page
  • @robinreso6240
    how can i convert a image sequence to a video with ffmpeg?i already done al the obvious code lines from google: ffmpeg -i DSC_%04d.JPG output.mp4....nothing......ERROR: Could not find file with path.. @t i need to run this command from linux bash?if so how can i do this from windows 10? @t need to run this from a DOSBOX? @t i have my syntax wrong? i tried everything DSC_%04d.JPG DSC-%04d.JPG DSC_%d.JPG DSC- %04d.JPG every other ffmpeg script runs just fine from command line: ffmpeg concat,transcoding,cropping and what not i am in the dark ....i hope you know a solution.
  • @FireCrauter
    Hi, how to extract only 5 or 15 frames from a video, but every 3 minutes? Here I leave my knowledge, so that you can lend me yours. ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -f image2 -vf fps=9/180 out%%d.png ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -ss 00:00:03 -frames:v 1 foobar.jpeg